What if Hitler was a girl

What if hitler was a girl

Attached: if_hitler_was_a_girl.jpg (299x299, 12K)

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A shitposting leaf. Surprise.


I'd fuck her, but only if she had the mustache.

She would love to bake

Fuck you nigger delete this!!!!

Nah but its only a matter of time until we find out that Hitler wuz black and shiet

Most patrician post ITT tbqh

omg such a qts

>Oh no Hitler Chan! You're gonna send me to the ASS chamber because I'm a BAD JEWISH BOY! Oh yes, I need to be punished, spank me mommy Hitler, Oh I hope you don't send over gestapo to slam down my door and whip out there hige fucking COCKS and shove them down my tight little THROAT! I bet you want to make your little SLUT and feed me nothing but CUM!


Hitley Spears

He would look like your average Stacy.

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German soldiers would've hold Stalingrad till the last man because no one would disappoint such a qt.

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Holy fuck thats creepy

What if Jews stop mutilating and sucking on infant penises?


I'd fuck any version of Hitler, man, woman or dog.

Ginny Weasley?

Would the higher up look the other way if Allied soldiers captured, then repeatedly rape her?

Do a male version of Eva Brown, Hitler's wife. Place them side by side.

wow wtf jews are messed up 4 real tho

I'm actually norwegian XD

We'd call her Clitler

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>What if hitler was a girl
What if OP is a forum sliding faggot?

>wow wtf jews are messed up 4 real tho
What'cha slidin' Schlomo?

>I'm actually norwegian XD
No, you're anti-White.

I'd fight the whole world all by myself if she just looked at me and asked.

imagine all the cute anime girls that wouldve spawned in her name. fuck now im sad

holy shit my manager looked like that. she was a total bitch too. i should have bred her to make a hitler baby.

aww pretty cute~

the fuck, hitler passes pretty well after that app

Then World War II would never have happened.
Men start wars, not women.

Then, being a woman, she would have led a communist revolution in Germany, which would have completely changed world history as we know it. Imagine a Germany at the forefront of communism instead of Russia. Imagine the global cultural impact.

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Excellent user.

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ultimate waifu

I want to protect that frown.

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not gonna lie
Hitler makes a pretty hot chick

miss hitler

>miss Hitler
We all do, man, we all do


She looks like some unfuckable lard ass

6 zillion jews killed in a "Lack of Concentration Camp". Mis Hitler has PMS and stops the Russian advance on Berlin in a single evening by setting battalions of soldiers on fire as they slept for "looking at those other bitches", keys their tanks.