Chicago youth stage “die in” to protest new $95 million police academy
>If I took away your money for dem programs, would you die?

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Not really an argument, is it?


Another false flag, They're not even trying.

I'd be the jerk who yells, "Well, they're all dead. Let's take their stuff."

I like this idea.

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I'd be the guy going "What a jerk!" and then joining in once everyone gets distracted with you

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>I'd be the jerk who yells, "And nothing of value was lost"

wouldn't better trained local police be less likely to shoot them?

Why don't these dumb niggers take their activism to the streets to protest gang violence? Thousands more are killed by gang violence than by police. Stupid niggers.

>Niggers get shot by police while looting
>Protest against the mean wypeepo in police n shiet
>Police has now less people
>Niggers can loot/reproduce more because their natural enemy is no longer there
>Gun laws cant be enforced because no police
>Niggers now get shot by neighbourhood watches, kkk, and chinks that are trying to defend their stores
>There can now be more police because the protesters are now dead
>The cycle closes

they should do a "die in" every time a housing project is constructed because they get killed by niggers more

what did they mean by this?

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Probably some public school that closed because the nogs were too busy skipping class.

Make their dreams come true.
>Of being dead

>We need to ban guns
>We need to ban police
Article about a rapper trying to get the council to change their mind about funding the new police station before the vote.

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>wouldn't better trained local police be less likely to shoot them?
Only if they didn't commit any crimes. Realistically, better-trained local police will just be less likely to miss them.

>Dead nigger storage

what happens if you point out that most of these guys were rightfully killed

Black people are a fucking joke.

Think of the children's children!

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Protesting police is easy, protesting gangs is hard. Same with coming to terms your current black culture is toxic and helps breed more troubled kids is hard as well. Also, getting steady job is hard. Having to save up money is hard. Not stealing or selling drugs for easy money is hard. Etc etc etc

This is like when cops in Brazil just all fucked off for a while, crime skyrocketed.
Though apparently there was a lot of vigilante justice too.

Maybe they should hit the streets of the ghettos of chicago. It might make it easy to actually get killed.

they treat their schools like shit and then complain when the local government tries to close non functioning money wasters


I’d be the creep to lay down next to the girls and slowly inch over. Maybe cop a feel, then release some deadly farts and not fess up about it.

If they were really committed to these die in they'd really kill themselves. That would make a point

If only these fucks would unironically expire during these "die ins" of theirs. Would put them out of their misery, along with everyone else's.

Remember when blacks rioted in Baltimore over a drug dealer (Freddie Gray) so the cops toned down their policing a little and just sat in their cars while nigs nigged, resulting in the murder rate almost doubling within a few years?

Of course, these people have so much faith in the fabricated narrative that institutional racism and systemic oppression are the root causes of their shitty situation that they completely fail to realize that the very thing they are protesting against (police) is preventing their situation from becoming even shittier

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>It would be extremely bothersome that i would have to move out of the projects and walk down 16 miles to the nearest small town and get a job, which European Syrian migrants had no problem crossing the fucking Mediterranean and several hostile countries to take if not get a job.

I wonder what would happen if they laid down in the middle of the road in the projects, they would probably still get shot.

Chicago police solve like 25% of murders in the city, might as well spend that $95 million academy money on firing everyone and starting over again

Why are leftists so confused?
Do they want big government, or fuckin not?
This is what the state is.

I bet the dip in 2016 was literally just because election year leads to increased security.

Black people don't want any police around. I honestly agree. That way the gangs can just start killing freely. Can you guys imagine watching the violence on live TV every night? All the smart people have moved out from gang violence prone areas anyways so it would be blacks killing blacks. Maybe some Mexicans

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It's probably hard to solve a murder when literally nobody is willing to talk to you, and the murder victim appeared to be an equally huge piece of gang shit that undoubtedly deserved it

Oy vey I thought of that first goyim
At least leave the gold teeth and fillings you racist!

They want a bigger government, but only if it fucks over whitey. This is getting in the way of their gibs.

I wish they would just actually die

>group of Chicago youth staged a “die-in’ at City Hall

>The youth, all members of #NoCopAcademy, also announced that the organization is suing Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Could they be any more of a fucking nuisance>?

>suing Mayor Rahm Emanuel
They really think they can out-Jew the Jews on this?

So, when are the Woke Parkville Teens going to come in and assist them?

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If only they were actually dead

When the Soro's check clears

Rambo probably relishes the thought of blowing public money on his to defend him, probably a good friend or two among them going to cash out no doubt

It would be extremely painful

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Guy on the bottom right eyeing up the girl in the center.

Why don’t these protests ever happen where I live?
>If I could walk right through their stupid protest laughing I’d be so happy

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came to post this

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Time for looting I guess...

His name is Soros dummy.

fucking niggers cant even be bothered to get out of bed even to protest the stupid shit they supposedly care about

school shooting. the school got shot. how fuckin dense is yo nigga

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I don't think people understand how bad things are going to get in Chicago.

It was announced recently that four schools will be closing in Englewood.

These black, inner city kids will have jack shit to do for a year and a half.

Meanwhile, rents are getting as high as they are in DC - newly built luxury apartments in Pilsen (south) and Uptown (north) are going for $1.6k for a studio, $2 - $2.5k for a 1 bdr.

The new multi-million dollar school, while a nice addition to the South Side, indicates that poor communities are being dissolved to gentrification: black people and Latinos will literally have nowhere to go.

Now that the election for governor is between two billionaires, who knows what the fuck will happen? My guess is that the city will become even more flooded with white, neoliberal cucks who die at the hands of the state or gangs.

Pic related, world's largest Starbucks is opening on Michigan Ave.

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>Niggas be gettin' killed
>City tries to increase police presence
>IQ - 6gorillion

They really think that taking guns away from evil white man is solution to all of their problems, don't they?

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>black people and Latinos will literally have nowhere to go.

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You know cops aren't supposed to kill someone for committing a crime

>Chicago police solve like 25% of murders in the city,
They dont even do that, it is 15.6%. it isnt isnt solve, it is make an arrest and convince the felony review unit at the cook county states attorneys office to approve charges. That 15% isnt even a conviction rate.

>not a single white person
are you sure you are 56%?
i think you are below the 10%

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Chicongo is one of the major nigger cities you want to avoid if you ever visit the US.