So there is going to be today or tomorrow a Chinese space station that will crash in lower Michigan. How do we know it is not filled with nukes?

Attached: chinesespacestation.png (560x337, 194K)

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This is an actual happening here. Does Jow Forums not like happenings anymore and instead like bait and shills?

if it was filled with nukes, they would detonate them long before they reach earth, causing a massive emp and putting the us back into the 1700s

>will crash in lower Michigan
Make that Beijing
We've the transcended the need for happenings. Instead we were the happening all along.

My county in Lower Michigan as activated Skywarn over this, we're on Condition Green (meaning the net is open to any sightings) so any parts that make it down can be reported and the Sheriff's HazMat team is on standby.

Attached: doortohell.jpg (1024x649, 90K)

>tfw it crashes into canada
>and it's filled with chinks

>well, nothing really happened nor changed.

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>do not spin wheel
Would I got to jail if I did?

I just hope it hits the eastern portion of lower MI. It needs that.

No, you will jam the locks and die at the bottom of a missile silo slowly from starvation.

We're waiting for the next pass. It's over Mongolia at the moment and will be over us in 45 minutes or so. They want anyone who can to go outside and watch the sky for west-to-east fireballs.

>any parts that make it down can be reported
Fuck that, it's abandoned property. I'm Ebaying that shit.

Attached: amelia_earhart.jpg (300x300, 15K)

Get out there to the crash site and get some of that delicious scrap.

Bonus points for radiation sickness

It's filled with Hydrazine, a VERY poisonous chemical.
Don't go near it.


Earth is flat, satellites are not real.

A fucking leaf.

Enjoy your hydazine death as your lungs burn inside you.

Dead amerimutts is always hilarious.

Attached: americans.jpg (2241x2569, 1.53M)

y-you too

>meme flag

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>"Few cases of pure hydrazine exposure have been reported in the medical literature." The usual antidote is vitamin B6.


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Forget nukes, the Chinese have been operating bio warfare labs in space for decades, you might get hit with several strains of plague lmao, or even better still it has nukes on board slams into Yellowstone and sets that off, make your peace with god because there is a good chance you about to meet that mofo y'all

t. mutt

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nice source faggot, this is a larp until i see a link.

What if it hits the great lakes and it has severe radiation?

As long as it's lower Michigan it's fine. Don't touch the UP though, that's rightful Fingolian clay

>mfw it hits Dearborn

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The Great Lakes have the same surface area as the United Kingdom, not to mention the volume of Superior alone could cover North and South America in a foot of water if emptied (somehow), so one ball of plutonium at the bottom of any of them wouldn't effect the naturally occurring radiation in the water.

It's very cloudy tonight, not sure we'll see anything

>tfw yooper

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>tfw it hits the UP and no more Trenary Toast.

Saatana, that's a depressing thought.

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>could I get an order of kung pao chicken and satellite?


How much more the fried rice?

Sup? I'm not to far from KKK myself.

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Which would be awesome. Except for the lack of internet.

The Tiangong-1 is very primative. Pic related is the actual space station. It's just an over sized orbiter.

Attached: Tiangong_1_drawing_(cropped).png (600x874, 49K)

Water is a very good shield against radiation some have swam in nuclear power plant, fuel rod water.

I live in lower Michigan
Mildly concerning

They extract all the Heavy Water for your CANDU reactors from Lake Huron.

I'm up @ ontanogon. Deep woods up here, senpai.

its happening

the chicoms have been buying up shit nig tier real estate since the great recession....this is just them.sending the mother ship over

Honestly, I wish I could move to Hancock. Get me some Finlandia University poontang. Maybe if Eagle Mine ever gets reopened...

How close to detroit?
Thank you cards to china when?

Not many jobs up here so hopefully you're skilled otherwise enjoy your meth house.

I know. That's why I'm stuck around Champion.

Speaking of mines, copperwood resources just hit a huge copper vein in the porkies. Stay tuned.

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Heard about that. They better try for their fucking EPA permits while we have a Republican.

Take video

In before they nuke the city of Lisbon

Please go away stupid spacecraft

Yeah, my main concern is they are just going to import a bunch of illegals to do the work and piss off the locals. This isn't africa like the management is used to.

so where's the fucking sauce

Well, any experienced copper miners in the world are open pit guys like Kennecott in Utah. I imagine they may bring in some retired underground workers in the area to train a new generation.

No way Michigan legislatures would let a company import 3rd Worlders to work our copper.

So that's why all their fucking ships showed up on satellite imagery! They will be hitting the shores of Cali in no time. Poor Cali fuckers quality of life will be worse than Venezuela by the end of next week when the swarm chink niggers put them in re-education camps.

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pls drop on my location
thanks in advance

>implying im not armed to the teeth
those gooks won't make it past the fucking ports

They are already pulling the political strings. The mgmt is the worst of the worst. Buried behind fake companies to hide their presence.

They are the ones who had some of the biggest gold mines in Africa and south america. Built the mines, stripped the locals of everything, and left. Not good people.


how do we know its not filled with dildos?

by tomorrow, you will know

shut the fuck up

easiest way for China to win a war against america, is to sail all their ships over to america with a million troops on it, and without firing a shot -- surrender. Geneva convention requires the US to feed the prisoners and would be bankrupt in a month

Shows what you know leaf. We could give McDonald's a tax break to shove McDoubles down their gook pie holes. That's just 3 million dollars a day.

why would you go on the internet and just lie like that?

>>the worlds bread basket not feeding the world already

I just came back from San Francisco. The place is already swarming with them, if you ask me, the invasion has already begun.

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its chinese space station not canadian

all it would take is for a single hole to be blown in each of those ships for there to be millions upon millions of casualties. If they made it onto land, the sheer amount of bodies piled would make any battle from warhammer 40k blush


>Nuclear EMP back to stone age
>No more internet
>No more leaf posting
Worth it.


here's a live tracking link

I predict it will go down over the south atlantic

Loot that shit nigga

>>No more leaf posting
>Worth it.
No more Aussie shit posting... Double worth it.

>China will win the war by stuffing a million citizens into detainment camps
Not so sure about that, buddy. We could feed them rice and raw flour as we just send them back, then seek reparations for the housing cost.

What will we do if we cant shitpost brother?

We'll just have to do it live... As in IRL.
You get the added benefit of seeing peoples actual face change as they are processing what you just finished saying. It's fucking glorious.

your mum, step up ur game fag