How can we stop the feminization of young boys?

How can we stop the feminization of young boys?

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Hunting, fishing, the trades, eating pussy and kickin ass.

Civil war

Young boys should eat pussy?

slave labor

stop globalism.

If they don't they'll be trying to diddle their friends during sleepovers.

11 years old and I went to pussy school.

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You may triumph in this board for a day, but against the power that has risen in the left, there is no victory.

purge the last 10-20 years of media from what they are allowed to consume

g-gonna need sauce on that brother...

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Eating pussy is for faggots. Doesn't Jow Forums watch the sopranos?

they all look deeply uncomfortable
and rightly so

Enlist them in the South Korean Army.

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Like this

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Bring back violence.

>How can we stop the feminization of young boys?
Become a Jihadist.

Gay boys offer to suck their straight friends all the me ('just pretend it's a girl!').

Not many refuse.

the Power of Christ
nothing else is sure
nothing else is permanent

Nigga you gay.

That's the best part.

>Boy is acting, girl is being acted upon
checks out as masculine

nah, even if you send your boy to learn how to fight, the teacher will emasculate him in some bizarre fashion

we dont, they have more money power, you're a fucking idiot if you think you can actually do something about this

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OP I have a quick question. What is wrong with feminizing boys?

You realise it creates a less violent society, right?

Just look at your country for why that's a bad thing.

I mean, he's a leaf. That was kind of self-evident wasn't it?

Why should we stop it? I wish I could be a cute little girl

No, it creates a society that doesn't know the proper uses and limitations of violence.

In Sweden they are all just hens

The boy on the right is kind of cute.

> implying jihadjis dont engage in faggotry
faggotry is deeply ingrained in muzzie "culture"

no it just turns your men into women for other men to come and dominate ie your country

fight clubs with girls

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Bring back the awesome cartoons of the 80's and 90's. GI Joe, Transformers, Street Sharks. All of today's kids watch that anime crap and my little pony.

what a joke

Destroy feminism

>blocks path
>huh huh
>look at you you limpdick soyboy, noodleass arms, small peepee
>huh you hurt huh? Why don't you drink some soylent and cry little boy
>just try to pin me you bitch tits, bet you cant cause your noodleass arms too weak, heaviest thing you ever lifted was your game console
>hmm? You getting hard all of a sudden? Try to pin me weak boi then you can fuck me.
>if you cant I'll just buy you a new video game and you call me mummy

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y-you too

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The world needs gay hairdressers, might as well start them young.

>styling hair means your gay

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>mummy is sorry about this
>mummy had long day of work and stressed out
>I'm sorry sweetie, I'll buy you whatever new Japanese anime game you like
>I'll be over in that chair relaxing, I might buy you another anime game if you rub my milkies to help me relax I'll even cook you extra tendies after

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seriously though the idea of women being a "fight club" with guys is retarded

growing up, if any of the girls that we knew had participated in drunken brawls, they would have been knocked out after one hit

fucking delusional retards giving women more agency than they have, making them think they can get away with shit and be able to fight off a man
getting women raped and killed no doubt

true user, we're just shitposting. But when you think about dudes are becoming more and more feminine so things are even-ing out.

stop showing LGBT propaganda to minors?

must ban all anime

What's wrong with cutting hair ?

>hurr stop liking what i don't like
Because being a fat, lazy, couch potato that guzzles beer while watching nigger sports is "manly" right?

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Eh if you know the pussy it's all good, roast beef you picked up off the street is no good

A strawman is not an argument, retard.

You can't. It's futile. The world of man died in 2012 December. Tech has soared since then, we no longer need muscles to build or maintain society. Why does it seem the qualities women have seem to soar the further we progress into the future? Automation will come very soon and will be the last straw that breaks the camels back.

We are in a new timeline, a new world. I don't agree with it, but I am comfortable with my death sentence.

Solution= Nuke everything for men to come back....

I'm getting tired of spam responses

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kick their ass if you see them talking to shitty mindraping music of whores on mtv...