>“We're coming out of Syria very soon. Let the other people take care of it now,” Trump said during a speech in Richfield, Ohio on Thursday, dedicated to his infrastructure initiative.
Shills btfo. 4d theory validated. Trump is and always will be /ourmemepresident/.
French are panicking and sending a force to plug the gap, Trump is a genius lol
Tyler Nelson
If he builds this fucking wall, he'll have 2020 on lockdown. These Dems are coming for muh gunz.
Brayden Flores
This will force israelis to become more vicious, they will do the heavy lifting now, and jews are more sadistic than whites. Sandniggers btfo
Samuel Turner
Then that is France's problem. They should have voted that lady. And your country is trying to start a brother world war for the benefit of jews yet again.
Eli King
Well if Macaroni wants to be a Roman god he'll have to have some wins under his belt.
Camden Cook
If the US pulls out of Syria, Russia gets their pipeline
Its going to be an all out brawl. The ME is packed full of races pol has never heard about, with ancient tribal hatreds. Wonderful bloodbath of sub humans incoming
Ayden Morris
>>B-BUT DRUMPF IS A ZOGSHILL >>B-BUT MUH NEOCON DON >>B-BUT BOLTON dude, this just means he or someone very close to him reads Jow Forums
you're welcome our butthurt was real and Trump is trying to make it up to us
Zachary Bennett
>Russia gets their pipeline who gives a fuck?
Dominic Gutierrez
Its also about greater israel, kike. US neocons have been planning war against Syria since the turn of the century.
Jaxson Flores
Trump wants to fight ISIS, not Syria. That has always been the case.
Carson Reyes
>I mean this optically looks very bad
who gives a shit?
Carter Bennett
Personally don't give a shit since we export NG but I'm sick of muh russia
Chase Nguyen
Let me give you an example of how deep this goes - in the west bank, there are refugee cities outside of arab cities. Why? Because he tribe that runs the city would NEVER intermarry with this other tribe, they are so scared of their daughters associating with the sons of other tribes, they do not allow any form of assimilation. And they are both "palestinians". Europeans have forgotten what tribalism means, ever since the dissolution of city states
Carson Adams
There's that word again: optically. Is there something wrong with people's visual acuity in 2018?
Greater israel is a religious concept, held by very few. Neo cons want a diminished ashkenazi state centered around tel aviv, and free of filtht mizrahi shitskin Jews, who they used to sterilize, because they hate them so much. You do not understand tribalism, unless its rooting for your favorite sports team.
> in b4 oded yinon
That was an idea to create tens of ETHNOSTATES, which you, a 56%er mutt clearly hate the idea of
Sebastian Sanchez
>Countries voluntarily trading is bad Hey Bolton, is that you?
serves them right for how they left us holding the bag with vietnam
Julian Lewis
What is it?
Jeremiah Flores
Who cares? The bible says "they are a nation that dwells alone" (Numbers 24). Let jews have an ethnostate, let kurds have one, alawites, yazidis, turkmens, balochi, let everyone have one. Its what Hitler really wanted. True diversity. Not some amerimutt 56%er calphate
Julian Murphy
Who gives a shit. We'll be getting our oil from Venezuela once SpicCommie in Chief gets deposed
Carter Phillips
The US will be forced to help them, and it'll drag "us" back into the desert.
Christopher Ross
>“We're coming out of Syria very soon. Let the other people take care of it now, Translation: >"Putin told me to pull out of Syria. Let the [Russians] get away with chemical weapons attacks by killing off the survivors. The Kremlin always comes first."
Now that the TrumDumpsters are worshiping the Kremlin and sucking Putin's cock, the liberals are the only patriots left in American now.
Our relations with both Turkey and Qatar have tanked if you haven't noticed yet
Brayden Martinez
Finally making SA and Israel fight for sand
Daniel Perez
Why the fuck should we care if the Russians want to gas a bunch of shitskin Syrians? Who gives a fuck, we need to stop meddling in foreign affairs.
Ian Campbell
How will they? How will they be "forced"? Give actual evidence. Israel is not part of NATO. By what law?
Jacob Lee
give me a quick rundown, why would the french even give a fuck about that godforsaked shithole?
Hudson Young
Fuck Europe. Let it happen
John Roberts
Trump might want it, but just wait for the zionists to pull a huge false flag. One false flag and having the media spam about it for a few days will trigger a cry for invasion a moment later. BUT, if they fail the false flag and US actually leaves. Then expect shit to go down either late this year or next year, since the kurds (american/israeli proxies) currently holds basically eastern Syria. Assad won't just let that slide.
Elijah Rogers
They were fine in 2013, what changed now ?
Levi Morris
This just plays into the theory that he is Russia's pocket. The Russians want us out of the middle east so they can come in and take over.
I fail to see how this helps. Also, Trump is a zogshill. Its plainly obvious. Hes literally bragged about his Jewish family member to crowds of rabbis. He marched in a Jewish Parade. His daughter married a jew. And he prayed at the wailing wall.
Honestly I don't even know what is worse anymore, supporting Trump, or supporting Zionists, that is how much of a Jew Trump is.
Jordan Collins
Q predicted this
Luis Bell
What is a "Zionist"? Give a precise definition.
Who will the USA fight? What kind of "false flag" would make them do so?
Im asking these questions to see if you are a 100 IQ Nord, capable of reasoning, or an indbred 85 IQ muslim, capable of only blaming Jews for his sorry, sorry life.
Ryder Price
>Who cares if our primary international opposition gets to cut off our resources and strategic interest? >What is the big deal guys? Wake up bruv.
William Walker
Go home anglobot. You time is over.
Oliver Lopez
>I give zero fucks if Israel fights its own wars.
