Look at these animals, what does it to them?
Is it soy? Is estrogen the FEV virus?
Are trannys even human?
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I've seen this pic a lot here is this real? This has to be photoshopped.
only alitte shopped. the original isnt much better
yes, yes goyim
you're truly female now doesnt it feel great?
dysgenics. Inbreeding + 'race', ie -clade-mixing. when the genetic material is too similar or too disparate, you get aberrations, mutations etc.
'''life sucked as a man. Might as well try being a woman.''
they don't even try to be passable, just ugly dudes with a wig
Exactly. These creatures are "men" who had no ability to be a man. They dreamt so hard of a relationship borne of someone being romantically assertive to them that they had no choice to become women, who, in our society, do not need to be assertive to be successful in the abstract. They only have to exist and wait for some poor schmuck to give their everything to them.
They identify with the womanly role in society more than they identify with the characteristics of womanhood. Feeling that they are women is an acknowledgment of their weakness as men. And it doesn't even solve the what's at the heart of their issues, which is why the suicide rate for transexuals is astronomically higher than any other demographic and why they lobby so hard against "transphobia".
Truly the biggest disgrace of the human race is that we're moving toward tolerating it.
>They dreamt so hard of a relationship borne of someone being romantically assertive to them that they had no choice to become women
it would be much easier to become gay for them then
Many of them are. But for many others, the determination that they are gay and not a woman deep down would demolish their obsession with the passive, womanly role with respect to men in a traditional relationship. Being a feminine man is not the same as being feminine.
are you a tranner? i mean it's a very common for them to look down at gays like that
Holy smokes.
Serious question, what did these people do in earlier times? Die of easily preventable diseases? Get stabbed to death? Thrown off a cliff at birth?
They all look great
actual transsexual reporting in
look my hormone levels were so fucked up i was pregnant woman levels of estrogen and it has nothing to do with anything.
These people look and act like fucking faggots because they are fucking faggots okay?
They arent women.
They are just men playing fucking pretend who are too fucking ashamed of being a transvestite crossdresser, so they latch onto the transsexual identity and the leftist pc faggots allow them to hide in their faggoty little safe spaces instead of telling them fucking reality.
So people like me who are actually transsexual and are fucking horrified by these fucking abominations to god pretending to be me when they are fucking violating EVER SINGLE FUCKING CORE IDEAL I have that makes up my entire reality and they just all fucking over it like its nothing makes me understand why there is no fucking god.
Actual. Still not too far off, though.
Of course it is shopped, unless Coneheads are real. But it is a "female" with male-pattern baldness.
I thought that head was photo shoped at first
someone post the webm
wtf is this rant
were you born with some intersex condition? wtf is "core ideal"?
I'd put a baby in it.
does this picture and op's picture give you an idea of what i consider core values?
you know...things like acting like a normal fucking woman.
being self aware of your body
having gender dysphoria
Jow Forums always makes fun of these sorta pictures but its not like Jow Forums meet ups look any better.
Image of the average Jow Forums user
How dare those abominations tarnish the home of the world's best burger with their presence.
True /pols/ dont go to meet ups. Better stay home than be like those ridiculous soyboy fags
The FEV makes creatures arguably superior to humans when successful. These abominations are not superior to anything in any way.
There hasn't been a single Jow Forums meetup, only reddit. Our meetup is the DOTR.
>Are trannys even human?
Who cares leave them be.
is it stefonknee on the right? she might be a fetishist but she seems to be a real trans, not like being a trans saves you from having a fetish and you know when somebody breaks in 50+ the break probably doesn't look pretty
i don't buy that trutrans rhetoric too, and it damaged many people who wasted their crucial years because they were told they weren't true
you don't know how other person's dysphoria might look like. just because that tranny is a hon doesn't mean she doesn't have gd
>compile list of unstable trannies on Reddit/twitter/tumblr
>Start tracking their mental breakdowns and happy spikes
>Start a betting site on how long they will last before 40%ing
>TS:GO lotto
>Make money to start ww3
Whos in?
Forgot to add
>Jackpot of guess exact day/time/way to an hero
Go ask /lgbt/. Maybe they're all reptilians.
*casts fireball towards you*
>Who cares leave them be.
it's not like trannies keep to themselves. they push their degeneracy into everything like the attention whores they are. they insist on "converting" kids because trannies "pass" the best when they get brainwashed young.
trannies are only okay when they're passable
faggot poofter
if fucking trannies is wrong, I don't want to be right
> "According to ZAX 1.2, the sterility is the result of the FEV seeing "half-cells" (haploid gametes) as genetic damage and correcting it."
> "Upon expression, the FEV genes typically increase muscle and brain mass"
If it only was FEV...
>he seems to be a real trans
youre fucking joking right?
hes an adult baby diaper fetishist into ageplay
he is the exact definition of a pervert and clearly does not have dysphoria
he made a suicide threat on the day of his daughters wedding because she asked him to dress nice and not show up in lolita clothing
if you still have any fucking doubt then go fuck yourself
Why do most of them look like Ted Cruz?
its MLP
It's odd...none of them have soy mouth.
Did they evolve past it?
>when you attend a celebratory consumption of mass quantities and you're the least alien being in the room
The ancient chrono physics of temporal crystals combusted.
>FEV virus
>forced evolution virus virus
she is a fetishist and tranner, so
also that poem is pretty /lit/, saying it as an avid poetry reader
post it on /lit/ uwu
The Last Supper, current year style.
the only guy on the pic with the closed mouth is the most effeminate
That... thing bothers me too. I just want to it "it", because it has no obvious male or female features, it's just a hodgepodge of both jumbled together.
Why would anyone want to be like THAT?
Why do nu-male guys do that?
that's alot of goblins in one place
>Why would anyone want to be like THAT?
i suspect it's the poison of feminism]
similar to pic related etc
that tranny seems to have a nice body and could probably pass with a wig and makeup, but...
Jesus fucking christ
Who gives a fuck.
Unironically, me.
When they transition early they look fine.
The fuck?
This isn’t a fucking tranny...
Back off abomination
I would argue that trannys have given up their humanity.
Similar to a person who thinks they are a horse and tries their best to adopt a lifestyle that is in complete contradiction to their natural biological condition.
The difference is we don't celebrate the people-horse and make them jump fences, or pull carts.
Are these guys gay or what
There is no Jow Forums meetup
if you are lucky and/or you get ffs it can work even late too
This is actually a great idea. Way better then faggy sports betting
Would bunga bunga.
their pronoun should be "it"
i refuse to call them anything else
Fucking Trannies...
somebody, make cosmo wear brackets already
looks like the average amerimutt/fly-overstate/trumpvoter/4chantranny
“any% no skip” doesn’t look bad, though.
need the chopfast webm
I feel bad for the ones that don't transition early, since the average response to trans girls depends almost entirely on how well they pass.
Is Fallout /our/ future
Yes, we draw closer and closer to that timeline each day we live.
Yo, that kinda looks like LeafyisHere.
Aids Skrillex has really let himself go.
We do not grant you the rank of Jedi master
There is something wrong with your country, i don't see any of these things.
Gender dysphoria should be a criminal offense
Think again
That man needs to be locked up in prison for being an evil tranny abomination
Chewbacca is good, trannies are evil
Yes they are human. Its the hormones they take that make them different. Transwomen are better than ciswomen because you can fuck them as much as you want without worrying about making them pregnant.
>Transwomen are better than ciswomen
You should be arrested
Pro tranny swine
Arrested for what?
Ask and you shall receive.
But you gotta fuck them in the shit pipe, or a "pussy"...that may be constructed from a shit pipe.