Pol, so triggered (kek) by soy teens

And BTFO, again and again.
- humiliate conservatives and NRA in town hall.
- force FLorida gun laws
- trump backtracks on bump stox.
- raise millions.
- millions march.
- advertisers dump Ingram.

Even TayTay is on their side. Aware.

U mad, faggots?

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Cool, she's a globalist tool.

Only globalist can stop the multi-national corps? Why do you think they pay for Alex Jones and the like to be anti globalist.

>can stop the multi-national corps?
Okay commie, keep playing your victim narrative. Let's try to forget that your shoes costed hundreds and your mobile phone is monitoring you.

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>Only globalist can stop the globalists
This is the most retarded thread I've read in awhile. I've had enough.
I'll be back when this shit gets memory holed and we've moved onto a new narrative.

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They can circumvent laws, tax evade legally, there's a lot of things that isn't child labour I am talking about.

I am not even entirely against giving jobs to 3rd world countries. You just ran with the dumbest narrative you could think of, not me.

Walmart with the collectively the single biggest employer in the world probably makes money, paying it's taxes. This is the money that goes towards military, roads, cops, and other social benefits.

Goblin ass ho is going to show us her best Kurt Cobain impression before this is all over.

Globalism has already happened, it's just the governments that are restrained by nationalism. Humans will be interplanetary species in short, and you still think declaration of a small spot on a rock is more important than the species as a whole.

>>change their worlds
No oblective reality
>>They’re quite sweet what they’re going through
They’re ostensibly sane, big deal

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>becoming an interplanetary species
>under globalism
top cuck
globalism will restrain us to this rock as we are forced to co-mingle with lesser intelligent races and restrictive cultures.

Please keep talking about these kids. PLEASE keep talking about banning guns. This is galvanizing the right to the voting booths. Dems had a 15 point lead in the polls, now its down to a margin of error. PLEASE KEEP TALKING ABOUT TAKING OUR GUNS! PLEASE. Thank you leaf for you daily service of driving conservatives to the polls this midterm.

>Never interrupt your enemy while they're making a mistake.

>there are a lot of retards in the US

it's not about these kids you stupid fucking leaf. it's about leftists using these uneducated kids as mouthpieces to try to trick normies into surrendering their right to self defense

I'm just here for the memes and you idiots won't talk about serious news... just race-baiting and this.

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You’re wrong. They’re winning.

You expect to have entire work forces of the best of humanity AND have them leading in outer space? Which is it, you want the brave white people to be building your shoes or colonizing the planets?

Less edge senpai

by driving up gun sales and NRA memberships ?

Go back to lebbit

You fucking idiot. Every time the left tries to grab guns they loose elections. The LEFT IS FUCKED THIS MIDTERM, you stupid fucking leaf.

PLEASE keep talking about it, republicans are pulling ahead in the polls over this shit.

Where? In backwoods rural cousin-fucking welfare-sucking red states. Therye already GOP tea-party dead enders. This issue has swung suburbs, women ... all the demos and seats that matter to win elections, and thus pass laws. The midterms will be a massacre. GOPers are already distancing themselves on the gun issue in primaries. You’re all running scared

The same places that gave Trump a win in 2016 and will again in 2018 because of this gun grabbing shit.

Its the other way you stupid fucking idiot. The left is running from this shit.

>Graham: ‘I Want Every Democrat’ to Answer Whether They Want to Repeal the 2nd Amendment


Why are you so concerned with american politics, leaf?

You lost Alabama, the safest GOP seat in the country. Wisconsin: lost 20 points and Dems won. And these aren’t even liberal or swing seat. BTFO in red state heartland. That’s not larping and shitposting. It is reality. You lost. They’re winning.

The lulz, faggot.

Because they ran a fucking pedo you stupid fuck, and that was BEFORE they started yelling about grabbing guns.

Im old enough to know what happens in American politics when liberal attempt to grab guns, or pass laws curbing them. THEY LOSE EVERY FUCKING TIME. Never faills. Keep on harping about gun grabbing.

>obongo cuck
Back into the pile you go, along with all the other rocket scientists

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Triggered much? U mad?
They didn’t just run a pedo. They ran YOUR pedo. And endorsed him. And defended him. and made it an issue to stand in principle with a pedo. Lol. GOP is going to get BTFO. I’m sure Drumpj, well known as a man of principle, will stick by his/your guns. Kek.

how fucking dare you.

Cool I'm still not handing in my guns.

She doesn't deserve to wear that makeup on her face. Get it off