Let's get honest with ourselves, Jow Forums
America is on the decline. My vote for Trump was a waste. Nothing is saving the American identity that I know and love.
Let's get honest with ourselves, Jow Forums
America is on the decline. My vote for Trump was a waste. Nothing is saving the American identity that I know and love.
time to move to south America and start over I guess
Trump's fortitude has never failed him in his endeavors. He will fight unremittingly to restore America’s luster as the shining city upon a hill. His readiness to meet any challenge, regardless of the circumstances, will help us in the last stretch of the battle. We have yet to mount the summit before we finally stake our claim and fly our banner, so don't lose hope and stand steady. He needs your energy!
Never give up!
shut the fuck up you stupid fucking boomer get off Jow Forums
You voted for accelerationism, not saving the country. That's the only criteria you should be using when voting: How will this candidate contribute to accelerating America's decline?
Burning it down and rebuilding from the ground up is the only way America is going to get back to where it needs to be.
fuck does this word salad mean?
Paul Ryan = Ubercuckservative
There never was an "American Identity".
You should do yourself a favour and kys
Get the fuck our of here, Leftist. No one believes your faggot meme flag.
Hot, would fap but at work. Shucks.
The few of you Amerisoys that are actually of European descent, feel free to abandon ship and come back to Europe, we're going to need you when shit gets real here, and it will.
you and op are low-T
your idea is no different than the one proposed by the far left
Please describe what the "American Identity" consisted of.
pic related speaks for itself
That's not an identity unique to Americans, that's a feature that's shared by literally every person of European descent on the planet.
You may want to catch up on some reading while you're at it. The following books will explain it far better than a paltry Jow Forums post.
assuming ww3 wont make everything we want possible
Europe won't take us
Every person of European descent doesn't necessarily come from a country where its racial identity is explicitly stated in a govt. document.
Also, see It covers the theological, ideological, and cultural heritage of United States.