Is he aware of the jq?
Tom Cruise
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Scientology is the ultimate red pill.
How can he not be?
MKUltra Cult leader and he fucked up Katie
scientology is a mkultra program, it's also why david miscavige is a total cianigger now
Give me basic gestalt on scientology. There's a scientology church close to where I work.
the best way to understand L Ron Hubbard's thought process is to read his long ass book series Mission Earth he definitely despises a lot of things Jews are credited with doing
>why do Jews hate Scientology
Consider that Tom Cruise is the only gentile actor to retain his stardom for decades. Jews nearly killed his career for jumping on a couch, they have so little dirt on him. Scientology is based. You create a Jew-proof shield around your life, property and communications, and call it a religion.
Tfw Scientology is an alien condom to protect against Shekel-Transmitted-Diseases. Cruise is based. Kubrick redpilled him further.
Reminder Jow Forums
Scientology is oddly based
>Sci-gentiles become the new Jews, pay for converts' law school, acquire global real estate holdings that are (((tax free)))
>proudly anti-Big PharmaJew
>recruit gentile actors and musicians, protect them from SJW bullshit and Jewish backstabbing
>Tom Cruise makes white action kino that Steve McQueen would approve of, in sea of brown "stars"
>muh science fiction con artist = wrong, science fiction is an ingenious medium to get your message across, see JewDisney using Star Wars for NWO social engineering
>Dianetics is actually helpful = eliminate negative people, friends or family, from your life, eliminate bad foodJew from your life, always work to better yourself = Dianetics is like a calmer version of Nazi eugenics
>Suri Cruise is real anime, will marry Baron Trump, save whites on galactic level?
>aesthetics are memetic-friendly
>males are anointed leaders, not matriarchal like Judaism
>if Scientology conquerered Israel, imagine how cool it'd be
>Scientology not pushing for (((WWIII))) with Russia, Syria, Iran, doesn't care about oil or muh Torah Talmud LARP supremacism
>Christians can be Scientologists, np
>American Made proved Scientologists don't like the Clintons, the Bushes or CIA
>Hubbard was firmly anti-Communist and even tipped off FBI about Hollywood (((commies))) and brainwashing techniques
>John Travolta and Beck aren't pushing to take guns away, while all Jews are
>Scientologists aren't crypto. Show me a sci-pedo? Don't exist.
>Scientologists had no role in 9/11
Scientology is our /dogma/. Mission: Impossible - Fallout is out this July.
He must have actual superpowers to do all his stunts and not die
>>proudly anti-Big PharmaJew
That's actually really great. I remember Tom Cruise getting into some trouble because he publically said antidepressants make things worse and do not bring true happiness, and his reasoning was spot on. You don't change things that got you into depression by taking pills which force chemical changes in your brain. And the way the media piled on him was unreal, but like Trump he was not affected and is still at the top of hollywood.
The fact that he also acted in Kubric's Eyes Wide Shut leads me to believe he may be redpilled to a lot of what is going on around him. Kubric must have trusted him. Also Nicole Kidman has defended Trump.
This. Tom cruise:
>perfect gentleman, never shows disrespect unless you fuck with him first
>doesn’t go out and binge drink or do hard drugs
>doesn’t racemix
>built a high end bug out bunker because he knows shit will hit the fan eventually
>was the Last Samurai
>built a high end bug out bunker because he knows shit will hit the fan eventually
He put a white baby in her, she left and got blacked
Nigger, Cruise started it all.
And he did it with nothing but dancing and fat hands.
Cruise told Matt Lauer that kids shouldn't be hooked to Ritalin and that (((psychiatry))) is mostly a sham and Jews called it a meltdown
It's redpilled as Cruise goes alpha on this TV Jew, who got fired after Weinstein for having a door lock on his desk for gentile women.
Yes, he is aware that there's Jews who are less over-represented than Scientologists in media, Hollywood, power, and fortune.
