America was 90% white just 50 years ago before this got signed. Who do I blame for this?

America was 90% white just 50 years ago before this got signed. Who do I blame for this?

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Other urls found in this thread:–2011_Icelandic_financial_crisis

Literally blame it on reagan, our largest source of immigrants was from Europe until he fucked it up.

POS Ted Kennedy. Burn in hell, Teddy.

> "Representative Emanuel Celler of New York proposed the bill, Senator Philip Hart of Michigan co-sponsored it, and Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts helped to promote it"

Ted Kennedy gets blamed for it a lot

You are a retard, you know that? Of course you don't.

>America was 90% white mutt just 50 years ago

One things change we need to hang every pig for treason that promoted non-white immigration to the west. Every last one.

It's funny because it wasn't until Ted Kennedy died that congress really went to shit.

>During debate on the Senate floor, Senator Ted Kennedy, speaking of the effects of the act, said, "our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. ... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset".

For those that think this is harmless, look at California right now.


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This happened even before my mother was born. Feels bad that I was completely unable to do anything. i blame the whites of that generation for not overthrowing the government rather than letting a few dumb politicians destroy their country, and ofcourse the politicians themselves.

Ted Kennedy was such a gigantic piece of shit. Has any nation ever voluntarily completely changed the racial makeup like the US has done? At least to the point where the once majority will soon become a minority

(((they))) pushed this act through

The lie was that it wouldn't change the US because family links were given preference - but of course the Chinks, Pajeets and Spics all flooded in and every green card issues on average resulted in 2 more non-whites arriving

straight treason - everyone who doesn't have all ancestors in the US ebfore 1965 should be deported

is this your first day on Jow Forums, nigger?

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Trump better not give those DACA shits amnesty. I know he needs to make some deals to get his wall and other immigration stuff passed, but allowing all those fuckers a path to citizenship is not the way to do it. I think the vast majority of them are in commifornia, and that state is already done for. But there are still tons of other ones floating around the country in states that are battleground states.

BLAME LBJ that murdering piece of shit. Worst president ever. Worse than Obama. He openly did it for votes. He publicly stated he would ensure Democrats always in charge by importing (VOTES) Mexicans,niggers and FREE GIBS.
THATS WHEN AND WHY this all started.
Wish he was alive so we could hang him.

“First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same…

Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset… Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia…

In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think… The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”

-Ted Kennedy pitching the 1965 immigration act

Parents and grandparents got to live comfy little lives in their white communities with a good economy while desegregation, civil rights, immigration changes all went down in 1965

Now their kids have to deal with the brunt and strain of vibrant and diverse communities full of people who hate them and don't want them to get the dwindling good jobs and blame them for literally everything while cities go broke and national debt piles up. Nice

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Legislation from the 1960s after JFK died was devastating to this country.

kek saved

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the south west is forever lost. I'm honestly very interested in what will become of that region. It'll probably be 60-70% hispanic by the time I die. Arizona will turn permanently blue in my lifetime, along with texas. There is no doubt in my mind about this.

And moreover those babyboomers all lvoed having cheap labor imported to let them live like kings... never working out that their grandchildren would have to compete with third worlders for a living. That nice summer job they had cleaning cars which paid for college? Gne forever - now it's a lfietime career with wages falling in real terms. Don't like it? You'll be replaced with a MExican or Pajeet.

The US, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Australia - same story everywhere.

When will the white chimp out ever begin?

treasonous politicians worldwide. sold out their own race and nationality for shekels so we could be all be mutts and there'd be no reason for us to ever go to war again as whites would now be of all mixed race.

>people not blaming the jews


I don't mean to be rude but an european mongrel is still a mongrel.


they are going to have to go back. we don't have much Time left.

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>Ted Kennedy kept Congress in line
Hmm... Interdasting.

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>Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
>The “””””Great””””” Society
>all ON TOP of the shit in OP
fuck LBJ

It's the only way

let's do it humanely - in the USA, Canada, Australia, UK - all non-whites told they must go home but give them a year. take whatever money we spend on foreign aid and use it to buy them the airline tickets

those who have married whites will have to all go to india or china or mexica and take the whites with them

this will be to our benefit in the long run, sending whites to those nations wil help them and allow us better trading aprtners.

but i'm fearful if we don't do it soon we will likely end up with a full on race war sooner or alter

I hope he gets brain cancer and dies

Everyone was probably a "mongrel" somewhere down the line. A small white tribe mixing with another small white tribe and then calling themselves a single group and creating a nation. All that matters is that whites are very close genetically.

Jews and Catholics

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Isn't that the region mexico used to own? If it ever comes to it we can take it back again by force.

It was also getting it's ass kicked in the Cold War and was starting to fall behind the USSR

Immigrants came and introduced all sorts of tech and research and let it turn things around.

