This is all of Jow Forums
This is all of Jow Forums
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this actually is all of you
you can clearly see grampa and dad where brainwashed to attack there own kind.
the spell is finnaly over when grandson and son of grandson are older
What about all the antifa running around with hammers and sickles, in spite of the fact we fought communists for HALF OF A CENTURY following WW2? Worse, correct?
>there was bloodshed in Cold War
t. brainlet
>only ugly people are bad
>all the antifa running around
>H-hey we fought a war against X group of people 70 years ago, that means anything you say is invalid, oh btw you're a racist fatty poo poo head well looks like my intellectual superiority wins again
This is you, literally
Communists are objectively worse than Nazis in terms of death count.
Ipso facto, if being a commie is socially acceptable, then just mind you business when I drop some hard Js and N-bombs.
leftists are so much better right
>Japan sneaks and attacks America.
>Hitler declares war on America.
>Americans go to defend themselves.
>70 years some retards claim this was all America's fault and Hitler dindu nuffin.
>muh holodohoax
>muh 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 killed by gommunism
>This is all of Jow Forums
You wish.
Don't let the meme flag fool you.
I'm pretty good looking, very fit and educated
Do not to confuse educated with indoctrinated.
>all the antifa running around
can’t go a day without tripping over at least a dozen or so of those guys. Truly a very real and vocal group
who cares commie cucks did the same back in the 70's when we were STILL fighting communists
None of my ancestors fought in World War 2 because one half was too busy being massacred and imprisoned by the commies, and the other half was either too young or too old. Glad I can proudly say my family had no part in helping the Marxist conquer the west.
>Hitler declares war on America
Do you even history, user?
>obviously doesn’t live in California
This phenomenon is genetic by the way.
>the spell is finnaly over
then why they became ugly
The US was waging war from the beginning, but Hitler did indeed declare a formal war on the US and bring the honor of combat to the conflict.
>one half was too busy being massacred and imprisoned by the commies,
These statements are pure delusion
I was at the Battle of Berkeley.
and it's beautiful.
Because it's commie propaganda.
Actually the same thing is true of my maternal side. They were East Prussian, and barely escaped deportation to Siberia by the Red Army.
Why do niggers kill each other so much?
Holodomor was before the Cold War you fucking moron
What is Korea? What is Vietnam? What is risking nuclear war over multiple occasions? Are you that fucking retarded?
not propagandhi, shitty comic
>Do you even history, user?
I'm just gonna take a moment here to appreciate the irony of your mental retardedness.
>sources N/A
Most Americans that fought in WW2 would have rather lost the war, than to give blacks equality, but i dont see you bringing THAT up as some form of betrayal of their ideals.
December 11th 1941
Fun fact, no one died of starvation during the Great Depression, which you faggots blame on Capitalism, but there's loads of evidence that support the Holodomor
Jokes on you, both sides of the family were Nazis.
The one on my father's side was a Waffen SS Obersturmfüher.
And my mother's side was a luftwaffe Gefreiter.
simple tribal warfare mixed with handguns
my grandparents on the side of my dad are french/german. apparently my Gmother couldnt resist the BNC (big nazi cock). anyway that means im allowed to like nazis, fuck off OP
>Jow Forums
>Being outside
Wtf I love communism now.
Most Americans that fought in WW2 also acknowledged race realism. So evidently, the Nazis were beaten by “LITERALLY NAZIS.”
I would love to see a fucking source.
He declared war on America because America declared war on Japan and Germany had to honor their alliance. I doubt Hitler wanted to go to war with America
It's the little brainwashed college commie faggot that keeps posting on here. This nigga needs to open up a book. All of his arguments are high school level and are immediately debunked. He just won't learn his lesson
My grandpa was a waffen SS sergeant tho.
Good. If they didn't want to get deported from their native land, they shouldn't have supported genocidal war against Slavs and other Soviet peoples.
The bigger joke is how easy it is to bait all of you. Give more false personal information.
Whatever you say. All I want is retribution.
Hitler: "I know Americans don't want a war with Germany, and we aren't their enemies."
Also Hitler: I am declaring war on Americans because they were always against us."
I like this though, it's a pretty naked way they convey what their values really are which is
>looking good
God forbid the GI is ugly or the Nazi and his son look good. Because then our retarded message might fall apart. But really though there really is no values on display here besides
>looking good
The sort of person who made this comic would literally make the inverse if society was centered around fascism, because the clear implication here is that the man is ugly for his beliefs, which are contrary in the author's mind of what the noble views were of the previous two generations. The author makes a retarded reach by claiming objective beauty exists by proxy, which is something his message of muh Nazis goes directly counter too.
>He declared war on America because America declared war on Japan and Germany had to honor their alliance. I doubt Hitler wanted to go to war with America
Great another retard.
Search up something called pearl harbor.
Jow Forums Is mostly people of colour larping as white people. Sad
False personal information?
Whatever makes you feel better about your worthless family.
And I know its bait, but I'm taking it because why not? Cant fight the shills anymore.
stalin gassed fags
Do you, nigger mutt?