He is aware that Jews can let ADL and SPLC on you if you offend them and write some mean blog posts about you while his people will just straight out sue you into poverty.
It's a fucking cult
You're being glib.
And let's not forget himmmmm.
The Cruiser is the jq. They don't know what to do about him.
based thread
>was the Last Samurai
you're a disgusting, disingenous piece of shit
Normally i'd ignore but the shit you spout is a bullshit sales pitch.
Scientology is a Talmudic cult designed by the CIA to see if they can create a new religion to take over for Christianity/Catholicism when these days come around.
Every level you have to give more and more money to discover Xenu.... FUCK YOU
The Jews hate him because he is implicitly/accidentally in opposition to many of their programs. It's a shame that he is mired in the Scientology situation. However, even given that Cruise is clearly outside of the normal Bugman paradigm. He had the balls to call out BigPharma and legal mind altering drugs in pre-YouTube days. He was excoriated for it. Furthermore, reviewers always try to take shots at his movies. Oblivion, for example, is highly underrated and describes a reality that is not too much unlike our own dystopian nightmare.
Also, Les Grossman was clearly an open mockery of the Jewish producer class (disgusting, crude, and downright evil.)
His scientology cult minions are the only ones protecting him from the jews.
He had loud ads for Hillary. Do not for a moment expect him to be anywhere as redpilled as Cruise, or even if he is, he's not man enough to say it
Which reminds me that it's funny that apparently his best friend is ben stiller . Maybe redpilled?
You seem upset and misinformed. Scientology has no hidden ties to any domestic or foreign intelligence agency, that is heresy. it was created by Hubbard alone.
Scientology is just a way for actors to protect themselves from the jews. None of the originators and big members believe in this, it's a jew shield.
What's crazy is how they sued the IRS in every state to the point they received their tax free status.
The endless law suites were a nightmare for the IRS, so they made the deal.
>it was created by Hubbard alone.
>CIA asset
Pick one
This was the funniest shit I've ever seen. Tropic Thunder is a god damn national treasure.
>Scientology is based. You create a Jew-proof shield around your life, property and communications, and call it a religion.
Scientology is just a way for actors to protect themselves from the jews. None of the originators and big members believe in this, it's a jew shield.
explain these jew shield properties niggers
it's a money draining cult
Literally saying kikes are disgusting.
>Scientology a protection club
That would make sense. Thanks Anons.
Oblivion is very underrated, as is the same director’s Tron Legacy.
I completely agree. The dude has not only a distinctive style, but he also used genuinely good filming techniques. Oblivion I am more familiar with and was so impressed with the projection lighting (not Lucas CGI slop) that I try to incorporate a form of it into my own day job. The script, without giving spoilers, is an extremely good representation of how most people confront our 'new world order' system.
>earth is bad place now, everyone goes to titan (saturn) to be saved
>turns out that it was a lie, and all the people who went to saturn were damned
What did Cruise mean by this?
The Oblivion director is currently filming Top Gun 2: Maverick, so get stoked.
scientology sure the fuck is, so, yes.
Has anyone viewed Scientology's new TV network that just launched? I was surprised by how sensible and informative the content is. I found updated listings on the official Twitter:
Tom Cruise is like the Vegeta of Chads. What other manlet on the planet is worth a damn? He is the top tier Chad status manlet, bar none. Joe Rogan comes in a not even close second
Not a jewish cult though
>comparing joe rogen to Tom cruise
Lol fuck off faggot
He almost certainly has a two-digit IQ. I doubt that he has the slightest clue about what is actually going on in the world around him.
If he wasn’t, he was after working with Kubrick. And I mean because Kubrick would have told him about his fellow jews and how terrible they are
Also, he outed cianiggers
>Tfw Scientology is an alien condom to protect against Shekel-Transmitted-Diseases. Cruise is based. Kubrick redpilled him further.
Haha, too funny my dude! Cheers.:D
Tbh I don't know how American Made was allowed to be made. Too many redpills about cia treachery against US in that movie.