We live in the Post Truth Political Age
Falsehood politics are the current paradigm
Expect everything you know to be a lie, within an obfuscation, within a false Grand Narrative
Psychological stress and stultifying confusion of the 21st century human mind are the means and the ultimate end
Those government, corporate, technocrat, industrialist, NGO and academic individuals perceived as in-the-know, operators and manipulators possess only the most fragmentary sliver of the full picture
People who manage to climb to levers of power had to specialize to get where they are and have a narrow view of the world; this has become not only the norm but an absolute requirement in 21st century professional and interpersonal life
In other words, the vast majority of key movers are cutouts whose masters are themselves cutouts
Each link in the chain, small and large, is daily propagating and viciously defending their quotidian niche in the vast spider's web of lies solely to guarantee perpetual gratification of their addiction to material comfort, fame and power
The global spectacle has fully penetrated and completely perturbed every one of our souls
There is no solution to be found within politics, history, or religion
The hydra now has more heads than there are strong sets of arms to chop away at them
The Gordian knot can only unravel itself, and its cascading unraveling will be more rapid and catastrophic than the human race can prepare for
Many will die; the primary kindling in the great fulmination will be innocents, agnostics, ignorants, normals
CIA niggers don't want you to read this post
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Was gonna call you a faggot but after reading I think you are totally correct, care to share more(pls)?
some lovely german architecture there op
it's turtles all the way down. Find your seat and enjoy the ride
Nice art OP.
thats nice user, but whats your solution?
politics is a psyOP. It's all a show.
Nihilism as a defense mechanism. We're far past the time for solving. Landian acceleration
and how does one do that?
Underrated. Take note anons.
People like you give drugs a bad name
The CiaNiggers know God Exists but still are Vile
What is that painting? Who is it by?
Imagine how many vehicles there are in storage across the world.
Imagine how many rich people with a family of 4 own 8+ vehicles.
>Imagine how many empty apartments
>Imagine how many empty hotel rooms
>Imagine how many empty renovated houses
>Imagine how many empty summer resorts
>Imagine how many empty condos
>Imagine how many empty time shares
>Imagine how many empty retail outlets
>Imagine how many empty shopping malls
Imagine how much food the grocery store throws away every night.
Imagine how many food expires in someones 3rd home's fridge.
Or, I can tactically disengage, and shift priorities towards that which can be affected in my sphere.
But this leaves you, and your dire warning. You're not going to get inside the new bubbles which result without an invitation, (read: useful skill) so you might want to consider the value of what you're currently doing.
lets say i understand this
lets say i want to do something about it
>wat next
Why? Take a crack at me
pretty much
Jean-Pierre Ugarte
Do you have anymore pics like this?
So who is behind it all and has the full picture?
>CIA niggers don't want you to read this post
I stopped right there.
The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo.
proseposting on Jow Forums is about the limit of my scope, i'm not an operator and as stated in OP I'm prepared to lose everything in the Fall. How exactly can we effect our own sphere if the machines implode around all of us at once?
too much pesimism brah, the solution is simply to be self-reliant or to establish alternate economies somewhat isolated from "the system". We're entering a period of trabalism, group identity, nationalism and self-reliance.
Just be direct or gtfo
every government is currently working together
direct what? I think the message of OP is pretty direct. We can't save the Leviathan, it will stumble and break itself against the rocks and survival will be a matter of arbitrary luck
I often dream about places like OP pic. Jean Pierre Ugarte draws like my imagination
>will be a matter of arbitrary luck
There's no such thing as chance/luck/coincidence.
This has all probably happened before and it will happen again, in fact there's nothing to lose.
>We live in the Post Truth Political Age
>Falsehood politics are the current paradigm
I don't necessarily disagree with the rest of this post.
But to suggest that this is a new phenomena is incredibly naive. This is how politics have always worked.
>Jean-Pierre Ugarte
Thank user
More or less true. Central Intelligence tendrils have penetrated the skins of every once-great National Beast, they now each blindly shamble, zombified toward the same apocalyptic ledge
if you'll note the pic included in the post you replied to, I preempted your sentiment
Hell it's gonna be a blessing even if did crumble. Finally something new and fresh, sure it's just another illusion, the "next" level so to speak but hey, that's how shit works unfortunately.
Nice name faggot
>This is how politics have always worked.
Yes, history is the story of a gigantic boot stamping on the face of mankind from the beginning until he sputters his last blood-flecked corpse-gasp onto the concrete. My point is that this macabre end is closer than most realize
For people who find that OPs pic stirred something in them. You should look deeper, there are things you should know.
Too bad the web of lies is only a web on a branch in some forest in the great realm of nature
She relentlessly evolves around new challenges
Those who seek an unknown path will receive true power
at least do me the favor of putting a red circle around where you think I am on this list
essentially. Note that in OP I didn't say there would be no survivors.
so expand your thinking, broaden your horizons and mind the falling ceiling tiles when it all comes down around you
If you see a building falling, get out of the way.
If you see that the sky is falling, go underground.
Its nice that you want to warn people, but by doing so, you have become a voice for the machine.
So consider that there are other ways of communicating, or obtaining food and water, different kinds of health care, etc.
Arm yourself with knowledge, and surround yourself with like-minded people.
When you know what is real, because you have grown it, or built it for yourself, the propaganda from the leeches becomes obvious, and easier to avoid.
Thanks for an interesting topic, though.
