How are we going to make the US red Jow Forums?
>Operation Hard Left
>Infiltration of left leaning groups
>Recording and exposing radical leftism
Any ideas Jow Forums?
How are we going to make the US red Jow Forums?
>Operation Hard Left
>Infiltration of left leaning groups
>Recording and exposing radical leftism
Any ideas Jow Forums?
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The Left logo and strategy are known.... Had an idea last to turn this "blue wave" into a feeling of drowning or flooded homes ect... but my free hand drawing is shitty
This is going to be interesting. Republicans do tend to vote more in mid-terms and Democrats have way more seats that are vulnerable. The deal is the people in charge usually lose seats. Republicans probably won't have the energy we need. We will still most likely keep our majority though. Just not enough to make it to 60 seats in the Senate. The real place to look at is the House. 45 of the 50 most competitive seats are currently held by Republicans. We need to hold onto that.
Good idea.
the only sure-fire way is to get the right candidates to adopt trump policies.
>America first economics
>muh jobs
>law and order
if they keep trying to push christian values and tax cuts they lose. even 2nd ammendment shit is a loser.
immigration or bust for the republicans in 2018.
We need to push these very very far left candidates. We need the Bernie Sanders, anti 2nd amendment, pro abortion, pro high taxes, and identity political people in front of the Democratic Party
This seems important.
Republicans lost midterms with the omnibus bullshit. They could have easily won, but they fucked it.
Are you still on the Trump Train or not?
We've got to go vote to stop more monstrosities caused by the lack of a supermajority. Trump needs to get 60 votes.
all the republican seats up seem to be in pretty safe republican states.
It's sad there are uncontested sections...
We gotta get organized, support local reps and volunteer in campaigns
Both of these.
They could have gotten rid of the filibuster whenever they want. Fundamentally Congress is weak.
who cares cuck. the blue wave is coming and there is nothing we can do about it
It's the calm before the storm.
We dont even know who the candidates are yet.
Once we do, you can bet your ass the media will go apeshit on Republican candidates, either trying to accuse them of crimes or make them say they hate Trump.
When this starts happening, take a look at everyone campaigning on not wanting to work with Trump (so Democrats and some Republicans) and wait for the inevitable fuck ups on their part.
I wonder if the post midterm denile will be almost as sweet as the post election denile. Lefties are all smarm until the die is cast and they are left in the gutter
This is probably the most important thread on Jow Forums right now
Securing the midterms is very important. The most important thing you can do is to go out and vote. Also bring your (conservative) friends to vote as well. And anyone you've redpilled to vote. Aslo if you're worried about neocons and rinos, it's understandable. But right now it's important that we facilitate ourselves with republican supremacy. BTFO the dems utterly and THEN we can worry about the rinos and neocons. But the dems must be dealt with first otherwise we run the risk of losing everything. So continue to gode the left into being more radical about repealing the second amendment, get out and vote, and bring friends to vote. It's all you can do, but you can do it, and if we all do it, it'll make a difference.
Jow Forums doesn't care about politics.
>BTFO the dems utterly and THEN we can worry about the rinos and neocons.
That worked really grand for the Dems from 2006-2010, huh?
I think guns is a great issue, a lot of democrats own guns, so if we make it, that they want to take all guns away, that may cost then a vote.
Another thought is daca, I know daca kids and supporters will never vote trump, but, if we can get them to not vote at all, its the same thing. All we have to do is make them lose confidence in the democrats, and bingo, less democrat votes turn out.
One other thing you can do is if you are in a state that is a contested state that is potentially up for grabs (be it red or blue) make some posters and post them around. Like la goblina ripping up the constitution, or some facts about whatever degenerate left wing candidate is running. Stuff about the left's desire to repeal the second amendment is effective right now so that would be the best to use.
Giving a bump, cause this needs to be front page.
Maybe store volunteer work for your local republican? Get some poster boards for your yard etc...
I'm in a hot button area with Devin Nunes as my congressman.
so my parents and brother and I moved from a solid red state to one of the states that swung red in 2016. really hoping that it stays red this year. i've gotten my parents and brother all registered in the new state but now what? i'm also across the country at university atm so its hard to get on the ground and talk to people there
See this guys. Read it. Bump
Also, we need to have a general thread. /RWG/ (Red wave general)
>a lot of democrats own guns
this pisses me off
only republicans should own guns otherwise i dont know who to trust
We really can't afford to lose tbe midterms, if we win Trump can start doing what we voted for
this and every cuck will ignore it then we'll lose and cucks will wonder what happened
Just keep bumping, also we need It to be a general /RWG/ so it catches more eyes
Good luck
I am a marketing director and I have some good ideas and strategies on how we can push the country more right. We need to infiltrate and record all of the crazy leftists. We need to figure out where all of the money is coming from and expose the sources. It is really easy if you are in accounting or leadership.
