Before this thread gets deleted can someone tell me why the fuck Hogg and his merry band of cunts are not being do**ed? Pizzas, hookers, the lot sent relentlessly to every single member of the family, where they work, their friends, relatives 24/7. Anyone that starts trying to get sponsors of conservatives to quit should get the same treatment.
Before I joined this place I heard so much about Jow Forums and that you were feared. Now you just bitch about how you don't like people all day and never do fuck all about it. Jow Forums should be fucking ruining these people and make them scared to ever tweet again.
It worked with Mr Big nipples, he deleted his account, had family begging to stop and renouncing him. He comes back after a while and no one does fuck all and he is back at it again.
he's already a joke and people know it faggot, he hops from one issue to another calling for boycotts, subtle threats like he is actually someone, gets rejected from 4 colleges and then cries about it because he thinks he's a celebrity and deserves a spot for being a faggot who wasn't even at the school on the day of the shooting.
he's already lost.
Nicholas Bell
Jow Forums is a board of peace. we never engage in these activities
Kayden Powell
The fact that every single college who he applies to denies him should be enough to let everyone see how the real world works. No college wants him because they know he's a faggot.
Robert Sanchez
Do you realise how many companies he has got to boycott conservatives, he is getting 10s of thousands of likes, dominating MSM and is immune from criticism. GTFO. This kid has done more in a few weeks than Jow Forums has managed in it's entirety since Trump was nominated.
Logan Harris
Lincoln Murphy
No it's because his grades were not good enough and he would have already been rejected internally before he ever got famous. You're the second faggot that's said the to me already. Strange.. Almost scripted.
Joshua Rivera
he is merely a good goyim puppet, you think there aren't millions being pumped into this (((movement)))?
you think there aren't people behind the scenes convincing companies that they'll get heat from the press if they don't bow down to this faggot?
Obviously I regognise this. But if what I said was happening to these faggots, I can assure you it would seriously wound them and make many think twice.
Would you speak out if your family, familys work, friends, friends work, relatives and relatives work were getting doxxed 24 hours per day, sent thousands of takeaways from all across town and pretty much if it can be hired or rented would be sent all day every day, phones and mobiles ringing non stop emails bombarded. I don't think so. It's the only way atm.
FBI I am not advocating this, I'm just curious why Jow Forums has lost it's way. Please don't kill me.
The most effective weapons against him; >Ignore the faggot >Meme the goblin There's not much else to it. Misrepresent his points as repulsive to normies. Ingram messed up by attacking him, which is what you're inviting with your proposed initiative about pizzas/hookers. Nipple-le-gate worked because he was memed, not because you SWAT'd him.
Adam Perez
Hopefully he don't get in nowhere.
John Adams
The only people who care are u shills
Jayden Watson
Maybe they don't want his fbi dad to bring another false flag op for target practice.
Chase Sullivan
Do you really think 90% of the left or normies give a fuck. You can't win debates or prove nothing on Twitter.
He left because his family were doing their absolute nuts and begging people to stop all over social media. Even the auntie was in tears. Not because he had fucking big nipples.
Carson Allen
Hi, moron that's the (((echo chamber))) not real life.
Lincoln Reyes
He hasn’t done shit. (((They))) are laundering (((their))) socialist agenda through children to make it more palatable to dumb fucks like you.
Samuel King
Ok man, call in some pizzas. Go for it.
Lincoln Russell
It's spreading like a cancer and getting bigger and bigger everyday. If you can't see that it's not a snowball affect then you have obviously never read a history book. 1 inch at a time and before you know it you are 1 mile down the road wondering how the fuck you got there. Some of the worlds largest companies are boycotting conservatives left right and centre and is growing every single day.
Gavin Perez
If it did not work they wouldn't fucking do it would they. Just because you are redpilled and can see through the shit, it does not mean everyone else does.
Justin Myers
Hi moron, it is literally real life. As in having a very real and tangible effect on reality unlike you Jow Forums babbies. SAD.
Jacob Martinez
I wouldn't do something like that... I'm just enquiring why Jow Forums has stopped doing it.
Noah Clark
That fucking idiot didn’t get into an omega tier state school that accepts even the dumbest dindus? He’ll probably go into twink porn.
