174 Democrats supporting the bill, out of committee, and onto the House floor for consideration.
They are coming for your guns.
174 Democrats supporting the bill, out of committee, and onto the House floor for consideration.
They are coming for your guns.
They all should be shot with a bolt action.
Oi bin that gun!
174 virtue signals
What are they going to do about the new gun running market that is going to blow up in response to a gun ban ?
Your worried about bump stocks ?
Just wait .
Lock up that Glock!
>Implying you plan to comply.
You need to call your governor and tell him to tell the feds to fuck off.
You're gonna pay for that HK
Oh ill never comply
I'm just entertaining his idea for the hell of it.
Guns will go underground where people can get even more exotic weapons.
I doubt they have considered this reality
>pushing a weapons ban
>during an election year
How many seats are up for grabs in November again?
>03/20/2018 Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.
>02/26/2018 Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
>02/26/2018 Introduced in House
Hello slow death by committee
>Democratic [174]
lol, they still have the typo from the senate bill on the FN M249-S.....they list it as "M2495"
Nah, muzzle loader, specifically .45 cal ball from a Kentucky rifle
More irony there
> (a) In General.—Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended—
> (1) by inserting after subsection (u) the following:
> “(v) (1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault weapon.
Lol no more semis
This is old news. Already contacted my state representatives. Fuck Tim Kaine's faggot cuck ass.
174 ropes on the gallow at once?
I wouldn't worry about it. It i propably some 34d reverse scuba diving chess.
We just secured 2020. They think that 300k mentally ill, pussy hat wearing land whales represent the majority. They have completely fucked themselves. Even moderate leftists can be gun enthusiasts.
If this passes, yes. It literally specifies an assault weapon as any gun with a semi-auto fire rate and a detachable magazine.
Finally, an excuse for the public executions to begin.
They don't get to have my guns.
1776 2.0 WILL HAPPEN
lol I've seen people on youtube make uzi's that shoot .45 and ak47 7.62 built by scrap metal.
All of them(in the House of Representatives at least)
>boating accidents intensify
Yep...They went ahead and changed the webster dictionary term Assault Rifles to include semi auto as well. I shit you not.
They wanna ban my handguns? And my 870 shotgun?
Thats bullshit
It does not appear to ban semi-automatic handguns.....it only classifies them as "assault weapons" if they have a detachable magazine AND a 2nd grip (AR pistols are banned), a threaded barrel (some 'tactical' models of HKs and FNs for instance are sold with threaded barrels), or a magazine that is not located in the grip (like the TEC9--which Dianne Feinstein is obsessed with)
Oh shut the fuck up, it has only just been introduced you fucking shill faget.
>“(A) A semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
>“(i) A pistol grip.
>“(ii) A forward grip.
>“(iii) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock.
>“(iv) A grenade launcher or rocket launcher.
>“(v) A barrel shroud.
>“(vi) A threaded barrel.
Same caliber, same rate of fire.
Why are Democrats retarded?
Prediction and warning of things to come
> only a king can fix this shit
It’s got less than a 1% chance to get passed.
Fuck off.
go ahead; we can start the civil war and ww3 on the same day and mass hangings/execution squads can be formed. Please I'm bored of this life.
With the current heated debate over gun rights and the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution (which serves to affirm our natural rights…rights we have whether the State recognizes them or not), I thought it might be interesting to talk briefly about the Battle of Athens. If you’re like a lot of people, you probably haven’t heard about this event. I know I hadn’t until a few years ago, which is kind of surprising, considering how much the media and the left constantly drone on over various historical “milestones” revolving around identity politics (race, gender, social justice, etc.). But I guess this doesn’t really fit the narrative, as it revolves around the South, and regular folks resisting their local government – and perhaps even a form of the Police State – through exercising their right to keep and bear arms.
The Battle of Athens, which happened August 1-2, 1946 in McMinn County, Tennessee, was the result of some 3000 veterans returning home at the end of World War II. Unhappy with the roughshod political corruption, fraud, control over newspapers, schools and police “fee gathering” that had been going on in McMinn County while they were away from home – with even a couple of servicemen shot and killed by the police while home on leave – these guys decided to do something about it. So like any sensible group of people would do, they organized and decided to run a number of nonpartisan candidates for positions in the local government.
However, the local sheriff and the political machine evidently felt threatened by such activity, and brought in 200 armed deputies to intimidate people at the polls. Former veterans were beaten, and one poll watcher was reportedly shot. After multiple other incidents, the sheriff opted to take the ballot boxes to the jail for counting.
Much of the McMinn County citizenry smelled a rat (so to speak), and the former vets surrounded and laid siege to the jail after gathering up firearms and ammo. After gunfire was exchanged, the GIs dynamited the jail during the early hours of August 2 and forced the occupants inside to surrender. After posting guards to secure the ballots, the votes were counted and the corrupt government leaders were voted out.
Miraculously, no-one was killed – although there were quite a number who were seriously injured and required hospitalization. However, the people of McMinn County, Tennessee were once again free to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Something they might not have been able to do if the citizens were only armed with sling-shots and squirt guns. So…still confused as to why guys like Thomas Jefferson believed that the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and that it shouldn’t be infringed upon by the government was and is considered such an important thing?
>out of committee, and onto the House floor for consideration.
Learn how to read you fucking retard
If they do it even if tis not confiscation time to start killing.
Whose going to enforce this law?
it also states so separately.
So basically if you have to manually chamber the round its ok, and a semi is also okay, only if 5 or less rounds capacity.
They do allow for transfer of "grandfathered" fire arms once the person is permitted.
Can anyone expound on the extent of the permitting?
