Do Not Forget

Violent and inhuman religious extremists are killing gays all over the world at this very moment.

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wrong board

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Hmm, as a gay man I don't want a bunch of Muslims here. But a muslim takeover seems less likely than dealing with christfags since forever trying to scapegoat me as the cause of the downfall of america and trying to pass laws against my interest to appease a bunch of jesus freaks who are not affected by my life one way or another.

I will give conservatives credit in that I think they are slowly moving away from the christfag takeover of being concerned with gay people and slowly becoming indifferent towards the issue. I think once gay marriage was legalized, they realized the war was over and have moved on.

Nothing of value was lost. sage

>Be gay leftist
>Hate Christianity
>Love gay murdering Islamist
>Import Islamist to replace Christians
>Get thrown off roof

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>I think once gay marriage was legalized, they realized the war was over and have moved on.
That actually made athiests realize fags were bad and agree with christfags. Before that they had no problem with them. Now they're going after toddlers demonizing sexy masculinity.

You were better off being called fag and sneaking around at cool clubs. Now you're going to get genocided by Islam or just die when the Chinese invade the mongrel 3rd world America is 30yrs.

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>as a gay man
>passing laws against my interest
Citation needed
>Christfag takeover
What EXACTLY does your degeneracy add to western culture that ANYONE not LGBTQIAAAKKK+®©&€™¥ would consider
>in their "interest"?
Your faggotry is not a flag to wave anymore, your taxes and STFU.

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>and it's beautiful

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discord gg/np5RRD

add a .

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Gay men with kids actually make the most money of anyone:

Gay married men with kids make on average more than a quarter million dollars a year:

This pattern in which families with dependent children are higher income is also true of FF and MM couples, but is particularly striking for MM couples, for which the average income of couples with children is about $264,000. Almost half of MM couples with children earn more than $150,000. Differences between same-sex female couples with and without children are much smaller.

Gay men are also much more likely to be pedophiles. You faggots deserve to be thrown off of buildings

>not being gay or bi

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>and that's a good thing

Wait why don’t we like these people again?


That isn't actually true though.

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?


Dont really care, once sharia takes over ill be happy to see faggots get thrown off buildings.

if you actually go to the scripture, Islam is mostly about giving followers permission to rape in exchange for fighting to increases the territory owned by the leaders of Islam

as long as you shout us down for being racist for pointing it out and trying to stop them coming in with these beliefs we cant do shit faggot

once they are in they breed like rats and eventually will gain power form sheer numbers and then they come for you,we cant do anything if you keep labelling us racist to the normies

you need us to protect you,we might not bake your black cock cake that squirts cream but at least we wont kill you

>tfw backwards barbaric browns treat sodomites more appropriately than your own people

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Kill all the gays and the faggots

Yeah and your kind wants to bring as many of them here as possible

not necessarily a bad thing... user

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>killing gays all over the world
Not quickly enough or where it matters it would seem. sage.

Thread theme song

>fag can't see the difference between people who want to throw him off a building and people who don't want their children forced into the Rainbow Parade ^TM

i cant wait until youre forced back into the closet where you belong