Why is this?
A Disproportionate Number of Autistic Youth Are Transgender
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cause they're retarded
Wow, it's almost like people with one mental deficiency are likely to have other mental deficiencies.
Because they're mentally ill.
Brain damage from early in life stressors in inadequate nutrition. Eating cannabis or using cannabis oil and psychedelics can help heal the brain and reintroduce bloodflow and open neural pathways.
pic related
>mentally ill
which just means brain trauma. it is physical damage.
They're not. They're self diagnosing themselves as transgender to explain their social limitations. When a young autistic person hears leftist propaganda, and sees everyone nodding, they don't lick up on how it's a scam. They think it's real.
So if transgenderism causes autism will those anti vaccers turn into anti transgenders and fight each other?
Anything legal that would help my retardation?
Plastics in the food, soil, and water, aluminum in the air. Addressing the source of the problem would mean tons of profit loss, so instead, they push rhetoric telling us to accept the symptoms.
ooh this one is easy
so basically you have these (((psychoanalysts))) who start to get jung-pilled, end up going back to the freud-pill, but cant shake the archetype, so what they do is maliciously conflate the neurosis of social anxiety with the actual illness of gender dysphoria in order to fulfill a pretty retarded intellectual power trip.
Basically autism makes you feel uncomfy in society and a wild rabbi appears to tell you to just chop your cock off so you do and now you're transgender.
Too bad, so sad, jew wins, you lose.
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)
They are atheists too.
Autists at worst should sterilized and at best euthanized.
came here to say this, thank you user
10/10 quality post, great advice
>parents eat fast food and are fat as fuck
>children are fed the same shit and are raised on TV and video games
>children develope issues
>must be autism
>get sterelised
>somehow not believing in the dead jew on a stick has something to do with it
yeah, why fix the root of the problem when you can just post edgy solutions online that lead nowhere
Autistic people have different brain structures than neurotypicals, right? So do transgender people. We're bound to find a few individuals whose brains are so differently wired that they fit both categories.
Transgenderism isn’t really a medical condition. It’s more of an identity someone with a medical condition chooses. It’s like a schizophrenic person thinking they are a prophet.
Gender dysphoria is a medical condition, but with proper therapy you’ll grow up and not want to chop your dick off. I’ve read numerous doctors accounts about this. One boy was wearing his mother’s clothes. Doctor found out the mom worked nights and wasn’t around much. Doctor asked her to call him before his bedtime, have him sleep near a photo of her, and spend more time on the weekend. Note, all things that would be normal if she was a stay at home mother. The boy stopped wearing the dresses. In every case I read there was some kind of problem like this.
I wanted to be a girl when I was a boy, but fortunately this was in the 80s before transgendermania. Basically, there was tons of violence in my house and I thought if I were a girl, I wouldn’t get hit because I thought everyone protects girls. I was also naturally sensitive I think, which made it much more likely to happen. The social stigma around it actually helped me move away from it although I think if I had gone to a therapist he could have helped with the problems at home.
Thanks for proving my point.
Autism presents a massive burden to the nations and needs to be dealt with accordingly.
comorbidity runs really high among those with gender dysphoria.
CIA nigger detected go shill your acid trips at your bonfire jimmy jones
Extreme male brain theory confirmed?
Autism makes it difficult to understand emotions and complex emotional concepts like sexuality and gender. When the media tells them its okay to be snowflakekin they'll consider it and find that the idea of it is probably nifty keen or at least garners them positive attention/makes them feel special. Its like they can be a sonic OC irl.
it has nothing to with vaccines given to White children. (((no one))) would put a specially-made concoction into a White child; amirite tho?
discord gg/QbHzek6
add a .
Two reasons
1) Being transgender is just an offshoot of multiple personality disorder/disassociative disorder, or something similar to it. It only comes about when something is wrong with the individual's life, to the point they want to be 'someone else' - it is an escape
2) With autism, this person will feel alienated from their natural sex group. A little boy wont understand why he cant get along with the other boys, a little girl ostracized from all other females is even more unnatural. Maybe if theyre not a 'real' boy or girl, theyre the opposite? This is the natural path the mind takes
Autismo here, wore a bra once. It was kinda hot but I got bored and played vidya. Sometimes have sexual fantasies as a woman but it’s just a weird fetish. I hope this doesn’t mean anything.
Austitics fall prey to porn addiction and usually develop degenerate bodyswap/feminization fetish and instead of embracing their manhood. They become dillusional and transition to feel sexual pleasure from pretending to be women.
because being trans is a new fad and autistic people are the most likely to fall hard for dumb trends in order to fit in
Autists have excess synapses;
Men have more synapses, and only 20% of excitatory dopaminergic synapses are active at any given time;
>This is consistent with the presence of functionally 'silent' dopamine vesicle clusters and represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first report suggestive of presynaptically silent neuromodulatory synapses
In MtF transsexuals, the BSTc - an area rich in dopaminergic synapses - is naturally, without hormones, in the female range;
>the BSTc was larger and contains more neurons in men than in women
>In male-to-female transsexuals, the BSTc was similar in size to that of control women
The Androgen receptor has more repeats in MtF's;
>A significant association was identified between transsexualism and the AR allele, with transsexuals having longer AR repeat lengths than non-transsexual male control subjects
>This study provides evidence that male gender identity might be partly mediated through the androgen receptor
Basically, there's a mutant allele in one or more genes, and it causes both autism and transsexualism.
