How do we keep liberals from taking our guns?
How do we keep liberals from taking our guns?
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Use them when they try.
By using our guns as the founders intended.
I dunno. Shoot them, I guess.
kill yourself, then you won't have to worry day in and day out about your precious little guns, captain microcock
Wait till they actually start taking your guns and then beat the shit out of them for robbing you.
>muh founders
This. Plenty of armed Americans arrived at Cliven Bundy's side for a hell of a lot less.
If you think George Washington was a founder, you're a brainlet.
>How do we keep liberals from taking our guns?
You don't. gg next map ez~
You’re a fag.
Defend the constitution fucking mutt.
>Using the whisky rebellion to argue for communism
Fucking faggot.
>Historian Richard B. Morris in 1973 identified the following seven figures as the key Founding Fathers: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington.[2][3]
Just keep laughing at them. 90% of the people at the Kidz March were adults. It was literally the same Soros people from the Womyns, pink pussy hat, march. What did that accomplish? Its just more autistic screeching.
Thanks for admitting you're a brainlet.
stop spreading your (((viruses))) everywhere
So, we have guns, and know how to use them.
They don't have guns, but expect us to use our guns to disarm each other and ourselves, for them.
Does it really matter what they say "they" are going to do?
Mao retained guns only for those integrated in the Army, the others gave up of them.
Well, he's not entirely wrong. Washington was merely in attendance as the 1st POTUS during the Constitutional Convention. That was the extend of his actions as a founding father.
No, but I can use it as evidence that cuckservatives will only grant you a right to bear arms as long as you don't threaten the current state of affairs. In Europe, disarmament is a conservative position, not a liberal one. The USA still constituted itself differently in terms of history. I mean, most gun control regulations have its roots in the Reagan era. who disarmed the Black Panther Party and such.
>still believing the food meme
USSR had higher average calorie consumption than the US
why does that matter, you wanna fuck or what?
But the American Revolution was a mistake. God save the King!
think about gay sex a lot do ya, cletus?
>Forcibly crushed a tax rebellion
There was almost little to no fighting during Shays Rebellion
>disarmed farmers in western Pennsylvania
Sauce pls
Also pic related
What guns? I don't have any guns Mr. ATF.
No, I’m saying you’re a fucking pussy libtard
Recall all congressional office holders who refuse to uphold constitutional rights, vote in the correct president each time, and keep constant pressure on them to adhere to your will.
And know someone who can machine gun parts and reload bullets and shells, and protect that guy, or you do it.
Just to remember.
Il Fascismo passerà!
Lead by example. Go first.
That's really out of context, commie.
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)
>hur dur people with guns have small cocks hur dur even though niggers have big dicks and guns durp
You should write for late night TV. You'd fit right in.
First time you see commie propaganda?
>I mean, most gun control regulations have its roots in the Reagan era
Some of it yes, some of it comes from prohibition due to the fear of gangsters using automatic weapons.
All are infringements on the second ammendment, I dont support them. Reagan also was a complete idiot and gave amnesty to tons of illegals.
As for the food meme, communists quite literally forced the Ukranians to starve.
I really hope the Dems run on the platform that they'll repeal the second amendment. That would lock the Repubs down for 2020. Literally, every hesitant Libertarian and some moderate Dems would vote Republican.
strong words for a fatty posting anonymously online
Watch this, it works with primary sources.
Shoot them.
Organize against them in the same way they are against you.
Use (facts like pic related) instead of flinging insults.
But if they really press the issue, Civil War might be the only way for us to maintain our liberties. In which case these liberal faggots will eat a bullet.
Good question. We can't just start a civil war nor be killing them in general. Making strong claims on why we should be able to bear arms will strengthen it. The liberals could protest whatever they want, they can't change the 2nd amendment but can make the government regulate it.
nah, nigger, ill leave the limp-wristed-nazi-hiding-in-a-bunker-with-his-transgendered-roastie way all up to you
you're a nigger for watching tv, edgelord
dipshit, the only thing you are shooting is future welfare cases into kleenexes in mom's basement
Forgot my pic.
