>Wake up another day
>WW3 still hasn't started


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You’re in Australia, my friend.
Even if WWIII started tomorrow, you wouldn’t see any action for months.
Our European friends would be the first ones to see it.
As an American I’m probably in the same situation as you: not seeing action for a few months.

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you may now ask about the ultimate habbening

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I dont wanna, anons will be kill

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It's not happening man. The US doesn't have any global interests left. The next 30 years will be the US pretty much going back to what it was doing before world war 1. IE, minding it's own business while the rest of the world murders each other for breadcrumbs.

Jow Forums should meme it into existence. We memed Trump into the presidency, ww3 shouldn't be that difficult. Specially giving today's political climate.

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will it happen during your reign?


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You have to get a bosnian serb really drunk, give him a gun and put him near a noble.

I'd see action in glorious 4K HD

Will you let Bolton get the wars he wants?

Memetically impossible.

What about Iran?

You need to spend a bit more time thinking about why things happen.

Trump was elected because the bretton woods system doesn't make sense anymore. the era of free trade and US protection of global shipping/supply chains is coming to an end.

If war does come, it won't be started by or against the USA. And the reasons for the US to engage globally are disappearing each and every day.

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im just waiting for another civil war to break out in the US

As an aside, something like 80% of the remaining net imports come from canada

Nope, lets not do that again, cant someone else start it this time

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You dont want it aussie
Read this
Start from 911 pic and read that same user.
Dont go tldr. Read. You srsly dont want it. It will change your mind. Read all the way.

>wake up
>the world hasn't blown up yet
>goes back to sleep

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Will you die in jail?

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Will you die in jail??

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Right after your presidency?


Okay. It will be a Canadian that starts WWIII.

Will you die in jail???

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>You dont want it aussie

Yes i do, i want to see the world collapse. Buildings all turned to rubble, people fighting on the street, the sound of gun-shops and explosions invading the air waves.

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Go out or stay in tonight?

Do it

You say that with a full belly, hydrated, sheltered and warm

kek, get wrecked globalists

just a little more patience user, almost there...

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Its coming!!!
> only a king can fix this
The vile people have to go

Ok, make it count

Oh, right, that's a GREAT idea.

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Ww3 has already started. Go to Iraq and die for your country.

Move to any combat zone in Syria for a few months first, user. Try it on for size first before you decide to buy into it or not. Do you really want to go live in bombed out rubble, with no food, water, electricity, or internet? Seriously. There are plenty of cities out there that are active war zones. Go see how you do there, before you try to burn down your own hood.

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I'm working on it.
I'll say no more.

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America has more nuclear powered aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined for a reason. We are the preeminent global superpower. Check your flag, bro. When you speak against globalism, you betray your country.

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Are you going to go to war with someone soon?

Navy =/= globalists.

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On the contrary, globalism is ruinous to the US. We make our own food, we (almost) produce our own energy. We can make our own steel and consumer goods. The only reason the world order exists is because the US basically subsidizes every country on the planet. If we stopped sending money all over the planet and stopped protecting the shipping of people that hate us, we'd be okay. More than okay, we'd be better off. Of course, the rest of the world will collapse, but who cares, they're irrelevant.

what this continent needs is IC manufacturing and IBM not hoarding all the patents because the concepts are not profitable

Will WW3 happen next month?

We'll get there. Without global shipping guarantees it's likely those patents will become profitable pretty quick. Don't worry canadabro, you're in the best neighborhood on the face of the earth. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

Just make sure not to elect that fruity boy again.

This. Isolationism is the way.

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China new "Nazi"
Russian new "Japan"
After WW3 history repeat again Jews won and asian and white will fall togheter
Asian guilt is in future and Jews create new world order more darkness.
Which one I can chose : Downfall of asian race help filthy jews detroyed China our number enemy in history and now or allie with China Imperialist and acept Vietnam is new province of China.
LOL sad situation right. Even I like Nazi but China is always becoming enemy of Viets Nationalist.

it will start in about 1 year and... about 7-10 months

>irrelevant cuntry wants relevant countries to war
>the ultimate shitpost

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no more brother war, we have to continue the cultural war to support the war in Washington and when the time is right clear europe from the black death

Maybe there's an archduke you can shoot or some shit.

WWIII will pit vast mongrel hordes of Amerimutt orcs against Noble Asian and European warriors as the climate plunges into chaos.


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Will I find true love?



You're the new boss

sadly it looks like trump wants world peace IMPEACH WHEN!?

Rolling for the end. Digits decide.
I say it starts on Easter.

Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced , who is willing to take a solid one for the team.

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just before 2020. relaaaaaax.


And rolling for WW3 happening

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ww3 this weekend and kikes btfo by aryans on the news for everyone to see? right mr president?


what happened to those faggots

Will my dick ever grow into a man dick?

this rerolling for this non reddit one

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ww3 is in one hour

Will there be a beautiful nuclear holocaust?

Will it habben in the US?

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Will it habben in europe?

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It's not exciting unless EVERYONE is forced to deal with it.

You have more aircraft carriers because they're used to project force against inferior states. They are all but useless against near-peer enemies like China or Russia.

Except most of your production is in china.

most of our production of random crap. And only temporarily. Labor costs in china have risen by a factor of 8 in the past 15 years, and manufacturing as a share of chinese GDP has dropped like a fucking rock over the same period.

Those factories moving back to the USA aren't doing it just because trump lowered taxes. They're doing it because China is a timebomb custom built for the bretton woods trade environment. When that breaks down, they are 100% up shit creek without even the platonic idea of a paddle.