The alleles which cause it have been passed down for thousands of years, if not longer. Transsexualism seems to effect your reproductive success as much as having red hair does.
If overactive dopaminergic synapses cause autism, the BSTc is smaller in females, and the BSTc conducts excitatory dopaminergic signals to the rest of the brain, we can infer that LSD's dopamine agonism should be able to emulate transsexualism.
Can confirm.
That’s why I’m a Jow Forums user.
LSD has been the cause of self-castration, and overt transsexuality;
>A previously mentally healthy man (age, 32 years) performed manual amputation of both testes after first use of lysergic acid diethylamide in combination with alcohol consumption
>we describe the use of LSD as a triggering factor of confusion in the gender identity of a 39-year-old male patient, with symptoms of psychosis and 25 years of substance abuse, who sought psychiatric care with the desire to undergo sex reassignment surgery
>The symptoms of GD/psychosis were resolved by two therapeutic measures: withdrawal of psychoactive substances and use of a low-dose antipsychotic
LSD destroys your identity - which includes any transsexual identity. But it re-emerges after ego death, and it often does so in a spiritual context where it feels like you are in fact a fallen goddess.
It's genetic. A longer number of AR repeats is correlated with being a MtF transsexual. The more repeats you have, the weaker your androgenic response to androgens is;
>There was on average a 1.7% decrease in activity for each additional glutamine repeat
>The mean CAG repeat lengths were Afro-Caribbean 19.6 ± 3.2, Caucasian 21.9 ± 2.9, Hispanic 22.6 ± 3.1, and Thai 23.1 ± 3.3
The AR gene is on the X chromosome - all men get their AR gene from their mother. A woman with high AR-CAG repeats will be very feminine - so will a man. If you breed away transsexuals, you will breed away feminine women.
Lol, the nose, knows eh?
They have many genetic markers, and appear to be a type of human sub-species with an extreme male-female brain.
autistic social identity issues and popular social cues leads to autistic people latching onto the gender that is obviously catered to in our society.
i should also add that estrogen, in some studies, has shown a reduction in negative autism symptoms.
this probably compounds the issue and makes the belief more concrete.
how come asians have more AR repeats but they are less likely to be transexual than whites?
>be athiest
>be facist
same with atheist virgins and religious chads
How old are you?
>tfw not a tranny
feels great brehs
It hasn't been normalised in their cultures, so they repress or deal with it appropriately
oh, I'm a little bit older but mine started as a fetish (I think) when I was a kid, no longer do I have the fetish and I don't want to be a woman but I do find androginy attractive
It's a mental illnesses.
more like they have parents that goad them into dressing like the opposite sex because they're fucking AUTISTIC and cant very well object (obviously one side of the spectrum)
also this is funny because its part of a united push to establish trannies as "autists" which is a badge of honor in the same sense that "geek" is to vapid women (gamer girl, geeky nerdy signifying intellect without merit)
Possibly they see women getting treated better, getting many advantages they(as men) don't and being able to navigate social settings without effort and being forgiven for mistakes and insults more readily.
So if you can't cure autism it's probably better to be the kind of person who can get away with all the cunty things that you do when you're autistic.
>disassociative disorder
As a tranny, I can confirm. I think the basis is the same as psychopathy - the tranny's brain doesn't share emotions with others.
Mirror neurons watch other people, and emulate their physical actions and the emotions you think they feel. A tranny can't distinquish between men and women in terms of who to emulate, because they can't construct an adult brain - see .
From childhood to adulthood, synapses are pruned. Any excess retention can be called 'neotenous.' I've heard people say that children 'don't know what sex they are' - a tranny never figures it out. To a tranny, a woman is nothing but a dress.
Another aspect of normal maturation is the development of a 'theory of mind,' meaning the concept that other minds besides yours exists. Autists are concerned about you not listening to them - they don't care about offending you. They only regulate their behavior based on internal feelings.
Trannys base their gender on their own childish feelings of it, not any interactive exchange between men and women. A woman is a 'Woman-Island,' and all the good feelings associated with women are wrapped up into her - she is nothing but a costume.
That actually explains a lot of other boards.
You first.
A disproportionate amount of anime viewers are autists and anime is the cause of this transgendered degeneracy.
If you mean tomboys then yeah they’re hot as well but I still like normal women and I really like extremely feminine women most of all. Again it’s not an obsession and I change a lot, actually I haven’t had one of those woman fantasies in quite a few months. Maybe it was a phase just like you said. I never considered becoming a woman ever.
