Syria General /sg/ - Watching The World Burn Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Ghouta Mar27
>Afrin Mar 23
>Yarmouk camp Mar16
>Yemen Feb 26
>Idlib Feb 25
>DeZ-Bukamal Feb12

Devs March 29
>France to deploy troops in Manbij. Trump:We're coming out of Syria very soon. meanwhile US deployed Heavy military equipment to Tanaf
>No Syrian military operation in Douma due to the large number of prisoners still held by JAI
>Jihadist civil war intensifies as Zinki storms HTS areas in west Aleppo
>Jewish group calls for Muslims to evacuate Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday
>SAA now controls 87% of E Ghouta; currently awaiting Jaysh Al-Islam’s response to deal which has recently expired
>Syrian army finds a network of tunnels and Israeli weapons in Harasta
>Putin, Erdogan discuss preparations for Russia-Turkey-Iran summit in Ankara
>SAA raises flag in Tal Rifaat, states YPG has no intention of turning over town to Turkish forces and that none have arrived yet either
>E Ghouta; Underground hospital used by Faylaq al-Rahman discovered by SAA in Kafr Batna town
>At least ten buses filled with 566 people departed E Ghouta for N Syria, less than 24 hours remain for evac deal
>Iranian officer rejects Saudi allegation of supplying missiles to Houthis
>W Idlib; RuAf targeted and destroyed an HTS ammo storage depot inside the town of Al-Hamamah
>Ru troops enter town of Babila in S Damas to negotiate with rebels inside


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Other urls found in this thread:’s-approval-safe-zones-taliban

ASShat ruined Syria with his mismanagement, ASShat sent the military to quell the protests, starting this war, ASShat funded ISIS, ASShat should step down immediately.


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God is great, death to israel, death to America, curse upon the jews, victory to Islam

NATO doesn't have to do anything with Ukraine. Ukraine is not a NATO member, they are a partner, and therefore inot able to call article 5.

Article 5 has only been invoked once 12.sept 2001 by the US. Article 5 can only be called by a member, if a another country attacks a NATO country.

Article 5 is the reason most countries wants to join NATO, therefore the selection is very strict. Ukraine was denied membership in 2008, because France and Germanys concern about upsetting the balance of power in Europe.

Talks about Ukraine joining NATO again didn't start before after Poroshenko got elected. Ukraine will not be able to join NATO unless they solve their rebel issue.

NATO has only offered 12 million Euro trust fund to boost Ukraine’s military capabilities, which is mostly what NATO can do in this situation. US selling Javelins to Ukraine is on the US, not NATO.

Get your facts straight you fucking brainlet

God is great, and he cruses those subhuman shits with war and pestilence, praise God.

USA llser

Christian + Shi'ite alliance FOREVER

>Talks about Ukraine joining NATO again didn't start before after Poroshenko got elected. Ukraine will not be able to join NATO unless they solve their rebel issue.
Exactly why Mińsk 2 is so effective from the Russian perspective

You're right my mistake. I assumed Ukraine was one of those baltic states where they hosted NATO troops.

I admit lack of knowledge on Eastern Europe. Fucking Euros who pick and choose which european country can join your seekrit club

Hezbollah needs to start working with the Christian phalangists in Lebanon and kick out all the Sunnis

how will s*nnis ever recover

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listen to this and get /comfy/ lads

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So what the fuck are the frog's long term plans in Syria?

Should I get my hopes up for ww3?

Daddy why, you were the chosen one.

I seriously don't understand why he's changing his position and protecting the kurds all of a sudden.

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>c*mmunism is only stealing money from people
c*mmunism is way more than that

ASS*d's regime has the same goal.
methods, apparences may differ but the goal is the same

glory to SAA

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>playing r6siege
>no Turkish, Syrian, or Iranian characters

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Sandnigger Genocide

Sunnis in lebanon are the most cucked group of people on the planet. They were the ones crying for peace when Israel was bombing the shit out of them while the shias were fighting. Even when the Israelis were occupying southern Leabnon, it was Orthodox christians and Hezbollah who were resisting. S*nnishits fled the south and ran to the north pretending like no south Lebanon ever existed.


Who else here fasting? Easter is soon. I expect /sg/ would follow religious tratidions?

any INFJ lads here?

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real easter is next week, c*thloic easter is not real easter

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>methods, apparences may differ but the goal is the same
Fuck no, Assad's government somehow manages to hold the country full of minorities together. Arabs need socialism (I know it sounds bad) and authoritarian rule, otherwise they turn into animals.
Alawite ruled Ba'ath party saved that fucking country, and countless, priceless minorities like Druze, Alawite and Yazidi. From anthropological point of view they've done a huge favour to humanity.

I know. But it happens that they are pretty close.

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I just want Israel to collapse already so all the Sunnis can fuck off back to Palestine

*teleports behind you*
*overthrows your dictator*

pssh...nothing personal, ass*d

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WW3 would never happen. Not while the Ruskies and the Burgers still have lines of communication ongoing. They coordinate with each other every other week or so. WW3 would be more likely when they stop talking to each other.

good post

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God curses m*slims with retardation as well.

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Nope, only superior INTP sorry

>Autistic personality

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if I see you communicating with the c*tholics again, by god I will not hesitate to beat you with my shoe.

p*lestine will be a christian state, god willing.

happy easter fellow Orthobro

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I dont understand the joke here

>Arabs need socialism
>t. it's better to let palestine ruled by jews
every single time
you show your zionist rat face every single time

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You just know they wouldn't settle with it only

Got a problem with Zionism?