Not sure about those Russian megaliths but shit like Baalbek, Yonaguni, Nan Madol, and the thousands of dolmens across the world are pretty Trippy. Not to mention all those findings of giant skeletons published in numerous publications up until about 1920. The orthodox view of humanity’s origins are a
Hands are reaching from the Abyss tugging the boat back. It's tipping, so does the world.
You're in the right track mate. But there's a long journey awaiting for you, the same for the higher category of posters here who come to see the small molecules of truth they call "red/grey/green/iron pills".
The servants of the Demiurge are always a step ahead and, since they've got methods like stylometry, I must send them from here a Fuck You All they can see.
Just, stay away from "nihilism" and go beyond that romantic dichotomy. This site is sold out and there are better places to scavenge knowledge from but here.
underground city when?
>Just, stay away from "nihilism" and go beyond that romantic dichotomy.
Congrats, you fell for the same boogeyman you were trying to avoid.
I want to know too, serene, calm, intricate, colossal, wonderful.
Thank you sir.
Yes, much has been uncovered. Now we will go to war for the stones in Russia, China and N.Korea to satisfy the lust of the (collectors) for the last un-pillaged sites. They have still been digesting much from the Pacific, S. America and the Middle East, but their hunger grows keen again now.
>what is the (((System)))
excellent post!
This is awesome insight. I love your skepticism, OP.
lol learn to quote nublet
>This site is sold out and there are better places
I know this. I don't come here in search of knowledge, I browse for a few minutes a day to check for happenings and I make posts to chat with anons about ideas that pop into my head
true israel is in antarctica
this whole time defacing home of aryans
laughing clown will he have the last laugh?
1WW... then 2WW... then 3WW! Poof!
eyes to see
Duck duck go search the artist Jean-Pierre Ugarte
looks like joints and fractures with slicken sides. Basic geology. look at more rocks.
That wasn't a quote but a warning.
Sorry but things aren't going to go exactly as you'd hoped or predicted. I hope you'll be able to adapt to that fact in the end.
>and then proceed to do nothing about it and sweep away the thought
This is how the (((System))) resides in perfect karma neutrality.
Ignorance, apathy, silent consent, disinterest are all perfect exercises of free will.
Soon, don't worry. I made sure it won't last.
Like these ?
no I mean you misreplied more than once implying that you are a newb. I agree with what you're saying though
>Ignorance, apathy, silent consent, disinterest are all perfect exercises of free will.
yes. However categorical imperative would imply that willful ignorance and apathy in the face of clear evil is not karmically neutral. What I said in OP is a clarion call for karmic rebalance, actually
What does this have to do with Alex?
>I agree with what you're saying though
You don't. There's fear in you.
I wonder who it was, that needed a house brick this big.
They already put the others in place.
incredible stuff thank you for this link. you have opened me up to a perspective I knew existed but coulnd't find.
I guess a lot of retarded ideas pop into your head.
Related amazon.com
Do they really glow in the dark???
fear is wholesome in healthy doses. The pale, shambling ghost-men whose bodies have long lost their souls don't fear anything because they don't have much to lose. when the flattening of modern systems kicks up it will be an asymptotic explosion of chaos and you cannot possibly know whether you will be a survivor
Things can't "go wrong" if they were never "right" in the first place. So that only leaves us with...
who cares? if giants existed, theyre dead now
get this gay ass iron pill shit out of this thread.
This is Disease X?
So true.
Great post- would read again.
Fear is doubt. Fear is the mind killer. It's around us, it's sentient. Though it only preys upon the weak alike.
probably not those, those are horizontal. joints are usually vertical to sub vertical, though they can eventually be further tilted. That video mentions the abundant earthquakes in that area, likely from extensional tectonics. That shaft is probably old compression joints that are now in tension and opened up. i'd have to know more about the area to be certain.
The picture you posted has horizontal planes. Those could be bedding planes of sedimentary rocks. not sure. They could also be stone blocks that are carved. i'd need higher resolution pics from multiple angles to say for sure.
You're right to wonder about that. The top paid engineers do too.
post truth is a bullshit label the democrats came up with to hide their frustration for losing the presidential election.
nice post, retard.
What do you know of the Underground Church.
Is this the virus they talk about?
It was TV
The devil was hidden in plain sight all along.
>categorical imperative would imply that willful ignorance and apathy in the face of clear evil is not karmically neutral.
Great statement.
I marvel at what "we" have become. Just looking the other way when evil is clear.
Interesting statement:
>willful ignorance and apathy in the face of clear evil is not karmically neutral.
You can see they left stones behind, they left more than stones behind, potent things. Things for example, that could move those stone blocks, that modern technology cannot cut or lift. Things that could be made very useful underground/undersea/off-planet without anyone knowing even for thousands of years. Things that could be operated maybe if you had the right genes, the right math, the right language.
its a descriptive term not a label.
do you actually avoid words used by your opposition?
Self-awareness actually.
Individuality, uniqueness...
>modern technology cannot cut or lift
what a joke
>Things that could be made very useful
like what?
>right genes, the right math, the right language
Wasn't Goliath a giant?
Don't confuse the monkeys pleas.
It can't happen soon enough , the uncertainty and the perpetual razor's edge feeling is eating away at me. I feel I need to go innawoods but I don't have money. I don't know if there is enough time.
Thinly veiled defeatism and self-pity mongering.
Fuck off you spuedo-intellectual despair shill cuck.