Just a few days after pearl harbor hitler declares war on the usa.
Why? Who the fuck knows it's literally hitler.
So your belief is that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor with zero provocation? Do a little more digging. Your (((professors))) forgot to give you a few details.
Grover Furr
J. Arch Getty
Ludo Martens
Ian Grey
Robert C. Allen
Davies and Wheatcroft from Rutgers University
All are goyim historians who BTFO the Holodohoax lie
>He declared war on America because America declared war on Japan
Japan launched a surprise attack that amounted to declaration of war. Fuck you people are stupid.
>your great grandparents died fighting the last hope europe had so you should accept your country being overrun by niggers and fags
>hate Jews for being a fifth column with no loyalty to their home country
>hate Americans for NOT being being a fifth column with no loyalty to their home country and instead rallying in droves to do their patriotic duty and defend their adopted homeland
Literally pick one and only one you fucking faggot
>Great another retard.
>Search up something called pearl harbor.
If you look it up yourself it literally proves his statement is correct.
>but there's loads of evidence that support the Holodomor
Evidence like the CIA, the "Crimes of Communism foundation" (run by Zionist neocons like George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld), fraudulent discredited books like "The Black Book of Communism", etc.
The lighting is off, but I'm white.
Enjoy your ban for a rulebreaking thread.
>loyalty to jews is loyalty to your home country
Kill yourself, fucking memeflaggot
The SS didn't have sergeants. They had SS-Under Company Leaders, but not sergeants. You should keep your larping to t_d, they love that shit over there.
dios mio...
Lack of intelligence
Thank god for it though...less niggers around for us
Soviets Dindu Nuffin
I have a better picture
>being this retarded
>American education
Germany wasn't responsible for Pearl Harbor you fucking retard, Japan was. Sure it was a declaration for war, but Germany only declared war on the US after the US declared war on Japan you dumbass. I know they don't teach you that in (((History))) class but it's true
Bless you, user.
>you're a tool of International Jewry if you defend yourself from Jap/Kraut aggression
Fuck off and move back to your beloved Germany if you love it so much.
>western edgelord tankies deny the great leap forward was bad
Wew lad. You do realize that people in mainland China don't deny that a shitton of people died in the GLF, right? You should seriously talk to any old mainland Chinese person, they will tell you all about how shit the famines were.
t. studied in China
>I don’t use sources that debunk the ideas that I like
>more gibs plz
I was only but a small part of something larger, but thanks.
>nazis r ebil
>communists r ebil
Whoa that's some real cultural appropriation there
My only solace is neither Communists nor Fascist's will ever have their dreams accomplished. However if Fascist's do take power then at least they'll actually save our economy by killing off the retards
>communism cant be made by jews because it destroys societies the exact thing jews want to happen to its enemies
are you dying?
>the reason le grandson is 56% rather than pure huwite is because grandpa helped open the borders and gave niggers rights.
Checks out.
Just look at the Khmer Rouge. I know it had nothing to do with the Holodomor, but millions were killed by the government and many more died from famine
>Robert C. Allen
Nah, Jow Forums is anti-social media, nobody cares about how "edgy" the joke is funny is funny, and the establishment is jewish. The anime... well, for many years I refused it, and I hated it... but it turned out there was next to no non-degenerate content to veg over, so what the hell, lesser of many evils. If it was a perfect world and I had more to do when I got home, sure, wasting time with that degenerate filth is worthy of death. Sometimes reading, working out, and fucking your gf isn't enough to pass the time.
Here is a quick rundown of events since multiple retards are plaguing the thread:
>Allies win WW1.
>France wants to punish the Germans for humiliating it before. America greatly opposed this and wanted Germany not to be humiliated.
>England sides with France. America leaves pissed off.
>America helps Germans build their nation and supports them through their hard times.
>The great depression happens. Everyone is hit hard.
>Hitler takes over and fixes German's economy.
>Lots of people think he's a great leader and respect him for saving Germany (Especially Americans).
>Hitler acts aggressive.
>France wants to go in, but England wants to end it diplomatically.
>Chamberlain appeases Hitler in everything.
>Hitler keeps being aggressive though (One could make the case for it, but it can't be denied that he was aggressive).
>Poland asks France and UK for protection (They stopped an invasion from the USSR and fear German invasion). UK and France agree to protect them.
>Hitler makes a pact with the communists to invade Poland.
>Stalin tricks Hitler into attacking a lot earlier.
>UK and France declare war on him. Stalin makes his move knowing the allies won't start a war with him too.
>UK for a year does nothing, just puts up a defensive line and tries to fix the problem diplomatically.
>Hitler invades all of Europe. British soldiers barely escape in Dunkirk. Ok brits give up on diplomatic solutions now. Hitler wants war.
>Meanwhile, the US is trading with all sides. Sees Japan becoming hostile to US territories.
>America stops trading with Japan until it signs a treaty promising not to attack us.
>Japs respond by attacking PH, Hitler declares war right after.
>Americans go to fight Hitler and Japs.
Here you go a timeline.
The level of jew in this post is over six goriilion