>I think guns is a great issue, a lot of democrats own guns, so if we make it, that they want to take all guns away, that may cost then a vote.
That's not a bad strategy depending on the state and district.
>I know daca kids and supporters will never vote trump, but, if we can get them to not vote at all, its the same thing. All we have to do is make them lose confidence in the democrats, and bingo, less democrat votes turn out.
That's not going to work with the current direction of the national GOP under and post-Trump. A nationalist America-first ideology will drive Latino turnout and registration into the arms of Dems the same way the Civil Rights Act of 1964 drove Blacks who were already trending Dem since FDR when he integrated the Military to them (while assuring that Whites would never vote majority for Dems since).
The best that can be hoped for is as the White VAP continues its decline it will starting voting more and more like a racial bloc for the GOP (this trend has held from 2000 when 81% of the electorate was White that declined to 70% in 2016 an 11% drop, but GOP margins compared to the nation increased from 55-42 to 58-37 which was a 10 point improvement compared to the national popular votes of each election). The Dem White Coalition is still majority non-college educated despite what people have heard.
We need to start dropped small chewable cheery or grape flavored red pills on the masses.
Show the world what the left really thinks and more people will move to the right.
Showing your slightly conservative family and friends the absolute insanity of the left is a great option. Yesterday I was at a dining hall and on the tv there was a talk show with the title "is it time to reconsider the second amendment?" I sent a picture to my mother and when we talked last night she was telling me how crazy things are getting. this is coming from a woman who doesn't particularly like guns and did not like it when i bought my first gun, an AR, about a month ago
Maybe we need to cater tobeach one of our districts, find the most contested ones, and cater to them.
You've already had a year when unified government control. What's it gotten you, tax cuts amounting to $1.70 in your paycheck? Face it, your problem isn't the Democrats it's the Republicans.
This sounds familiar.
$200 extra oilbucks a month for me shill.
When you make .75 per hour from CTR any tax cut is going to look small to you desu.
Pro Gun platform. Remind people of far left cucks pushing for semi auto ban.
Keep Hogg on the news, little shit does more harm to his cause then good.
No, we've had a year quagmired by dem and a powerful deep state faggotry. Also we don't have control of tbe senate, since there are a handful of democrats with an R next to their name. We need a better margin, once we replace cucks like McCain and flake we will get shit done
That’s a bad idea the further we do that the further the bromide might follow they’ll push it as us becoming more like Europe and the center and left leaning peoople are more likely to hop on board
this mans is smart
listen to him
I really don't see an agenda that is worth defending before the midterms. This is really a problem of Congressional Leadership. The sole thing they can point to having done is tax cuts, which most people don't any real money to be taxed anyway so they don't care. We theoretically have full employment but non-existent inflation-adjusted wage growth no one is gonna care.
Moreover, after shooting their wad on the omnibus bill the GOP have basically called it quits for the rest of the near until November. If it were me I'd be pressing Trump's agenda through the summer to show voters what the purpose of his Presidency and their Congressional majorities are there for. It can't just be "Those Democrats sux teh big 1", you have to be FOR something when you are the majority. GOP SUCKS is all you need for Democrats in the minority. If it were me, I'd be focusing on a Wall+Infastructure Bill, also more trust-busting power for Trump since he's attacked Amazon, passing the RAISE Act, etc.
$200 isn't enough for most people to notice.
The filibuster should have been put up for a vote to overturn it by simple majority over a year ago. Any RINOs that voted against it could have been primaried out by now. It's all excuses.
You don't seem to understand the demographics of the democratic party and how less than half actually support anti gun stances. They bleed their core supports that are closer to moderate for far left that won't support neoliberal candidates.
Semi auto ban = no defense and girls get raped
This. Don't let it slide bros.
We need to look at primary challengers too. Let's replace the rinos
>even 2nd ammendment shit is a loser.