In theory, if US stops gibs to Israel, and they defend their own selves, with their own jewish army, then all the power to them - may be the best man win.
But its never that, is it? The jews can barely even defeat hezbollah on their own and that is with FREE money to the tune of 30 billion they get from US every 5 years. The jew cannot fight. They have no masculine spirit. They need the white goyim to bleed and do the dying for them. Without some goyim pet defending them, they will die off.
Angel Nguyen
>our >not saudis and israels shut up kike
Sebastian Ramirez
Why were they moving new vehicles to Al-Tanf then?
Camden Watson
Yeah but have you seen how awesome it looks sonically? Are you fucking retarded or do you have synesthesia?
Benjamin Jones
No matter what trump does, shill faggots will call him a zog shill. Stop trying to convince them. They are deeply deluded and there's no point in arguing the point.
Connor Williams
>I don't know what a dictionary is. Then you're too stupid to be arguing with us, jackass.
Zi·on·ist ˈzīənəst/Submit noun 1. a supporter of Zionism;
Nathan Adams
What are you doing in the middle east anyway? Occupying it, like some kind of "Zionist"?
Shouldnt white people be in white countries? Or is it one rule for everyone else and another rule for us? Are white people the real Jews?
No one thinks this way. This isn't some late night jewmedy news.
Benjamin Sanchez
Go on....I dare you....
Luke Campbell
They’ll have to contend w/ Russian missile defense which already brought down one of their fighters. It’s going to get bloody for Israel and America will keep out.
Elijah Jenkins
What is Zionism, oh mixed race mutts of the american calphate?
Cameron Flores
in other news: "John Bolton, upon hearing the news shit his last pair of clean 'Depends™' and was last seen attacking an Asian lady at Walmart while calling her a GD North Korean"
Ayden Cooper
Trump says lots of stuff. Meanwhile the wall is unbuilt and the muslims undeported.
Samuel Robinson
B-but goblinism is about muh free trade!
Landon Stewart
Refute the point or shut up gaylord. The US losing access and influence in the ME is going to weaken us on the international playing field. Letting Russia take over is not going to end well.
Andrew Martin
$100 says they're going to Iran instead
Julian Garcia
Who cares? All Europe has to do is not buy their oil
I love Trump, be he is a jew enabler. I wouldn't be surprised if this move was to make it easier for pic related to happen
>No one thinks this way. Yeah, just Generals, politicians, the Russians, and anyone else who has even a passing interest in international politics. >What are you doing in the ME. Protecting our interests. It is not in our interest to let our primary international opposition strengthen their position unchecked. >This. >shill faggots will call him a zog shill. Read the post idiot.
Carter Garcia
Assyrians have always been insane. Always always. It was them that invaded spain in the seventh century
Owen Wright
>Greater israel is a religious concept, held by very few. You forgot proof. >Neo cons want a diminished ashkenazi state centered around tel aviv. You forgot proof again. >Its what Hitler really wanted. You forgot proof.
Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt while you were demanding "precise definitions and evidence" from everyone else, jackass.
Jace Bell
Yup. In opposition to the movements endorse by Russian interests. Do you even know what a proxy war is?
Also you can use tweetdeck to easily schedule your tweets. It's very useful for spamming things like this. tweetdeck.com/ Use gigatweeter.com to watch to see how much your message is spreading and if you are getting censored.
>Assyrians have always been insane. God, if this isn't a retarded fucking generalization, I don't know what is.
Jayden Brown
Who fucking cares. Do you work in the MIC? I'm tired of my taxes going toward endless wars and a useless military that fights Israel and Saudi Arabia's wars.
Nolan James
Lets see yours, first
Ayden Parker
Why are you asking for a definition of a word when you can just google it? It really saves us time if you just learn to do stuff by yourself you know..?
"Who will they fight"? Assad. I thought I made that pretty clear, who else would they fight? The kurds? Come on dude, think.. I don't fucking know, how about blasting a quarter of Idlib to later blame it on Assad? Another huge gas attack that will kill hundreds and blame it on Assad? ((They)) are VERY capable to do massive false flags if they see something good in the end of the tunnel, it has happened before and it will most likely happen again... ESPECIALLY if they lose the american army's support in Syria.
Levi Lopez
Arab means quite literally "mixed". Its no surprise that americans and arabs indulge endlessly in simplistic theorys about Jews. When you are a low IQ half breed, its much easier to blame Jews, and study mental gymnastics, than the rigorous disciplines of economics, history, philosophy and religion.
There has been zero proof of anything, in this thread, to date. Don't be mad, pick up a book.
Kevin White
>our resources and strategic interest Who is "our," faggot? Your Jewish interests are not mine
Connor Williams
(((they))) live rent free in your head. Unfurnished as it is.
Christopher James
>muh american empire Fuck off neocon kike. No more wars for israel.
Carson Wilson
>The US losing access and influence in the ME is going to weaken us on the international playing field.
Who cares? 2 trillion spent on wars abroad and what good has it done for US besides generate enmity among muslim nations and millions of whites dead so jews can have their ethnostate.
Gavin Bailey
My what? >MIC Considering I have no idea what that stands for I am going to go ahead and say no. Its simple politics. We compete on the international level with other countries for access to resources and strategic emplacements.
You want to change that? Go ahead. You are going to need to unify the entire planet under one government to ensure it, but go ahead man.
Brayden Gutierrez
The amerimutt caliphate is alive and well
Now, what is a Zionist again? A simple dictionary definition will do
> hint: it isnt some arab(mixed) caliphate of races under a flag
Alexander Cruz
The Jews will shut this down. They're gonna make us be there twice as long now. As usual, were paying, with interest.