I don't think most FFL holders would chance it honestly. You can get fucked very hard by the ATF over nothing when you have one of those things.
What, the, fuck?
The gun friendly states should have sanctuary cities.
>"They are coming for your guns"
Said the increasingly nervous shill for the 50th time today.
The Democrats are only a regional party at this point. They have no chance of getting this passed.
Any gun that accepts a detachable magazine can accept more than five rounds
This is confiscation
Dude these people are so far up their asses they dont even know what reality is
this. let's see how they like that shit when we do it
I knew that changing the meaning of "assault" to mean semiautomatic was their endgame. If this ever happens, it will only be a few years til the next school shooting happens and then it's full ban + confiscation of everything time.
oh shut the fuck up
>semi-automatic assault weapon
>assault weapon
Literally an invalid bill based on the definition that the gov themselves set for "assault weapon", in that a semi-auto assault weapon literally does not exist and is an oxymoron
I prefer the upper.
A factory Mini-14 side-folder from the 1980s would be banned as the top of the barrel had a "shroud" not to mention the side folder. That is probably what they had in mind. There aren't that many other semi auto fixed stock rifles like the Mini-14 out there.
FFL holder here.
Ill fight to the death. Im not giving up my heavy gear.
Reps and Trump are onboard dumbass. Specially Trump, he's a liberal at heart.
Fucking hate congress, they vote themselves security details and higher pensions and salaries, then go ahead and fucking make everyone defenseless. They are glorified welfare recipients, just like cops.
>passed committee
I want to see who votes "yes".
got a single fact to back that up?
good for you!
one less cucked larping faggot in the world
>You can have nothing but muskets. Maybe bolt action rifle that need each bullet put in individually
I mean that's as good as completely disarmed. At that point any uprising would be a total joke. Not even guerilla warfare would work. The American government would have absolute and total power. Not that they were far from it already.
It's only in committee you illiterate mong
>3 results for All Actions
>Date All Actions
>03/20/2018 Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.
>Action By: Committee on the Judiciary
>02/26/2018 Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
>Action By: House of Representatives
>02/26/2018 Introduced in House
>Action By: House of Representatives
They have 2 bills on the same shit
keep this shit up with me, and I swear I will start voting democrat JUST TO PISS YOU OFF.
No. I just wrote them twice for no reason. Fuck off faggot.
there are 3 shot shot guns, the tube is a magazine its just not detachable.
Nothing new
Still trying to stop the awful shoulder thing that goes up, huh?
I swear they want a revolt.
No, the 870 is listed under the exempt list and pumps/bolt actions are not harmed but this proposal is practically clinton era assault weapons ban 2.0 for anything semi-automatic.
Trump already tweeted the 2ND amendment will not be Repealed shill eat shit
Why do people think they need to own semi-auto weapons? What could you honestly be planning to do with them that is in any way a good thing?
I have an FFL, I’d never lay down and die to those ATF nigger faggots, I know plenty that wouldn’t either. They better build a bigger memorial that’s all I have to say. The Branch Davidian’s just got an appetizer.
They won't ever repeal it, they'll just say that it only protects ownership of bolt action .22's.
break out a list of politicians who indicate in favour of gun control
I am supportive of this bill. We need to get back to our roots and revive the market of hand crafted aesthetic works of art in the form of weapons.
lol auto sears.
Anyone can make them.
Congress already tried this in the 90s. Supreme Court struck it down. Of course, the people who introduced this bill probably don't know this because they are obviously retarded. Hopefully someone will tap them on the shoulder and tell them.
That would ban gun technology past the 1830’s five or take? Because a revolver would absolutely be considered a semi auto by the definition of the rule.
I really do not like her
People who ask this think the second amendment gave the government the right to hunt with muskets and a semi-auto is a machine gun.
none of your business. what are you doing writing my biography? fuck you.
Wrong. The Clinton ban required the rifle to have two contaband features +magazine, this one only says one feature +magazine.
Just so one diggery old fart can sell his useless crap again.
Oh, fuck you.
> Be me, own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended
> Four ruffians break into my house
> "Odds bodkins! Gadzooks!" as I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle
> Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first reprobate, he's dead on the spot
> Draw my flintlock pistol on the second knave, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and end up nailing the neighbors dog
> I resort to the 3 pounder mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot
> "Tally ho lads" the grapeshot shreds two of the remaining ruffians, car alarms are set off by the blast as the acrid smell of saltpetre and sulfur fills my nostrils
> Fix my bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion
> He bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive due to the terrible wound of it's tri-edged blade
> Just as the founding fathers intended
yeah......... ok user
Please pass it, please please please. This is the moment we've been waiting for: a blank check to execute every fucking shitlib, sand nigger, nigger, mexicunt, and kike in our country.
They don't care about the people at all. This is only move their agenda along. A civil war will remove any threat of people caring about the Clinton cabal or ((()))ish tricks.
When the second amendment was written, we didn't have the firepower that we do now. Past a certain point, that lethality becomes sociably questionable.
No, because your force cycles the action. The force of the expelled gas from the bullet has to cycle the action for it to be considered semi automatic.
Lighting link.
the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. this bill is literally unlawful.
>Hes a liberal at heart.
Probably, he's a new york dem
Because of shit just like this retard. This bill were it to pass would cause our rivers to run red. Maybe, I kind of hope it does pass. It’s probably the only way we can have an ethnostate.
The cosponsors are here.
Yes I will expound for you.
> Shall not be infringed.
That's not the goal. The goal is to introduce the bill intentionally and have it fail, then blame the supreme court for their shortcomings. It gives the appearance that they are trying and appeals to the base while simultaneously deflecting any blame on their failure to another group, namely not Democratic congress members.