Ted "Kill a woman while drunk driving and walk away" Kennedy

I think in America there'd already have to be a full race war. But Europe, Australia and maybe even Canada, can still just easily deport all non whites whenever they want.

Blame it on americans.

the saddest thing to me is even countries like canada and australia are following the same path. Europe I think, will cool it on the immigration of non-europeans eventually when it becomes too much to handle. But all the anglo-colonies are too pussy to admit that we were supposed to be white nations. the US is obviously leading the charge, but canada and australia are right behind us.

I'm just waiting for the spics in california to try and demand some form of reparations for taking over """"their""""" land

I would be happy if we simply stopped all immigration especially chain migration. Stopping chain migration would cause some of them, maybe a lot of them to move back.

Chain migration is antithetical to integration.

Does a more perfect example of someone being comprehensively wrong exist?

Feminism, desu. Not even joking.

Canada and Australia don't seem to take it seriously at all, they just enjoy having their land values inflated like what happened in the US. Europe seems to take it more seriously than them.

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America didn't start it, the brits started letting in their non white 3rd world former empire of africans and indians in right after WW2 in 1945. I think it really all comes to down to WW2, lots of non whites were let in for various different reasons in America and all over europe because of it. And Australia started dismantling their white australia policy starting in 1949.

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It will never happen. This is a debt-based economy. It needs immigrants or the whole scam collapses.

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The system of Democrats buying minority votes with gibs dates back to him.

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I hate this weasly fuck.

There's too many of them at this point. Over 100 million of them, if you exclude the niggers then it's still 10s of millions of them. They won't be leaving without force.

It "needs" GDP growth, not immigrants.

List the children of everyone man and woman who drafted and signed this.

This bill is a testament to the failures of democracy.

People are really fucking dumb.

canada has the fastest demographic change in the western world. its a race to the bottom between canada and Sweden.

has anyone seen children of men? because thats looking more and more like its going to reality one day.

Enoch Powell was right

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Same thing to ((them)). It's literally what they believe if you haven't noticed.

This is in terms of realistic goals. Lowering welfare would help as well. Something has to give eventually because of national debt.
I know, but why fear monger about a loss of GDP growth? We can handle it.

Too vargpill at this point. You're right, I just lost hope for solving any of this bro.

Iceland got through something similar.–2011_Icelandic_financial_crisis

We should have done the same in 2008 instead of giving massive loans. We would have been better off handling it then.

Guess we need a northern wall. So seattle is whiter than vancouver?

See this is what I've been asking and am so flabbergasted by.

"There is no example in history of a people or a nation promoting its own replacement by foreigners from other races, religions and cultures."

Do the politicians of our countries think we will completely buck the trend of the whole of human history, and just live in some hippie coombaya UN nation where there is no racial/religious tension at all? We are literally creating powder kegs of nations. I don't think this will end well.

this was the signature betrayal of americans by our informally adopted royal family the kennedys, thanks guys for the 30 mexicans maddoging me at every stop sign in the city!

Iceland was also 99% Icelandic. homogenous population angry at their politicans and bankers and sought justice. IMF/World bank/ IBS punished them by crashing their currency. 50% of their savings were essentailly wiped out within weeks. Icelandic krona has never recovered

Jews and papists.

Alan shatter opened Ireland up to immigration, Ireland has a tiny Jewish population, Alan is Jewish

you 100% do. there are parts of Toronto that are becoming almost completely islamic. ISNA/CAIR, MSA (all muslim brotherhood fronts) run Peel Region. They already have to muslim MPs from that region and will be getting re elected if they run again. hell, An ex muslim woman is being investigated for 'hate crime' for ripping up koran and putting it on car windows.
white guy is currently going through the legal system. unclear what will come of it

It won't.
And I'm grateful I'm living through the time period where I get to see what comes after the powder keg explodes.

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who do you think? the man who championed it, and lied about it not transforming us. Fucking killer kennedy.

fuck that's depressing. think about all those good white men we wasted in WW2 as well.

Yet Iceland still has a high quality of life and I never heard about any REAL downside to what they did.

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>Texas turning permanently blue

Yeah, probably, but it's far more complicated than you think. For one, white Texan fertility is hovering somewhere between 1.9 and 2.1 in Texas, and stable. Hispanics in the state have only a slightly higher fertility, plus Hispanic Texans do vote more Republican than in other states, so. Not trying to say based brown people but it does make a difference.

so female gay jewish islamic trans PoC? That saying used to work better before cultural marxists weaponized 'minority' groups

I honestly highly expect cartel expansion. It's not gonna be pretty. Something needs to be done.

>Yeah, probably, but it's far more complicated than you think. For one, white Texan fertility is hovering somewhere between 1.9 and 2.1 in Texas, and stable. Hispanics in the state have only a slightly higher fertility, plus Hispanic Texans do vote more Republican than in other states, so. Not trying to say based brown people but it does make a difference.