Some of those tactics are pretty under-handed and don't actually bring anyone over to our side.
I would instead use a mix of facts and honest emotional appeals to make our enemies look stupid.
Grow a pair and stop them.
We laugh at them cause it will never fucking happen. The gubment aint that stupid. You go fucking with the constitution and tempers will surely flare.
You sit there with "white male attacks" headlines a few times a year. Now imagine that headline thousands of times a day.
Indeed brother
>youtube vid
>Its the west's fault that we took citizen's food to industrialize
>We didnt actually try to make them starve
Call them socialists
We have guns they don't case closed
Most minority groups are in favour of gun control and those minority groups are increasing while the white population is decreasing. This means that in a few years they will have the majority required to start passing gun control laws unchecked. "Muh constitution" won't mean shit at that point.
Sitting back and doing nothing will help no-one but your enemies.
start committing crimes with other weapons
When the time comes, we will know what to do....
You give them to them like a good goy.
I doubt you would ever be brave or organized enough to use them to defend your rights, especially if the left used the slow-corrosion tactic that they are using now to dismantle the second amendment priece by piece.
Shoot them. bang bang
By keeping them loaded and ready to use.
Jow Forumsing buff creatura. can only find the small version.
>disarmed farmers in western Pennsylvania
Whiskey Rebellion
No, no, see friend. Thats where youre wrong. MUH constitution will mean bloodshed, and if bloodshed is that big of a deal to these faggots waging a war on MUH 2nd, how bad do you think it would get when every militia from San Diego to sail rock, id say most rural police included take to the houses?
I was born in Belarus and I lived there till I was 17, only gun I had back then was 4mm flobert and Atack Zoraki gas gun I used those several times in self defence, about of organisation I'm sceptic as well.
Great book out called Thee Great American Illusion
Full of red pills. Talks about the whiskey rebellion, among other things.
You really think the National Guard or the police are going to enforce this shit? How? They would be forced to trample on our 4th. If anything, they'll create a pre-ban market which will suck.
We don't. The fucking Globalists and Jews have won. The only think you can do is kill as many as possible once they come to your door.
Guns are just tools...
USSR had higher average calorie consumption than the US
Yeah it's called vodka you smelly commie faggot.
Of course, that ignorant nigger Obama destroyed the whole gun grabbing argument...
do you own any? just asking, I love guns
Lost all mine in a tragic boating accident im afraid officer
Of course I do. All real Americans have guns you know....
Good one:))))
I have to wait 1 year and 3 months to gain full citizenship buy and loose my as well.
who told that immigrants can't blend in and become citizens is nazi or jew.
Dry sarcasm is privilege of Europe but ok I will take that as "fuck you".
btw good kill did that child
Lose the memeflag friend
I agree
may be later
No worries.
We know your police there are doing all they can to protect you....
They are not going to. They will go after the ammunition.
>How do we keep liberals from taking our guns?
You mean Trump, right? He's the only one who said he would confiscate your firearms first then get a court order later.
>white guys
yeah ok
Meanwhile, in Merica...
How would you react if some kid shot up a school with a hunting bow and killed like 17? Maybe even a spear.
I believe we should win elections based on the fact that we have superior ideas for moving the country forward and we can communicate these ideas with common sense and rational discussions.
It's FSB active measures posts like these that make me realize that America's true enemies are the Russian propagandists who deliberately pit decent Americans against each other.
Calling liberals >>decent
The meme war never ends my friend, its just another weapon
Mein Negger
All white people should have guns desu. To be honest no one would even think twice if they saw a dead nigger laying in a subway with bullet holes. They would just assume it was another nigger-on-nigger gang thing. Happens all the time and no one gives a shit.
>Lets start a civil war user.
Of course when blacks do this shit you will never hear about it....
Try to look up the Bunny friend playground shooting.... MSM memory holed that big time!!!
17 little kids were shot buy these fucking gang banger niggers...
MSM stayed silent..................
So a whole herd of niggers cant kill one kid?
And they think they have a chance in a racewar
We need to join the left and slowly bring them back to the middle before the country burns to hell.