Tide Poders gonna Tide...
Tide Poders gonna Tide...
>today's standards
Its been this way since Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez if not long before even that
These people are fucking retarded..
So, instead of big dicks, they fall in love with the damaged frontal lobe?
The Virgin Hogg
The Chad Cruz
>falling for the jew tricks
Masculinity has been so repressed in Western culture that women seem to find any man that shows extreme acts of aggression to be attractive just so long as its not against them. Women literally do not know what they want, they force men to feminize because muh equal rights then turn around and gravitate towards the most violent men
So they want to be the bitch who fell in love with a mass murder? As if that will not have any consequences.
Yeah I know all about the feminist "Alph Female" man clits walking around. The same stupid bitches who hate guns and thing that guns can have minds of their own.
Womens logic receptors do not mature beyond the age of 15, they are literally adult childern
it makes complete sense that women would be attracted to extremely violent men. it's usually gangsters and the like but some of them like serial killers and mass shooters as well
Well, that proves that women are intellectually inferior.
are they trying to get more losers to shoot up schools for their gun grabbing BS?
>oy vey look how much girls love him ... dont you wanna be loved?
it proves nothing of the sort, it's the same as men liking 18 year old virgins
but yes obviously women are mentally inferior
>women attracted to masculinity are retarded
If you are going to fall in love with a murderer YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID.
good post
So you are a member of Gen Z who considers psychopathy "masculine?"
>>Tfw School shooters improve white male sexual marketplace value
From pussies to psychos. Nothing gets the bitches going like unnecessary violence.
ofc its masculin, i dont aspire to be that way, but it is masculin.
You gotta shoot up a school to even have a chance at getting a gf nowadays
Who's a psychopath? He has autism and is a patsy.
also it is fucking retarded for them to publish this, are they literally trying to get more incels to shoot up schools?
grass is green
water is wet
I agree. It's like this motherfucker has been turned into a celebrity.
>Gen Z considers psychopathy masculine
Women have been attracted to Dark Triad features since the dawn of time. As have been many men. Maybe read up on it, you'll sound smarter. Not that it would be hard.
He is not a psycho, he is a tism like OP
I know right? How the hell can't these people understand such simplicity?
OP is a faggot?
I already know that. The fact that it has been happening for years does not justify the woman's lack of intelligence for admiring killers.
I look almost exactly like this kid. Big ears and everything. I also get bullied by everyone I know.
It's not even that. These guys are locked up and famous, and as such women can project all their issues on them without ever having to deal the possibility of rejection. It's reverse oneitis where the object of the crush cannot/will not break the fantasy and as such can be perpetually objectified. Them being accused of horrible things and hated by everyone (yet not fat/physically repulsive) adds to the "me against the world" fantasy in which this woman is able to get this misunderstood man.
They romanticize all these killers as misunderstood victims that only they get not as douchy alpha bad boys.
shhh anyone that kills another person has APD
flag checks out
Are you fucking retarded?
How long are you going to go on repeating the same fallacy over and over again?
>men AND women
shut the fuck up already, we heard you the first ten times. Sage this soyboy thread.
Well, that depends. If they lack empathy, then that is certainly a possibility.
God I hate being an ugly mutt. At least Im whiter than most people I know.
Female hybristophilia strikes again. But of course the issue is the guns, not the fact that there are a lot of retarded people out there.
Women are insane. More news at 11.
Checked and kekked
>>”Whiter than most people I know”
Sad state of affairs isn’t it.
fuck off brainlet... Just because something has been happening for years, centuries, etc does not mean that it is okay. There is nothing that justifies admiration for someone who is capable of such violence. NOTHING...
You seem to think that it's a recent thing judging by your earlier posts.
What do you want to hear?
That women are intellectually inferior?
They are. And so are you.
Nah it's pretty logical when you think about it. Evolutionary wise.
Though women displaying this behavior again means that they or society are devolving back to primate types of interactions, probably both.
>that face
As I told you women are more emotional leaning not logical as men tend to be. Granted its anecdotal but I one of my jobs I worked at were there was nothing but female managers was a nightmare. You had 40-50 year old women acting like teenage kids running the store like a high school clique. Women for the most part do not mature logically beyond the age of 15, everything they do is based off emotion.
¿No es ese la goblina?
Because bitches want to be be guys...
>beyond the age of 15
that's being very generous
In other words, women are fucking retarded...
Same reason the Schutzstaffel drowned in French pussy during WW2. Women's sexual strategy is amoral and I would even say that they are attracted to actual evil!
>They romanticize all these killers as misunderstood victims that only they get not as douchy alpha bad boys.
yeah but the fantasy doesn't exist without a literal mass murdering bad boy. part of the allure to girls is that they will be the special one that tames the beast.
Next you fuckers will start citing wordpress.com blogs.
I never understood that... It's such bullshit. You cannot change a person like that.
Females have always been attracted to messed up guys they think they can turn around and be loved by. It's more about the girl wanting to inflate their ego. The harder the guy to turn around the better they feel about their own worth.
>implying that Cruz was actually the shooter.
What do you mean by "okay"?
On what grounds do you pass moral judgment on human biology?
Anders Breveik has a lot of nationalistic Norwegian cuties who regularly write to him and send money to him. Some of them are as young as 16. Can you believe that shit? A guy shoots up a summer camp with people your own age then you write to him and support him? What the fuck is wrong with women?
These days you have a bunch of fucking man clit dykes walking around with penis envy. It's so fucking weird because on one hand you have helpless Charles Manson lovers on one side, and a bunch of fucking lesbo dykes on the other side.
all of these killers ever got love letters
Sure.. It's human nature to love a psychopath.
It's dumb fucks like you who continually prove that human evolution is 100% pure bullshit.
What will you justify next? Will you say "pedophilia is just human biology."