Ninja said the N-word on stream

Absolutely disgusting.

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Literally who?

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Link with video:

Some guy who's a millionaire from streaming

Never apologize

>some irrelevant piece of shit did some irrelevant shit
omg call the irrelevant police


how dare he make a certain sound with his mouth while having insufficiently dark skin
so racist

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Haha yeah kek bro! lmao just tarnish your career and never apologise, fuck all that important shit

Can lawrence fishburne say nigger?


Is there any other word in the western world that can cause such outrage? Why does it send the soys in to mouth frothing voldemort fits. N*g-who-shall-not-be-named

I thought the headline said he raped a slut and was genuinely impressed, then re read it and wondered how the fuck this is even news. Like who actually gives a flying fuck.

lol people are getting bent out of shape for that?

I thought it was some Pewdiepie bridge shit

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Apologizing always makes it worse you fucking coward

The five guys media was told to go after him since he plays games with Kimdotcom.

isn't the word in the lyrics?

This is news? Oh its kotaku, nevermind.

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This war is simple to win.
Get every streamer to say NIGGER on stream in protest.
"They are just words, grow up niggers"

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Anyone else get the urge to say nigger when they cross bridges or am I the only one

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>Listening to nigger music
I hope he gets castrated by rabid SJW gamers

is this an actual quote? Seems exactly like the kind of shit he tweets.

Not being able to apologise is the hallmark of a coward you fucking typical low IQ American mongrel

that depends if your talking about Laurence Fishburne the white black guy of Hollywood or Larry Fishburne who only did black Hollywood work.

>apologizing to leftists
Not only has he forfeited his potential edge, but now he's a cuck that won't be forgiven, anyways.

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All my leftist friends (how ive hid my power level this long i will never know) love rap and never skip the word nigga when they awkwardly do that thing where you like whisper sing the words because you are a soy beta. on some level i think when lefties feel comfortable with like minded people, they don't view themselves as "white" and are free to do and say whatever. pretty funny to watch.

what's the n-word?

>Vidya games
No thanks.

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I sentence this racist nigger to be impaled!

That's not an argument you cucked British shitstain. It's about protecting yourself from further damage. Whether he wants to apologize or not is irrelevant. It always ends up worse for people who do. Kill yourself moral faggot.

wait, why is groog saying another groog cant say nigger

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Why does this word make adults fall to their knees like kryptonite? It’s a fucking word my god. Sounds chained together. It isn’t a fucking Harry Potter spell.

Christ. I was bullied to hell and back and had to learn about how words are words. Damn.

How do I make 500k a month playing video games?

Apologizing for something so petty usually makes it worse.

>this is Jow Forums these days

just bin the entire board ffs

Use your tiny incest redneck brain for a minute - this fucking guy streams for multiple hours per day, talking to his fans the majority of the time. There will obviously be some black people who regularly watch him and he doesn't seem like an autist so I assume he has some black friends. If he doesn't apologise he's as retarded as you are


Yeah but he's constantly streaming talking to fans all day, some are gonna be black and there's no way you just can't apologise. Remember, he's a popular(ish) public figure - not a sperg on Jow Forums who roleplays as a Nazi

>and he doesn't seem like an autist so I assume he has some black friends
Yeah you're a nigger. I'm done with this conversation.

>*marks another mark on his club*

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Wait, so when someone uses logic, American's presume they're a nigger??? Hahaha you lot are so fucking thick, in the UK we consider niggers the illogical ones. I'm glad that you understand the pecking order though.

Because most blacks don't have a serious job and they feel inferior. Those people who are offended by everything are usually pedos or people without any serious job.

Apologising and bending to someone because you didn't censor yourself is petty. If he respects himself he won't apologise unless he is morally fine censoring his own speech, which will cause more problems down the road. If people wish not to watch you over something so petty, so be it, better that than selling your soul by allowing them to hold their moral outrage over you and forcing you to do as they ask.


selling your soul...for fucking apologising? You Americans are so weird. I may dislike gays and say fag a lot, but if I blurted it out in front of a gay dude I would apologise just for the sake of decency, it doesn't make you weak, it makes you fucking normal. This is how you fit in, make friends, not be depressed, not take a lethal weapon to school and shoot up the kids who do fit in.

Niggers are the ones with the black skin who originally came from Africa.

Hope this helps.

Stop listening to nigger music. Listen to rock and roll instead. They don't like us. They don't want us.

Asian men smarter and more Kung fu you
I am Neil de grasse ricepick

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By capitulating and kowtowing? Wow, you lot are fucking embarrassing. Grow a pair Alastair.


The fucking state of American education oooohhhh boy hahah. The fact that you consider an apology as capitulation and being subservient I'm gonna go ahead and assume you were all heavily abused as children.

Its in yourself self interest to have friends and deal with people. This would mean that if someone wishes you to not use a word as it may offend them well you have a choice to either use it or not assuming you wish to be this persons friend or associate with them. Within the realm of the social figure who speaks to many people at once, it would be in his self interest to not use words which might offend them BUT its also up to the other to choose to be offended or not. If the person reasonablly explains his taking offense and asks you not to say it again then you have a choice to agree which would comply as a resonable apology. For the one who took offense to demand apology after every offense is un reasonable and to become angered or feel morally superior is more so as you have no right to take anothers action as doing so revokes your own right of action. From that a reasonable person will not apologise and will not deal with someone who takes unreasonable offense and makes unreasonable demands.

So lets apply our lesson to the situation. A man who is an entertainer is speaking to a large crowd all who have different reasons to be offended at unique things. He says something and in context had no intent to offend. He did not say nigger to a black man with intent to offend he said it as a lyric in a song. To all watching it would be unreasonable to take offense therefore it would be reasonable to not appologise, doing so means he is dealing with unreasonable people therefore selling his soul, thinking capacity, nature, w/e you want to call that substance.

doesn't really help much when you're online and can't see the person