easiest way for China to win a war against america, is to sail all their ships over to america with a million troops on it, and without firing a shot -- surrender. Geneva convention requires the US to feed the prisoners and would be bankrupt in a month

Shows what you know leaf. We could give McDonald's a tax break to shove McDoubles down their gook pie holes. That's just 3 million dollars a day.

why would you go on the internet and just lie like that?

>>the worlds bread basket not feeding the world already

I just came back from San Francisco. The place is already swarming with them, if you ask me, the invasion has already begun.

Attached: 1487797480085.png (1022x731, 643K)

its chinese space station not canadian

all it would take is for a single hole to be blown in each of those ships for there to be millions upon millions of casualties. If they made it onto land, the sheer amount of bodies piled would make any battle from warhammer 40k blush


>Nuclear EMP back to stone age
>No more internet
>No more leaf posting
Worth it.


here's a live tracking link

I predict it will go down over the south atlantic