Which of these sweetiebusties are you?
Who are you?
The side opposite of the Nazi.
Japan needs to make some porn with $-shaped eyes.
Please become an hero and drop a molotov on your self
Its impossible. Any form of capitalism depends on hierarchy and anti-liberty.
I am non-violent is mostly why. You can always go take the gun next to your computer, stick it in to the back of your throat and squeeze that trigger.
Thus, ancap is just a pile of retardation that likes to act like real people.
>You can always go take the gun next to your computer, stick it in to the back of your throat and squeeze that trigger.
I'd rather stick it in the back of yours.
which one is the cutest pol?
She's mine
>Thus, ancap is just a pile of retardation that likes to act like real people.
>throwing stones in glass house
Anarcho anything with the exception of mutualism is pants on head retard
No, shes mine!
Nazi is a cute A CUTE
This gay test always puts me around (-1, -5) but in practice I feel like I have more in common with the snake loli.
"I am non-violent"
>Advocates for an innocent man to shoot himself
Kys commie
How is anarchy pants on head retarded? Anarchy is the abolition of the state. Humans spent most of our existence as anarchists.
nazis aren't right wing
Wonder when the meme will die.
I don't know what you think non-violent means, but insults are not violent, even if I described brutal violence.
It's just words, snowflake.
Balls deep?
Nigger, not even our common ancestors with the apes were dumb enough for anarchy. Humanity has lived with proper tribal and societal power structures for as long as it has existed. Take your pipe dream and shove it up your ass.
I don't see the one with a laurel crown there.
fuck off commie
anarchy is just back-door communism
> let's abolish the state... instead imagine if we had unlimited factories making everything for free... derp... i can do it. i've never made ONE IKEA SHELF, but i know i can do this user
> communism is right, you're just too stupid to know. can you even spell marxism? i am so smart
fuck off nigger
we will invent new ways to torture you commies
we will use all the AI of a dyson fucking sphere to think of new ways to make you hurt
Last time i checked in prehistory humans had a tribal hierarchy idiot
Authoritarian right
>Nazis are on the right
>Antifa is libertarian.
Neck yourself.
Silence is like violence.
Anything that doesn't have symbolic thought can't have anarchy because they don't language, so that rules out anything other than Denisovians, Neanderthals, Humans and possibly Floresiensis. Maybe Heidelbergensis was capable of language, but who cares.
Second, anarchists exist under a horizontal hierarchy without class or state, so yes, many people have lived under this system.
>anarchy is just back-door communism
This statement is just meaningless. Communism is anarchist, so yeah, whatever. Difference between anarcho-communism and socialism is that socialists believe you need the state to transition into communism whereas anarcho-communists believe we should go to communism right now.
It was a horizontal hierarchy. There were no classes before Jericho, and its debated whether Jericho even had class as a concept.
Rape all 4 of them, have a loli harem.
My work here is done.
You have to pay to rape them.
Then I'll change my flag...
The problem with political compasses, charts, tests and gay horseshoe theory shit is that they all assume liberalism to be the centre of the universe.