Why doesn't the Alt-Right cry over true injustices?

Why doesn't the Alt-Right cry over true injustices?

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The apes had it coming

Because it's easier to sympathize with a bloke playing a prank on his GF than a criminal who shoots at police

>illegal joke

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That’s a lot of dead black people but that sounds pretty low considering the total victims. I wonder which group of people is the most responsible for killing blacks?

edgy. you're the coolest obese guy ever

Still can't meme, why doesn't the left focus on the black killing blacks which is statistically higher.

Alt right believes in freedom to speech.
Not freedom to nigger.

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The left really can't meme.

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>One involved being jailed over free speech

>The other involves criminals being killed because they had one too many run-ins with the cops

Because killing monkeys doesn't violate human rights

Killing niggers while they're doing criminal acts is simply a public sanitation service, it's not murder.

Cringed because he’s 100% right and you have nothing except HUU HUUing.

No bump for you.

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>illegal joke
This image is satire right? Also ochako is a cuck.

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>when black people don't care when cops shoot whites and the MSM doesn't report on how blue-on-white happens more than blue-on-black, if you look at it from a purely statistical confrontations view
>but then get all mad when cops end up shooting some gangbanging black thug with even more vehemence than when that same thug does drive-by shootings in their neighborhoods


Every video i see of a black person being "abused" by the cops is literally some law breaking nigger being uppity. Its never a polite calm black person. If blacks could control themselves then the police wouldnt have to put them down.

Don't wanna get shot? Dont be a stupid uppity nigger. Easy as that.

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yeah, but you are fat though, right?

>why doesn't the alt-right care about niggers
you're retarded

Indeed. Niggers should be eradicated globally.

>not using the frog

>someone teaching their dog the heil is in the same league as nigger who attacks and murders others to steal from them
>OP is memeflag
>Uses the term "illegal joke" as if various forms of humor should be outlawed and classed in the same manner as physical violence

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how bout we reject both as an abomination to the mere concept of democracy?

>illegal joke

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They're too busy crying over white people dying in Africa, who are just getting a taste of karma.

Seriously fuck white africans.


>OP is a FAG

what an uncle tom bitch

but we do say shit: We keep complaining that it should be at least thousands a year, but they are not listening, dumb SJW-cops!

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>who are just getting a taste of karma.

You mean actually bringing civilization to a bunch of spearchuckers? Because we all know what will happen the moment South Africa goes the way of Zimbabwe. Niggers will celebrate, than starve due to being retarded, than proceed to cry for help from white western countries for financial aid.

>To speak with the truth is to be an uncle tom?

Why would I care about a bunch of criminals and welfare queens?

One is a violation of free speech, the other is killing criminals.
Police kill white criminals, too...but there simply aren't as many of them.

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I want to get sloppy with froppy

Because almost every nigger you are refrencing were committing crime and most were armed. Eat a bowl of nigger dicks faggot. And I'm not racist but I am also not retarded.

>unironically comparing apples and oranges

It's been said time and time again, the left can't fucking meme.

Welcome new friend, I’m not sure if you’ll fit in here




We're not all like you dude.

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I’m a racist and think Dankula is a piece of shit who deserves to rot in jail.
I mean, not for his “crime,” but because he’s a piece of shit.
UK is irrelevant, either way, because they gave up control of their government when they gave up their weapons.

Pic's not true, we do say we demand more dead niggers

Could it be niggers?

Karma LUL. As if South Africa won’t sink right back into a pre Stone Age hellhole without white saviors to give the niggers a decent quality of life by simple proximity to greatness.

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Where are most of these niggers killed anyway? Is it in these cities where they’re murdering each other over “muh turf”?

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I'm going to kill you faggots if you keep using my wife for your faggot shill images.

becauee more whites are killed by cops then dindus

Doesn’t the OP then insuate that the lives of black people are equivalent to, and therefore are, a fucking joke?

People should not be jailed for being a piece of shit

no there are more whites being killed by cops than niggers being killed by cops actually.

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God damn, these """"memes""" are just cringeworthy at this point. You have to at least attempt to be humorous, but I could taste the salt from whoever made this a

>Illegal joke

Yeah I think that's the problem people have

>they gave up control of their government when they gave up their weapons.
UK never had weapons being legal from what I understand. When the did the law lived in the castle with big armies and HUGE walls segregating areas and protecting the people.

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Niggers are the leading cause of nigger deaths.

I think both are horrific. What does that make me?

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“True injustices”
Nuggets starving in nigger land because there is no white man there to dig wells for them

Show your real flag, fag.

>anine poster is a sjw
Color me surprised

You forgot to change the filename.

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Is the uk a part of the UN?
This is important please answer

>One is a violation of free speech
There's no such thing

It is pretty easy. Think about knights and their honor. The honor code was only to be applied to your own kin. That means in case of knights only to other knights. The same goes with that. I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THE DINDUS, SHITSKINS ETC.

Why hasn't this faggot been banned yet? Worst fucking attempts at forcing memes since Milhouse.

Shareblue, you fucked up. Change the file name :^)

One actually infringes a man's rights, the other is less that 1% of black deaths

>no one here cares about metalface scott
>people still bite
braindead shitposters.

>Why doesn't the Alt-Right cry over true injustices?

A guy getting shot because he was escaping from police and then went for his waistband or because he was attacking a cop isn't an injustice.

Plus, the more dead niggers the better


Hundreds? Fucking lazy cops.

>you aren't allowed to kill black criminals

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>people care primarily about their own kind
if you're just going to admit we're right then what are we even debating?

They kill more whites than blacks