can you even imagine anything even remotely as pathetic as a man in his late twenties still living with his parents?
Can you even imagine anything even remotely as pathetic as a man in his late twenties still living with his parents?
Yeah, shacking up with a fat bitch and paying for to fill your hose with farts.
No, it's utterly embarrassing.
You ever been to Italy? Nobody moves out there and it's just fine.
That movie was a trip
>Daddy would you like some sausage?
>just fine
yeah it's fucking heaven
I feel like you are ignoring the point to attempt to win an argument on an unrelated technicality
how? young men not moving away from their parents led their country to what it is right now. cuckistan importing black bulls to satisfy their women.
The refugees don't stay in Italy, Italy helps them go to other countries to get them out. Italians have close-knit families and there's nothing pathetic about staying with them over there. If you're a single man, living alone and paying rent, you've fallen for marketing.
>refugees don't stay in Italy
ask me how i know you've never been to italy
Can you imagine anything more pathetic than being forced to pay 3500 dollars a month for a closet because illegal aliens invaded your homeland and made the rent impossible to afford?
Most of them leave
>replying to cuckposting
Yes. Men in their 30s browsing Jow Forums
pure kino. I hate Tom Green but this film was a masterpiece in every way.
Can you think of anything even remotely as pathetic as kikes trying to destroy the family structure that has kept Europeans strong for tens of thousands of years?
This is a very American concern, and given the economic landscape is more of a concern of older generations. By the younger gen-x this became less is a concern, and more so from there.
I respect someone who realizes it much more economically reasonable to live with their parents for several extra years and saving up all of their money.
I knew a guy that did this for 10 years and then purchased a fantastic home, outclassing most people his age that moved out during the normal time.
Fuck off Russian troll you're horrible English gives you away.
Ok its a deal :), move out of your parents house, and come pay my parents some rent.
A man in his thirties.