Was he on soy? I see no other possible explaination

Was he on soy? I see no other possible explaination

Attached: 1505703913372.webm (500x375, 2.12M)

obv raging cuz black man was winning

>I see no other possible explaination
Other than you being a gigantic, anti-White forum sliding faggot?

>obv raging cuz black man was winning
And meanwhile niggers have never invented anything in the history of mankind.

But Whites are on the moon thanks to the "Nazis".


>hitler no!.webm

hahaha hes high as shit

>was fucked up on drugs
>gave drugs to his military too

What is pol's obsession with him?

>being this butthurt

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He looked like he was nervous, not on amphetamines. Why would he want himself filmed while he was high? Why would other officials allow this?

Why would Hitler of all people take drugs at the place he's meant to be showing the prowess of Germany?

I think he was on drugs, or holding in a fart

He was a based dude though. Agreed that we shouldn't cling to figures of the past but he had the right idea with natsoc

>Being this Jewish

>>was fucked up on drugs
>>gave drugs to his military too
I bet you believe the Holocaust happened too, don't you?

Fuck off amerikike.

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I mean he looks pretty twitchy on this video.

Bayer is a great company

haha so ebin

>Hitler was a soyboy
>Hitler gassed 6 million jews
Really made me think.

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>when you really have to shit, but the track race is too riveting

pol is a Jewish hangout

It's also the only place where it will be notice if an actual Jew owns the parent

JIDF is resorting to chopped gifs now of Hitler at the olympics? Weak.

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the original soyboy

Attached: soyboy.gif (413x243, 51K)

He did and was neither. Amphetamines though tend to fuck with you a bit

Does he look like he was on soy?

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It's because it gets a shitton of (You)s

who has the gif of hitler doing the speech with the jazz hands?

thunder by ac/dc was playing in the stadium he was just grooving out to the song

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Fake gif. Fake news .dumb Jews

He served in the great war.
That behavior seems normal to me, a nervous twitch.

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This motherfucker was on the spectrum.

Hitler was skiing the golden slopes by IV

He just really had to take a leak

shut up, leaf. amphetamines were sold on the counter in germnay as mental stimulants like a caffeine pill. it would be normal to see this shit in the military.

Why would he open 2 fronts at the same time.
Because his only talent was speeches.

Is there a bigger failure of a leader?
Other than trump of course

that particular mouth movement screams amphetamines

He's "stimming", i.e. self-stimulating, because he has major fucking autism. Nazis are the most autistic political movement ever conceived.

oh look its this intentionally sped up video to make hitler look bad again. Whats funny is that Bukowski in "Ham on Rye" mentioned this video and how it was used for propaganda purposes 70 years ago you kikes need a new schtick

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It's documented that Hitler was on at least 56 pharmaceuticals. It does not suprise me to see a video like this.

Because the Germans watched the Russian incompetence in Finland and though they could beat them.

No you retard, think of this from the perspective of a master propaganda machine: why would you display the fuhrer as a drug-addled lunatic? You wouldn't, which is why he was allowed to be filmed while not on drugs.

He was on speed and other amphetamines....would get injections from his doctor daily....I wish I could accomplish a TENTH of what Emperor Hitler did while I take adderall.

Meth head. This is the real reason WW2 went the way it did.

He took pervintin. A methamphetamine drug. Pervintin was also used for the Wehrmacht. I believe it was called panzerschokolade

the brazilian leader who thought state promoted miscegenation was a good idea

It’s actuallt true. Hitler became very paranoid and crazy and wouldn’t listen to his generals anymore who would have probably won him the war since they wouldn’t have betrayed Russia at the worst possible time

He was a vegetarian soy it was likely.

They also went to school for military tactics and had far more experience. Hitler really was a retard

Nigga also would sleep to 4pm, and ate copious amounts of candy and cookies... There were numerous important political decisions that weren't made on time because Generals did not want to wake up Hitler....

I think Hitler had autism

oh look more retarded internet crackers worshipping ernst roams bottom bitch.

whites lost the culture war, cry more.

He wants the athlete to win, and is concentrating his willpower to such an extent that it is manifesting itself through those body movements and hand twitches. Willpower is actually the basis for meme magic, and would make a good reason for his propaganda film being titled "Triumph of the Will." A roadmap for making history through focusing collective willpower.

He used cocaine, that could be it.

Pseudo ephedrine and other amphetamines were legal in the West up until the FDA cracked down on them in America in the 60s, they were legal even longer in Europe. The mentality of these new drugs were not how harmful but how beneficial they were, given the user energy, focus, and quick reaction time. The negative effects only became known later on.

No shit, 4pm? He is like a nigger!