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>p*lestine will be a christian state, god willing.
Not sure Hamas agrees, but ok

that website is cozy in general can appreciate it

Anything new or should i just hit the hay

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>implying gaza strip wont be sunk in the sea

Palestine is like 10% christian. And Hamas is only as powerful as it is because Israel supported it to weaken Fatah

France is sending troops to Manbij

Austrailian troops will be joining US and French troops

Lmao at MBS' fucking hairline honestly pathetic

>that hairline
>that weak beard

If he wasn't born a prince would he be the stereotypical soyboy holding a nintendo switch?

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France is ruled by a loose cabal of cosmopolitans who dream of destroying all nation-states. Kurds are there to help them fuck up Syria, and optionally Iraq, Turkey and even Iran.

His hairline is so fucking pathetic tho I get why he wears the towel

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ASShatist in glass houses

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>no houthis new videos

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you can't blame him for getting the shit end of the genetics. His older brother got all the good looks.

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>this chad could have been the president of Syria

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he's got such a fucking punchable face. I wish he had the balls to actually come here, I don't think he'd walk out without a few stab wounds.

nice pic

>Assad could have stayed in London as an eye doctor and get to have sex with Asma without having to deal with being a dictator
Poor guy

Bassel was fucking based. He wanted to mend the ties between the Syrian Baath and the Iraqi Baath that had been strained since the 1960s. Under him we could have seen a resurgence of Arab nationalism and a very real possibility of a unification between Iraq and Syria, since in the 90s Saddam's sons were looking like utter failures, and he had no one else who would carry his legacy. Instead he died in a """"""""car crash"""""""" but the accepted narrative is that he was assassinated.

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Should I expect Turkey to retaliate?

>The way he’s smiling at Bill while Bill’s giving him the most condescending look

>The way his beard and hair are the same length making it seem like his beard is an extension of the little hair he has left

>The way his hairline is at a 90 degree angle

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>Should I expect Turkey to retaliate?
No. Turkey won't attack Manbij with both US and France there

> I think the Taliban should drop their stance on negotiations with the Americans directly and consider this.
Perhaps they should but that means accepting the Afghan constitution which the government itself donot follow and which would put them at a disadvantage.
>I don't think they will want to participate in something sponsored by the Uzbeks.
Qatar maybe.
Also it should be noted that it appears the US is quite desperate for a ceasefire. They are trying their best to just stall the Taliban offensive through any means necessary.

>Nicholson: US Planning Religious, Diplomatic, Military and Social Pressure on Taliban

On the religious pressure this was the Taliban response

They also held a meeting with the Saudis and UAE to somehow force the talis to negotiations

And by social pressure I believe the US means public protest for peace between Taliban and government to which this was the Taliban reply

And now the US is even willing to to talk a ceasefire with the Haqqani network. A group which they constantly say caused the most coalition casualties and blame Pakistan for supporting,

On the other side Hekmatyar(a former warlord and Taliban ally who lay downed arms and joined the political scene) has proposed a plan for the Afghan government to divide areas between Taliban and Afghan government.’s-approval-safe-zones-taliban

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jihad to take antarctica from the infidels soon

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Trumpet qts in easter celebrations Damascus

>faint screams in background
>dust blowing in the wind as his hand goes limp and blood drips on the sand
recognised instantly, also how havnt they released a version with proper audio the cunts

>recognised instantly, also how havnt they released a version with proper audio the cunts
what do you mean? without nasheeds so you can hear their screaming better?

beautiful dawla nasheed, have you listened to the new ones?

yes, but im thinking more so i can hear whats going on

reinstate the mandate

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I'm back. Re-linking this again because it's important:

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This is also a great follow up to this, thanks master baker:

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am i mad?


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who are you?

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WHO are YOU?

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and then you ask why we hate you

hello truand 2 la galère

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Do you need to talk about something? I can listen.

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so why did Israel bomb that place? a show of force/warning?

>truand 2 la galère

are you that old?

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it took people almost a decade to find the truth. If they could convince the US to intervene in 2008, with Bush in power, they'd be in a better position geopolitically than if they had to convince an unknown quantity in 2009 (like Obama and his passive-aggressive method of warmongering). It seems like a hail mary to get US boots on the ground in Syria.

As we know now, this would be about the time that the US would've started ramping up funding Salafist insurgencies in Syria with the likes of Ahrar al-Sham, probably due to the fact that they were at their peak troop concentration in Afghanistan, and Obama was going to escalate Iraq to its peak in 2009.

stop the larp we both know you're not tunisian

Show of force. They bombed it back in 2007 a year after their failed war on Lebanon. They needed to show that they were still top dog in case Syria tried something.

It's really strange how much changes in 10 or so years

I left France 10 years ago


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Enti ta7chi fih makch tounsi

US boots on the ground under bush was not very likely. They were already stretched thin fighting two insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq, an invasion of Syria in 2008 would have been a catostrophic failure. Shia insurgents would move easily between Syria and Iraq making life a living hell for the US forces.

So the yanks are pulling out in favour of a more expendable France?
Is that what I a getting from the news?
In gonna go give a local belle a bit of the old emu to celebrate.

That girl looks like a lot like my fiancé, except she has darker hair. What nationality is she? Iranian?

>that squat
I see they're learning quick from the russians