>be Catholic >sister stops practicing faith >starts dating Israeli Jew >this idiot has to have every joke explained to him >still think he's smart because he did Israeli military shit >I try to play Trump's Christmas message at dinner for my family >he white knights and shouts at me to turn it off after seeing my sister get uncomfortable >nigga you fucked up now.jpg >whole family thinks he was wrong to lash out >let him dig his own grave >cut to today >this faggot is causing drama saying he won't come to Easter Sunday mass or lunch with our family >says I was being "racist" and "offensive" >fine by me, but others are stressing
How do I get this idiot out of my life? I never had a direct experience of "the Jew cries out as he stabs you" but goddamn if that shit ain't real.
Who is your family gonna side with user? The son who stayed Catholic, or the daughter who quit being a Catholic's boy friend who is a member of a religion that does not believe in Jesus Christ? Honestly, Id just tell him to meet me at sonic and beat the shit out of him, but whatever works for you
So that I can get a refreshing limeade after I whip him in front of everyone. Sonic's clientele also tends to be people that would not call the cops to stop a fight, theyd just watch
Matthew Lewis
Totally. They're on my side. My worst nightmare is this jerkoff being in our family permanently. Would love to ideally be acting in a way that is evangelizing, but he's so smug I don't see that affecting him.
Sebastian Turner
Accelerate his paranoia in any way you can. He's close to a psychological meltdown. Talk about Farrakhan bringing antisemitism to blacks and muslims killing holocaust survivors in Europe as if you cared about him. Shit like that.
Tell your sister, and him how you feel. She is family, either she comes around or betrays the clan. Call him a pussy and say if he goes near your sister you'll hurt him. Be smart about your threats, he'll try and find anything to tell the cops about.
My sister used to date a paki, he hit her once. Once.
Dominic Smith
>threaten a jew with a violence Quickest way to end up all over social media or with a lawsuit
Austin Powell
Find out what type of jew is. If not , go full Hitler on him.
Isaac Watson
That's why im saying be subtle, be smart. Maybe insinuate violence without saying it. I know you're a moron but try no to be for a bit.
I like it. I should mention he's nearly twice my age so it's even more pathetic as he's over 40 (I'm 20s).
I think it's just a matter of time til he fucks off, but would love to make that happen sooner.
And yeah, not about to get into a legal battle with a Jew in a blue state.
Caleb Cruz
Just keep up red pill jokes and let him destroy himself.
Angel Brown
Start playing/discussing Mel Gibson movies around him. You can start with Bravehart or Payback and move onto Passion.
Jack Fisher
The fuck is wrong with your sister?
Liam Morgan
He's the "I keep kosher to be inconvenient to others to feel special, but have no qualms about divorcing and don't really believe in God in the first place" kind of Jew.
Nigger fuck what this kike thinks If anything him not wanting to associate with your family is a blessing in disguise Who wants a dirty Jew polluting the space you share with your family From the sounds of it your own sister is prepared to take his side making her a traitor If you have any self respect you'll disown her and encourage your family to do the same.
Levi Young
Ask him why Israel needs America's help to do anything. Tell him Israel is that annoying "friend" that comes with you to the bar, picks fights with everyone, and makes you fight them for you. Start reading him the Talmud and ask what he thinks about all the things that say that its ok to treat the goyim like shit and ask if it applies to your sister. Go hard on this one. Ask him if he wants his kids to be non-jews, since their mother is goyim, they will never be true jews. Force him to ever closer to the oven as you talk to him.
Nolan Lewis
The left can't meme.
Eli Clark
Lots. Pretty cool overall. But hangs out with theaterfags and so anything right of Mao is a trigger for most of her peers. Degenerates rub off on you eventually if you keep company with them.
Denounce her as a member of your family. It's really rather simple. Regrettable, but simple.
Levi Sanders
getting told off by an elderly that bangs your sister. Anyway trumplets suck.
Caleb Collins
Does your sister want to get rid of him too? If so you and your family can work together on a plan to make him feel uncomfortable as possible and unwanted but be careful to not get hurt .
Josiah Rodriguez
anybody got the webm of this?
Luke Jones
>fucking muslims Kikes can’t even meme against (((anti semites)))
Jeremiah Brown
This. A simple call or telegraph to your local Gestapo Office should do the trick.
Henry Watson
Underrated post. I frequent Sonic and can vouch for the delicious drinks and I would also enjoy a beat down while eating a Sonic combo, tots, and coke.
Bentley Ross
Thanks for the advice. I think the ball is in her court now. I didn't say anything I wouldn't defend and say again so if he's actively going to try to sabotage the holiest day of the year with his kvetching he can get fucked.