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Can Sweden go more retarded than this?

is this the actual start of the end times?

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This is a good change!

And that's a good thing!

Someone hasnt been paying attention


sweden is literally going to be taken over by Muslims. like it's not even a joke, it's going to actually happen

What the fuck is Sweden's problem?

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Sweden, Yes!

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And that's a good thing!

Quads? Allah has spoken. Allahu akbar!

isnt this grounds for an invasion? Obviously sweden has been taken over by islamists / pedophiles, at what point does the world start to judge obviously fucked shit like this instead of retreating to "well its cultural differences"

I am sure most idiot roasties and mothers that generally accept leftism due to herd mentality will find that to be a line they arent willing to cross

this needs to be memed into public focus

Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.

You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.

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We are in the kali yuga, my man, this is to be expected. That being said things are looking up. Soon we will have our man against time who will restore the golden age. All these people will be dealt with in due time.

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Why do the mods keep letting bots spam this board?

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i doubt it bro :(

I dunno, they always seem to surprise us on that one
you go
>fuck this has to be the most retarded shit I've ever heard. they can't possibly...
>then they go do something even more retarded
it's quite impressive tbqh

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now you are just projecting again nigger

Swede here
ask me anything about the current downfall

you don't know how fucked up they are over there
they simply won't stop, they don't know how to.

on the other hand, two years ago our parliament declared that we will abandon international law when sweden collapses, we will not let their cancer move here. might possibly use the situation to get our territories back I hope

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yeah you gotta feel sorry for a guy who is surrounded by white infidel whores. how can he possibly rape them all and serve allah? his struggle.


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they obviously have given up
they are bending over to conform to a conflicting ideology at odds with any semblance of western morality

fuck this illusion of peace
no one is going to fault you guys for going in and taking control
annex the cunts and kill a cancer growing in europe

What's the bluepill to redpill ratio in Swedistan? It seems like swedes are starting to have some slight complaints about the government actively trying to exterminate them.

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>arutz sheva
Why do i like this site, jewish tricks

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desu it's actually not that rare for girls not to report their rapists because they pity them, silly ofc

this is just too fucking much...
I am going to go see what nmr has been up to now, pretty much sweden's only hope atm

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The jews have a deep hatred for muslims

>they have given up

the average sven doesnt even know that things are bad

Funny thing is they hate Christians just as much.

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everyone is too scared of a government all seeing eye in the form of NSA datamining AI to start talking about a unified effort to reject this kind of bullshit

commie germany was undone by anonymous communication via walkie talkies

its time to start kicking some sense into people

we've had a surge in anti-immigration views since the 2014-2015 invasion.
the main right-wing party is our third biggest party at 15.4%, and they were the second biggest party before our traditional mid-right party became rather anti-immigration as well. very few ethnic Swedes want to increase immigration. the fire rises.

as for what Jow Forums would call redpilled, though? almost non-existent.

what city are you in? do people bring it up in private? are they even aware of it? how in the fuck is this happening?

honest question: do you like watching white women fuck blacks?

I am not surprised by this at all, you basically got a media outage on everything and I doubt all normies go visit sites like friatider. Unless you live in the troubled areas chances are that you are not going to know what's really going on .
Also I am not sure but I think they have either deleted or ghosted nmr's jewtube channel btw. their youth one is still up

Fake and gay

it surprises me every day how the government can always top the insanity that they are creating

what's your opinion on what the woman is saying in the vid here

posting I don't got at google account right now
nmr youth, for some reason you had to log in

how is this happening? does it simply boil down to you guys being too scared to speak your minds?

This is a good thing because it means the people aren't accepting it. If they manage to figure out what's really going on and who's responsible Sweden will probably go fucking Natsoc.

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in reality I have stopped caring for a while. laying down energy on Swedish politics it's like pissing in a sea of piss to be honest.


try this:

also, what is happening in vid? non-elf speaker here

doh I forget that I just posted it here so it would play.

btw they were counter protesting some (((feminists))) with the slogan
>homewyfus a male right
maxtriggering kek, I assume it's only to piss them off

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>very few ethnic Swedes want to increase immigration.
The current immigration rate is set to displace you in a matter of decades. How many are ready to ship them back?

can you give us the rundown on the morale there? it seems like a bizarre stuation that you guys might not fully understand but we are using your country as an example of what not to be in our political debates, it comes up often and im not sure the average swede understands it

Hypothetical calculation:

What is the minimum number of bullets it would take to solve all your country's problems?

damnit I should have downloaded nmr's channel, they had tons of epic keks there

homewaifus are a male right?

like stay at home mothers?

such wonderful diversity, all of those doctor and lawyer refugees are truly expanding the value of swedish society.


it would take a least 1 million desu, their country is fewer than 10 million total and is 10% MENA at least at this point, its an absolute nightmare

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i seriously fucking hate sweden so god damn fucking much

it's like a mixture of opinions. there are two sides one that's swallows the propaganda of the state and the other part that's mostly silent but are really tired of the government and is the silent majority as you can call it

yes, wyfus that doesn't work only stay home and take care of your children. Can you imagine something more triggering for this feminists?

