Is carrying a glock part of the American religion?
Is carrying a glock part of the American religion?
in some denominations. though all that's really required is for you to believe in carrying glocks
>Not carrying a 1911
Dishonor leaf
>austrian gun
>not an american gun like the Colt 1911
So very wrong, OP.
Why is this better?
Every normal person in the US carries.
Either a 1911 or a colt revolver you maple moose
W-we can meme too
It's still in use after 100 years because it never failed anyone.
Plus, it's aesthetic as fuck. Far more aesthetic than cheap, plastic garbage like Glocks.
of course
fucking this
Smith and Wesson or GTFO, HK also acceptable.
nogunz get out
I'm guessing the sound of patriotism
Fuck my other post. This. Especially in .45 A(s) C(hrist) P(refers)
If you are a poor fag. Baby 1911.
Carrying a 1911 is part of the American religion.
It's big.
That big slider kicking back and the barrel being too high above the center of force of the grip.
This makes it a close range weapon.
Spotted the assravaged glocktard who bought the Toyota Corolla of guns and tried to tart it up like a Mercedes.
You wut? You are supposed to regulalry practice with your handgun at 50yds plus. You can hit 100 yd body shots with a handgun easily. The 1911 is more than capable of this.
That doesn't even make sense.
It isn't the NRA that is burning the constitution. It's the gun grabbers that are burning the Bill of Rights (even as they scream for a white genocide).
how quaint
Better balance, better recoil control, not cheap plastic shit.
Carry a better gun.
Nice collection.
there are more accurate side arms, user.
>better recoil control
t. never touched a gun in your life
Aeshetcally and historically it's my favourite, but it's a relic. I wouldn't trust my life with it, mine has jammed multiple times with about 1000 rounds through. My FN has shot over 3000 and never jams. Easier to take apart, just better overall.
I didn't say there wasn't.
> The 1911 is more than capable of this.
It is not a close range only weapon though.
I bet you own a Kimber dontcha?
Glocks are bigger guns.
I carry a chiappa rhino
That yours? You shoot the nice shit. Must have a good job
*I mean nigger.
Sorry, I'm phone fagging
.45 acp compared to a cap gun. give me a .45
Worse, Remington R1 Enhanced lol. But all my friends have different brands, Colt, STI, Sign, and same issues. I love the way they look and the history, but I barely take it shooting anymore.
Why not .357
Whats that big single load up on the wall?
yes, but the ritual actually is more complex
they gotta mod the trigger to be light as fuck, because they somehow think that's how a striker without thumb safety really is complete
then, they finally pull the sacred glock leg trick, and end up bankrupt by the hospital
>Meme gun
No. Get a better, non-nigger gun.
Second post, best post.
good choice as well.
>make a vague statement about your relic and how it jams
>talk about a brand name and how it doesn't jam
Are you a shill for FN? Post your 1911 or go ahead and admit you got some Brazillian garbage gun that you don't know how to make work.
I've shot a bajillion different makes of 1911's. Some were garbage and most shot just fine. Don't make broad generalizations about a certain type of firearm just because you can't into making guns work despite saying you own at least two.
You know, with this pic, you could be found, right? Then your guns used in some (((CIA))) falseflag, then the deaths pinned on you.
>(((They))) whack you, then literally put you on ice
>Commit falseflag, using your guns
>Thaw you out and place you in the scene
>hk clips
>in a world of compromise
>some just load the magazine backwards
cool story bro
>carrying an Austrian gun is part of being an American
you sound stupid enough to drive a chevrolet
it's actually not but it is more American
>krautshit is also acceptable
god that's hideous, Sig Sauer needs to be stopped
good luck hitting anything at 100yds with .45, you can fucking outwalk it at that distance
enjoy losing your hand like that blebbitor
posts the most size inefficient 4in 357.
post with phone you get the bone
Quebec, naturally.
whats with all the textured plastic?
autismo maximo
sure, yeah, but is it an applique, tape or some other after market administration?
its grip tape dude, you stick it on shit you dont want to drop
8 round bullshit mags.
it like a gun designed by finestine herself.
>don't make broad generalizations
>I've shot a bajillion different makes of 1911s
A lot of my firearms training information comes from the old guard. Several of whom exclusively carry 1911's. Men who killed men for a living. Their advice is to practice at that range for several reasons. It increases your accuracy in general, and it is still deadly at that range and one day you might have to use it.
What's with the glock hate in here? It's almost like you guys are complete plebeians.
Glocks? Very dependable, but I find them ugly. Even the name.
This. Also a single action revolver. But if you're Floridaman you carry a Bren Ten
ATI, Kimber, Colt, Taurus, RIA, SA, Remington, more shit I don't remember and several legit custom built race guns. Over a span of ~20 years.
okay, where can i get some?
30 rounds flush fit or bust, 15 is for maglets
the old guard aka fuddlore
is that a fucking clear frame? get that shit in atomic purple and I'll buy one
have you tried typing "grip tape" into ebay
get some and stick it to your dick, post pics
>John Wayne over here needs more than 10 rounds
Be a man and shoot 10mm pussy
the more rounds in your handgun, the more innocent chilluns die
this sounds like a winning situation tbqhfamalamadingdong
be a man and shoot .460 rowland cunt
Glocks are the firearms choice for plebs.
What if there's 9 niggers?
Honestly this, I love the 1911 but the Glock is the best handgun design since the 1911.
Is crying part of the leaf religion?
Proud owner of a Glock
It's aged like a fine wine
Ok you can stop posting now. My dick can old get so erect.
>Not packing a sixgun
Cmon fellas
I carry a Sig P226. carrying without a round chambered is for pussies and the lack of a safety means that the P226 can be quickly drawn and employed if deadly force is required. The shooter doesn’t have to worry about flipping a mechanical safety on or off. As soon as it’s out of the holster it’s good to go.
Another nice safety feature on the gun is the fact that the hammer, when decocked, is nowhere near the firing pin.
Implying this isn't my CC
Not everyone is Jerry Miculek user wheelgats are still dope.
Have an extended clip
>and Yossarian moaned “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
had a 4" python. hated it and sold it. still have the 5" 686 I carried for a minute when I first turned 21. switched to autos and and never looked back. revolvers are range toys.
Glocks are good, I like them. But what you need is a 1911 in a leather owb holster
8 round magazine is pretty standard now, +1 in the pipe.
No, but owning a gun and knowing not only how to use it but also how to keep it holstered truly is the American way.
It's not a religion, but it is the foundation of one of the greatest countries in the world for individual liberty.
It's not necessarily better, it's a religion.
that slide plate is cringy af