Not if the Democrats insist on running on gun control and putting the unlikeable Hogg in front of every camera. Still, it is a good idea to press every advantage in order to maximize our electoral capabilities.
>We dont even know who the candidates are yet.
Yes, we didn't really have an impact on the primaries. Oh well, the peril of a decentralized political movement. Still, it would be better if we were actually running "our" candidates rather than "the slightly less bad" candidate. We'll have to settle for the second option in a lot of races.
We can mitigate if we starting memeing the primaries now.
>red wave
>not calling it Red Tide
The problem is that national political strategy can't be planned in a single thread. We probably need another website. A website where we can focus on particular races. Particular house districts and Senate seats. We should have had this website up and running a year ago to be honest. And where we can keep our discussion going for more than an hour. Not Discord or other major websites. The Left runs most of those. I mean a completely new website all it's own.
This brings up a problem. How do you concentrate memes on these races? With the Presidential election, we were dealing with a national electorate. But here, things need to be "targeted" to specific areas. We can't just flood the memezone. We need direction and coordination. At this point, a lot of primaries have already come and gone, and we don't "have people" in some of the more important primary races so we don't even know who to support. Once again, these are things that should have been organized elsewhere and months ago. Also, we as individuals might have to become more comfortable with running for office. We might not feel we are up to it. But then, the same could be said of most current officeholders.
I'm sure we have at least 1 person in each contested area.
What are the top 10 places 18 to 21 year olds go to in both IRL and online? Where do gamer teens get their memes? These are the places we need to drop red pills.
In theory. In practice, how informed are they on the local political scene? And how reliable can their "reports" be? I know a lot about national politics, but couldn't tell you anything about who runs the county. I think that's true of a lot of us. Because we are basement dwellers who don't socialize much. And at the local level, you spend more time with actual people and less time with abstract ideals. Things become a lot more personal in nature. We're going to have to make a major sacrifice for our beloved nation and the cause of preserving it from Leftism. We're going to have to: Socialize. And go to Local Party meetings. And run for office. And give interviews. And knock on doors. And hand out Pamphlets. And run phone banks. And organize fundraising dinners. And promise a few favors for potential donors. And politick.
I couldn't agree more. We need to get out into the open and help. We can't afford a low turn out this year.
Won't happen. The right has gotten complacent and dejected, while the left is fired up and eager for a counterattack.
You are witnessing the last gasp of red America.
literally discord and reddit
Personally, I can't do much at the moment because I'm moving this year. Once I settle in to my new apartment, however, I'll be free to get involved. And when I say "we" I mean "we." I haven't exactly been all the involved myself. I've voted in every election except last year (it was pointless even by off year election standards) since I turned 18. But I have not gotten more "involved" then that. I realize that has to change. I never really thought of myself as the "political activist" type, even though I've had a borderline obsession with politics since I started High School. But in these darkening times it might just be time to leave my comfort zone and actually do something. A lot of us "outcasts" and "basement dwellers" who usually stick to ourselves are going to have to go out there promote our cause. We all have to make sacrifices and work for what we believe in. Just watch your power level. We want to help our cause, not hurt it. On a related note, avoid getting drunk in public. It seems to be an activist killer and I don't mean that literally.
By stopping the gop and DNC from being deep state butt buddies
>North Dakota
>West Virginia
And most importantly...
These are the states that will determine the course of the Senate, if the Republicans can take all of them (including the seats that they'll need to defend) they're filibuster-proof. If they only take a handful of these state they still control the majority and still present a desirable outcome. These are the states where we need to focus our mementics.
Now I mentioned Missouri explicitly before, that's because the particular seat up for grabs belongs to Clair McCaskill, so its a bigger target for us.
>inb4 who's she?
She's the rural counterweight within the Democratic party, a major player in the senate and the 'party establishment' proper, and the linchpin to keeping the Democrats competitive in rural states. She's become a figurehead within the party thanks to her ability to re-entrench the Democratic party in the South and the mid-west. She's also a stanch critic of Clinton, Burnie, and the whole progressive side of politics altogether. Losing her election would give 'Bernie-crats' and the more radical progressives much more power over determining the party platform, which will in turn weaken their ability to have broad voter appeal. Which will perpetuate this feedback loop.
She is the first domino we need to tip.
Why do you think Maine is a better prospect than Montana?
>Let's elect some Republicans who are going to bend over to big business!