I want a loli waifu...
What's wrong with child marriage anyways?

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>what city are you in

>do people bring it up in private
Sure, all the time. It's tied up with a lot of things. Many different governmental institutions are slowly deteriorating due to the workload (police, courts, emergency services, et c) and budget constraints due to excessive gibs. It's quite relevant to the living situation of most people. I've given up on some friends I used to have, because they were simply too leftist and idiotic.

>do you like [...]
No. Zoophilia is a crime.

>can't travel on the metro as a woman

>the police do not come out

>the Swedes do not get work
steady downtrend in unemployment

I'll write some more about it soon

lol that's like 20 mins from where I'm at

silence is akin to complicity

>and is the silent majority as you can call it
i honestly believe that swedish people on average, for whatever reason, are not fully formed humans. they lack the ability to detect threats and the will to push toward self preservation, I think they used to be fully formed humans but the vikings raped people they should not have and absorbed weak genes into the bloodlines

that is my theory anyway, it would account for stockholm syndrome plus the fact that minnesota is doing its best to mirror you guys


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>I've given up on some friends I used to have, because they were simply too leftist and idiotic.
what happened? they ignored the monetary costs or what?

well you gotta experience the peer pressure in society. Gott flagged as a Nazi just because I live in a nice area lol

in the next life i'm going to be born a girl and i will be somebody's housewife, unless feminists manage to fuck up everything to the time of my next birth and i will have to be strong and independent against my will -_-

they arent loud mouth hot heads like you and me though cuntman, we just blurt shit out and let it get out in the open, they simmer and hold it in and let if fester...too afraid of being called a racist

What's wrong with manipulating people? It's not like individual choice has any value. We're all just slaves to the smarter IQ ruling caste who are slaves to the manipulations of their progenitors.
t. Bugman

you need a trump

ta livet av dig shibbögejävel situation är helt åt helvete utan någon silverlivning, häng dig horunge

who the fuck cares
if the silent majority really exists
then you will all cannot be labelled nazis
you are sweden

thanks, I always wanted to know the english translation of your post soviet national anthem.

the election is in a couple months soo

how do you post on Jow Forums without the govt tracking you and charging you for hate crime?

they really do have the good part in this one, I don't know why more don't want to just do that. it has to do a bit with economics though, most need two incomes to get by

If everyone is too scared to speak
then they are made to watch
true cuck society
in all forms of thinking

I actually want to go to sweden. Heard it was a beautiful country with great Arab food and mosques.

it's in the autumn?

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lmao ofc we can all be labeled Nazis when the government legalizes child marrage

kek, it would be hilarious
no, i'm like a white crow here or black sheep if you don't know that idiom, sheep are cute too

Cut off gibs and they'll leave. Think fewer, more important people and what the consequences would be.*

*This post is entirely satire and in no way calling for Svenanon to do anything illegal. All brainstorming in these posts are purely hypothetical scenarios.

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scandis look the best but their brains are fucked

yuh in October i think

I like to think my life has meaning. Not only to spread my genes, but also my memes.
But sometimes it does feel hopeless I will admit.

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I know people who work as doctors and nurses in Stockholm, and I've never heard of the sexual harassment problem.

>more than 50% of the cases aren't reported. this is a fact
How could you possibly calculate this? Retarded

>molotovs thrown into houses; families killed
never heard of it

>You don't hear about the shootings
She's trying to make a point about how this is quieted down by the MSM, but this shit is on the news literally every single day

>Immigrants are kind people :))
>You're racist if you don't want to have more of them :(((
>Using "he" and "she" is oppressive
>Transgender is not a mental illness

What's the current immigration rate?
Don't you rather think we will be replaced because of their tendency to reproduce like rats?

Stop being so racist user


i've seen enough hentai. strong independent women like these needs to be kidnapped, tied up, raped, and have constant sex toys inside of them. at some point they break and will do anything you want. including kidnapping their friends for your sexual pleasures

feminism essentially made more women work, it decreased salaries but buffed the capitalist economy, nowadays women have to work because you are right, it usually needs two incomes to sustain a household

it's also related to decreased childbirth since it's much harder for a working woman to have children

>no one likes anyone as much as jews like themselves
This is not surprising. I wish white people could actually have some fucking camaraderie.

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after pedofilia is legal lol


one in the same.

>Don't you rather think we will be replaced because of their tendency to reproduce like rats?
That's a big factor, and coupled with even a modest immigration rate spells displacement for the native population. Your grandchildren will be slaves to muslims if you don't act soon.

you need to import some macho acting americans, australians, south africans, spaniard,s slavs, italians or whatever
a tiny infusion of burger or med blood would help you guys a ton to stop being such pussies about speaking your mind

it's funny isn't it? liberals and feminist will let you have sex with the same sex, children, and animals
but 2 or more spouses is strictly off limits

hijacked by jews

Inshallah I will move to sweden this year take my whole family there. Get me a cute loli waifu mashallah bros.