Isaiah Butler
This faggot gets it.
Isaac Edwards
because Jow Forums has lost it's fun aspect. We no longer raid shit or dox people or wreak havoc on the internet. We just complain about shit now.
Thomas Watson
I don't think any college will accept him, he is a cis gendered straight white male
Jace Bennett
>go into twink porn *start getting paid for
Grayson Evans
I seem to remember reading a few history books of states getting the young mobilized. I suggest you read them. Keep burying your head in the sand as it doesn't affect you directly, sitting in your room wanking over anime.
>why the fuck Hogg and his merry band of cunts are not being do**ed? What's the point? He's doing a damn spiffy job of making himself, and his entire movement, look like a bunch of clowns. Doxxing is a methodology that revolves the threats of physical violence, and is reserved when you cannot refute an argument.
Luke Powell
There has been non stop Hogg threads 24/7 with everyone trying to prove they hate him with the most, with the most offensive words or how much they want to punch him in the face. Sad.
Eli Ross
A very good point. No one seems to care what’s beneath the surface and the lazy and stupid are easily conned into complacency with whatever (((they))) tell them to think. We can’t underestimate (((their))) dirty tricks. We have to take their sheckles.
Oliver Morris
This guy is right out of the Red Guard playbook.
Levi Walker
Shills want you to focus on Hogg and El Goblino.
The real meat is Kasky who runs a child-trafficking ring in Haiti, and Nikolas Cruz who was adopted from his agency. Someone needs to do** Cruz, that way liberals won't virtue signal because he's the alleged shooter and also he's actually the patsy who was framed by the kikes.
Dylan Lopez
>Before this thread gets deleted can someone tell me why the fuck Hogg and his merry band of cunts are not being do**ed?
They are.
Asher Thomas
I bet many people have said exactly the same thing thougout history and it's always ended in tears.
>Don't do it goy, he will destroy himself. TRUST ME. Just sit back and do nothing.
Gabriel Powell
Also, BOTH of Cruz's parents died more than 6 months ago. MSM has not reported, even ONCE, where he was living in the last 6 months. NOTHING. AT. ALL.
That's why shills keep spamming threads about Hogg/Goblin. Don't get distracted.
Juan Ramirez
>Head in the sand Coming from Londonstan filled with dune coons. And who the fuck taught you how to read English Mohamed?
Gavin Perez
He obviously has multi-million pound backers and it probably leads right to the top. He is being used like a puppet. Anyone that says it's not working is either dumb or a shill. He is creating a movement in the USA and many people are getting on board. 90% of normies just hear soundbites and these cunts won't debate anyone for a reason.
Hunter Smith
He has sorcery behind his movement... I guarantee it
Isaac Torres
Let them get on board. Speed this civil war up. The 2A isn't going anywhere without blood.
Asher Long
>Coming from Londonstan filled with dune coons. And who the fuck taught you how to read English Mohamed?
The exact reason you should be trying to stop this movement as it grows every fucking second. You're delusional if you think it's not working.
Asher Gomez
Continuing to pay attention to him, even in a negative way, only serves to keep this little faggot relevant. He's an unlikable, arrogant child, and will wear out his welcome with the normies soon enough
Jaxson Williams
Camden Miller
I'm sure that's what everyone was saying about Trump?
I think you forget what's it's like to be a normie. They don't think the same way as us. They can't filter out bullshit. This movement has MSM tied up, pop culture, celebrities, nationwide school walkouts the whole lot.
Putting it into clarification. I have never in 5 years seen anyone talked about as much as this kid on social media. He is completely dominating. Even if he fucks some things up, bad press is better than no press. Just look at Trump.
Why would you do that? This little faggot is revving up the Republican base. There was no enthusiasm in the party. Finally conservatives have a reason to vote in the midterms. This is the hill that Democrats will die on. They're so blinded with rage towards Trump and so eager for leadership or any type of victory they can't even see what's happening.
Wyatt Turner
For instance. Trip advisor... Why is Jow Forums not mobilising against the boycotter companies. Shilling the fuck out of the website, messing up hotel ratings of all the big chains so they all get fucked off with TripAdvisor. Money talks and they won't take that shit. Back in the day we could have ruined them.