The absolute state of /nupol/
The Problem is Congress. Trump can't do shit without looking like a tyrant unless Ryan and Mconnel get booted
Hi, share blue
>Hi, share blue
Yes! Every opinion you don't like is a shill. Keep electing republicans! Those factories will come flying back and the border will be closed!
Here's a list of candidates to support in the midterms. OP please include this:
We should try to primary as many Republicans that voted for the omnibus as possible. They need to be punished so that others learn from their betrayal. Michael Grimes is running against open borders Dan Donovan in New York's 12th district. Dan voted for the omnibus and supports amnesty for the dreamers. Let's put Grimes back in that seat.
> muh "big business" meme
> cant trust those dirty republicans.. they arent perfect!!!
> gonna give the lefties One. More. Chance... to usher in their communist utopia by assraping the small businesses, big businesses and everything in between
> definitely gonna work this time guys.
> i mean... bernie! hes a "democratic socialist", not a commie!
> distinction without difference
but hey, at least when you go to gulag, you can be certain your labours will enrich a few "intellectual vanguard" plutocrat apparatchiks, not some evil publicly traded company thats actually owned by the "proletariat" through their 401ks and investment portfolios.
yeah, good times.
From that picture. It looks like you googled generic reaction pictures. You guys arn't even original.
We need to identify the races where Republicans are in the most danger of losing or being unseated.
Then we need to start threads for those states /Generals/. Get the anons from those states and districts aware. Awareness is the first step to action. When these anons take action, even the smallest action, this leads to further awareness of their friends, family, and pier groups, thus perpetuating further action.
Then each and every user needs to research and find the political race that is most in danger of going blue in their state/region. This will be your objective and should be your main focus. All politics is local, as the saying goes.
Next, start a /General/ thread on Jow Forums to reflect this specific race.
Learn Photoshop or recruit others that are already experts.
Do research on the opposition. Search their twitter, facebook, voting history etc. Search for anything that is insane, anti-American, Marxist, etc. Screen cap and use this against them.
At the same time, find any qualities, facts, quotes of the conservative candidate that will look good to the normie voters
Now, using this discovered info it's time to make memes. Make memes. Make Memes. Keep them short and simple. Just the facts.
Start a /General/ thread on Jow Forums for your state. Drop all the info and memes you gathered. Keep creating threads until your anons from your state come to help.
These midterms are probably the most important in the history of the US.
The democratic candidate for Montana is a decade long incumbent. And as it presently stands, the Republican candidate hasn't even been announced yet. Whereas in Maine the 'Democratic' incumbent isn't even a Democrat, is still in his first term, and the Republican is running from the state legislature which may give him an advantage depending on his legislative performance. Of course this could change depending on who the Republicans pick for the Montana nom. but as it is now Maine is the better bet.
>Can't even deny Republicans will vote away your birthright to increase shareholders' profits
Only Texas and Illinois have had their primaries.
You can tell who are shills, by how they use old stale, over used memes and reaction photos. It's sad really.
I can, but i just had to point out to what stuck out to me first.
>doesn't deny the use of stale memes
>Implying I said anything about Democrats
Show me one major right wing legislature passed in the last 50 years. I'll wait
Dude both of Montana's candidates have long since been announced.
Matt Rosendale for Senate
Greg Gianforte for Congress.
*piece of llegislation
> uses old tired memes
> must be a shill
> arguments mean nothing, its all about the animu images!
Define "major right wing legislature".
Try to keep the gun grabbing goblins in the public eye as long as possible
List of candidates to support in upcoming elections. Everyone needs to review and spread this:
>Going to dive into petty arguments about semantics
You already lost.
Wait are you telling me the democrats who are importing hordes of brown people to drop wages in tech and manual labor aren't in the pocket of big business?
ill give you ONE, just one.
you dont deserve more.
The US is already red, one of the reddest points in history and it honestly isn’t doing much good.
You can learn a lot about someone by the tools they use.
They are. You guys are just retarded to think the Republicans do anything differently except fuel the MIC more
>Signed by Bill Clinton
Fucking kek
The redder it gets the harder it is to organise just enough turncoats to shut down every bit of decent legislation.
How's this?
The GOP is completely beholden to the MIC but at least they aren't anti-white Marxists.
>defining your terms is a major part of the debate process
If you can't simply do that, then you can you change the goal post, it would be a waste of time arguing with you.
Oh shit, my bad, I've been using 270towin to see who's running and the lazy fucks haven't updated Montana I guess