How many legal shit skin immigrants move to Texas every year though? I don't live in the SW so I can't speak on it personally, but just looking at the data I can't see Texas being the red beacon of hope that it once was. I doubt it will ever turn commiefornia tier, but it will turn permanently blue.


this is correct. just remember there's a breaking point for this. all the bad news we're reading is bringing us closer to that. and some point whites will chimp out, we have thousands of years of history to look back on to know that's an inevitability.

Also, you should check out US demography. The European gene is permanently pressed into this region, forever, even if white fertility levels are slightly below replacement levels, because of the sheer number of European immigrant waves for most of our history. The entire south will probably turn blue, but it's not like Hispanics, at this point, are reproducing at the speed of light like they used to. American born Hispanics have a fertility rate of 1.8ish, right at White levels, with blacks falling quickly below that.

It's an interesting topic.

> tfw the powder keg finally explodes
amen brother

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The shitskins tend to group up in very crowded cities on the border, and usually just stay. Conservative whites still have a lot of kids, so a stroll through small town Texas is actually quite white, with more blacks than Hispanics scattered around. Hispanics dominate really big cities like Dallas, Houston, and small cities in the south, and if they move to a highly white area, they assimilate more.

Also, Texas is the most anti-government state politically. Even during all this anti-gun hysteria, I still feel generally, more or less, protected. Most politicians here are Ted Cruz tier., i.e kind of crazy.

Can't be true can it?
They have a murder plot for us.
America. It was told to you that you were free and winning. God damn it. God damn THEM.
They lied. Now the truth is clear to me.
The normies need to know. We, I need to lead the normies, and they will tremble and beg me too if they see the truth.
How can anyone refuse to obey in a national emergency? They don't get that right. Everyone who can fight must fight.
TV must ... go

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Overlooked and under appreciated. Best answer so far.
>”Ill have those niggers voting democrat for 200 years.” -LBJ
Crazy shit is, he’s nothing compared to the psychopaths we have in the beltway now. Trump needs to start public executions immediately.

this is very true.
in the north and northeast where it's not as bad, most everything but major cities are 80-90%+ white.

> American born Hispanics have a fertility rate of 1.8ish, right at White levels, with blacks falling quickly below that.

that might be true, but this is where legal immigration becomes an issue. Fuck, all the kids of the 10 million illegals are now legal american citizens, and so are their kids, and their kids etc. This country is hosed no matter how you slice it.

La luz extinguido

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Oh, yeah, Texas is fucked, of course, but a stable white population combined with rapidly dropping Hispanic birth rates not only here, but all through Central and South America could change the game a bit in our direction, to the avail of Democrats "preparing" for a demographic shift in the 80's, when Hispanic fertility was near 5. Now, it's struggling to stay at replacement, plus the economy is booming here, assimilated Hispanics are voting slightly more red than they used to, and fertility among blacks is falling below white fertility. Who knows? Just have kids.

Nothing is set in stone. The fight never ends, and when the bottleneck comes, always keep that in mind.

>, assimilated Hispanics are voting slightly more red than they used to

so what is that 41% versus the 40% in the past. Just face reality man. The republican party has become the white party, and the dems have become the non-white party. fuck I don't even consider myself racist but this is the objective truth of our reality.

I mean, I'm not denying that. I'm just putting the not as dim reality in the faces of all the blackpills anons are overdosing on rn

jews and bourgeois cucks

They're planning on just reducing us to abject slavery with modern surveillance and crowd control technology. CCTV, intelligence agency snooping, mass censorship, no guns, etc.

google mizzoli simpson genius

I think you are living in a dreamworld my man. the future is dim. Texas might be partly immune to the insanity that has taken over cali, but it is not totally immune.

I don't think WW2 was about defending jews from Hitler.

the only good news is, the closer we get to being south africa, the closer we get to white people waking the fuck up and organizing to defend themselves

>living in a dreamworld

Definitely not. I think the US will meltdown in at least 60 years TOPS. But the notion that we're going to end up like South Africa here soon isn't founded. There are 5 million of them. There are over 2 million white kids born in the US every year, and 300 million weapons (defensive measures) floating in here, plus white people are increasingly becoming racially aware, even if it's an uphill, sluggish battle. More whites are coming to our side, and this is on top of a particularly liberty minded white culture that's been practiced by our ancestors since this nation was founded. You're right though, the future is dim. The fact is, there is a dark, violent, corrupt future for this land, and that's just how it is. It didn't have to be that way, but that's how it is. Accept it, and adapt to it, just like your ancestors have done for thousands upon thousands of years. They've gone through worse than this, and I know you can too. Do it for your ancestors and your descendants.

tl;dr don't overdose on blackpills