Well, it can't be that their parents force them to stay inside and watch tv all day because too many niggers are outside. And their parents can't move because taxes are too high.
Masculine-presenting transgender lesbians?
There’s nothing cool or stylish about being autistic. I wish I wasn’t born this way. I hate people who glorify mental illness, they’re cancerous larpers.
thats pretty funny
westernized asians still have lower rates of transexualism.
Pic related - AR-CAG repeats are only strongly associated with a number of 26 ans higher - the effect becomes much stronger at 28+ repeats. Some trannys even had 36 repeats.
Not even Asian men commonly fall into this range. Thus, transsexuals are caused by the accumulation of excess repeats.
social engineering deals with perception and ideas not reality
isn't it obvious?
Hmmm, apparently autistics/aspies tend to "copy" people a-lot hence why they're good at math.
Hence why almost everyone on Jow Forums is suddenly a fag in a bra now posting anime everywhere
hence pic related
Hence the speedrunning community
Gee I fucking wonder
anime t b h
Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right.
It's the new "thing", so all the people who would otherwise be some other type of degenerate/faggot go for that instead.
Notice how it simply wasn't a thing even 10 years ago. All started when it got attention, because it brings them attention.
How about this for criticism. By doing this you are literally informing the enemy of the one mistake that they are making. The only reason we can gain the traction we do is because they make this mistake constantly. If they realize this mistake we will be fucked beyond belief.
in other words, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the left, Shlomo.
>when you fart on the face of the person who changed the colors of Sonic's gloves.jpg
Lion's Mane cured my ADHD/Depression/Anxiety/Aspergers (all the same thing really)
You can get it at your local hippie healthfood store
>>Tfw we wouldn’t be able to defeat them if they didn’t constantly push it too far and fuck it up.
We can’t allow them to ramp it down.
not all autistics are transgender, but all transgenders are autistic
the internet
lol cwc will always be funny
Also this.
>young faggot back in the day
>stfu you're not a dragonkin whatever the fuck that is
>sulks for a bit then forgets about it. Goes on with their life.
>young faggot today
>goes on the internet and finds a load of other nutters
>circlejerks themselves into the worst degenrate they can be, all egging each other on.
>Turn themselves into a Frankensteinian freak and kill themself by 30.
there's an MS paint meme somewhere that captures it perfectly.
I know. I don't have it so I was paraphrasing it.
Bad parenting.
trying to find it now.
They can't function as themselves and so they play a gender role to cope. It's no different than the kid who communicates through Disney lines
Basically this
Coming from a person on the autistic spectrum, many aspies and autists have poor social skills and have little knowledge or understanding of societal norms. They're also very susceptible to "fandoms" and the idea of being in a community of people who can relate with them.
Autism also effects information processing in the brain and how nerves and synapses connect and organize.
>almost everyone on Jow Forums is suddenly a fag in a bra
I am on Jow Forums more than any other board and have no idea what you're taliking about. Though Chris is a great example, since he just copies all the "*-identified" stuff and creates an identity out of it.
The thing with LSD is that it will do everything you think it will do because you think it will do it. LSD is kind of like a brain neutralizer that makes shit more malleable.
>A previously mentally healthy man (age, 32 years) performed manual amputation of both testes after first use of lysergic acid diethylamide in combination with alcohol consumption
This shit is because of the alcohol, I bet. Booze mixed with ANY psychedelic substance, no matter how mild, can take you for a tour in loony town if you have underlying psychological problems.
Legal to own? Yes. Buy a pound of Morning Glory seeds. Wash about 3 or 4 hundred of 'em with cold water and dish detergent. Let them dry, then chuck 'em in an electric coffee grinder. Take the seed meal and rinse it with zippo fluid. Strain that through a coffee filter and repeat 4-5 times, until the zippo fluid starts straining clear. Let it dry (really, really dry). Chuck all of the dried seed meal into a small glass of milk and chug it down like a shot. Go into nature and try not to he weird about it. Repeat the whole thing once or twice a month.
Maybe a shotgun?
Great post, have a (you)
Do you have any experience with this? I hear that LSA is pretty uncomfortable on the body.
Ok but then what is "Thailand?"
There's an economic aspect to that. Ladyboys bring in the dollar.
Explains why this fucking site is so obsessed with them
No that would be illegal and I would never do it. That being said, I have it on good authority that the compounds that cause the majority of the physical discomfort (specifically puking) are hydrophobic and the zippo fluid wash makes it pretty easy to stomach- it does open up the sphincter to some liquid shits, but a double dose of immodium takes care of that. At the dose I described, you might get a little keyed up and loopy, but nothing too serious.
social engineering
If someone went back in time to 2007 and posted on /b/ that Chris Chan becomes a tranny, Moot sells out Jow Forums, and Donald Trump is President of the United States, I'd think you were fucking shilling
But they're double retards. That cancels out.
Because every liberal sperg that can't hold down a job has autism, asbergers, or some kind of disease. Also why these same people want their healthcare gibs