Final shitpost

I am starting to lose hope,my country is dead and beyond saving at this point.even thought suicide is considered cowardice even in the face of disparity.i don't have another option.Should i sit here and endure another 40 year of decadence and what not is waiting inb4 go out in the blaze of glory why should i bother the average western male/female chose this fate even thought they were deluded by (them) they are responsible and the consequences are their punishment.Hopefully the west will wake up before its too late goodbye and good luck friends.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Immigrate old boy. We are, despite what you hear, thoroughly uncucked

You have a obligation user. If you cannot be the STRONG MAN, then you have the DUTY to raise them.

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Go out in a blaze of inglory then

Teach 10 dogs to Heil you at the same time and post on YouTube.

Why would you want to miss the biggest happening on earth? At bare minimum leave the uk, at most create an underground resistance squad as clean up the streets. Killing yourself is the worst thing you could do for your purples and country

death is the only way out, that's the route im taking

Liberal shit hole.

Fight back. Don't be a pathetic coward.

Muhammad, your English is improving quite well.

Shut your door. Close your windows. Here the Moslem call to prayer... than think back about how the UK bombed German children, and relish your past as your daughters scream as they get raped by 3rd world trash that your government imported to replace you...
And know that you can't even complain about it or you'll be arrested by your own people.

Move to the US

Make sure you accept Christ first!

Good luck. May we meet at the gates of Valhalla.

>considering suicide because liberals are in charge
How much of a weak, pathetic faggot can you be?

this, op. we only hate the mud hordes, an english speaker is more than welcome

Go off the grid for a month. Purge all degeneracy from your life. Take the puritanpill.

will Christ cut my breathing off tonight? please say yes

Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, people on this website lie constantly to get a thread going and people constantly lie in the media. Even if london is gross and shitty who gives a fuck its london I would imagine its always been like that. Go outside, take a walk, and look around you. Youll find joy in life. Please do that, I do it when Im down as well and It calms me down. Youll be fine my man, England will be fine, The world will be fine. If it isnt, then damn I guess thats it and we all know who to blame. Nothing lasts forever bud.

Kidnap babs and smash em into walls. Use their meat in tikka masala.


uk is much worse

new zeland
a fate worse than bongistan

read before you post next time

The reason you go down in a blaze of glory is for yourself. To show the globalists that for one final moment, you had no master.

That for one final moment they could not control you.

If you're really despairing give yourself a purpose & start murdering shitskins & known cucks at night

The US isn't much better lmao.

I'm sorry user, but suicide is not the answer. Turn to God as your last refuge.

>suicide is not the answer
Yes it is.

Sounds like what a cuck would say.

stop being such a pathetic faggot and man up, you don't have it so much harder than everyone else, you're a fortunate person so make the most of it and stop bering a pussy faggot

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>That leaf user who said he will rise up
>this poster that may or may not be referring to rising up


no i want to end it

u may thank this jew loving faggot

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Then end it by fighting

if i could sacrifice my self just to kill that pigfuck cunt i would do it for a 1000 times

no i'd rather die in peace and let my bloodline die out tonight

grow a pair. You have to fight for your race UNTILL YOU DIE. Never forget what theese Pakis did to English girls man. Remember that when you see the grin on their muslim faces.

shut up pussy faggot bitch or I'll end it for you, you owe it to the rest of us to be strong and man up, what if we all go around pussying out hey, how would that make you feel?
A rich dying man would give all he had for the years that you have

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You know what to do

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Don’t let the door hit you weakling.

what are you doing,how are you fighting for the white race?
protip shitposting on Jow Forums doesn't cut it

>or I'll end it for you
thank fuck for that, thought i'd have to do it myself
go on then, let's get it over with

First of all it’s not YOUR country. Second of all you should stop judging people based on appearance. Maybe stop for one fucking second and talk to the locals maybe you wouldn’t be a depressed racist.

Yes. The good old days are over. But they sure were good for a very long time. And Nobody can take the past away. Look at Rome and Egypt.

I'll just leave this here for you. Hitch hikers guild to the universe nigger.

Fight or you get a tombstone with the text "faggot" written on it you faggot.

>its always been like that

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if you're going to make me do it I will make sure you suffer horribly for putting me in a position to have to do it
you have more than most of the people that have ever lived

cum 2 america

two Jow Forumsack deaths in single day,thats a high score

Just stop being fat and get a gf. Go innawoods and have like 5 kids and let the government pay for them . Varg is a fucking legend . If every white guy did that the system would collapse and white birth rates would skyrocket

We're building a wall and there's a push against immigration, that's better than nothing.

i check every cent i spend so it doesnt go into enemy hands. every single second of my life i try to act the way i think the white race gets most profit from it. right now for example i try to convince weak people (you) to fight for their race.

Same fucking mindset
Though I started to think less about suicide and more about sociopathy and murder

>suffer horribly
already am suffering, hence why I want out, so do it.

short but better version

the BBC tv version has actually never been bettered

It's too late. Be careful down there, boss.

>changing history to have him killed results in your consciousness being placed in a black man upon birth

wut do den

I dont want pussies raising children bro.
user, kys and remember, you can always take a few with you.

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you fucking whiney bitch, we were all put on this earth to suffer fool, life is suffering and then you die but suffer first bitch and do it with dignity and keep a sense of humour

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I hope you do kill yourself you faggot fuck.

There are these types of threads on here DAILY. Literally, fucking, DAILY.

My theory is that it's because this place dwells in negativity. "That's degenerate, that's degenerate too, that's ESPECIALLY degenerate."

People who are happy don't talk like that.

Most of you are clinically depressed faggot fucks in real life, and if you choose to end your own life, I motherfucking APPLAUD.

Fuck you all, you depressed morose cocksuckers.

are you working?

>suffer first
no thanks, see you in Hell or wherever the fuck I end up

lol no Varg is a fucking autist who thinks that living out in the woods will somehow save him from the collapse.

If society collapses, he's going to need more than chainmail and a dull axe for what's coming for his resources.

no, absolutely not my mommy keeps me

Shill thread. These threads are popping up by the dozen last few days. Sage, report and move on.

holy shit you 56%ers are really that deluded

emigrate to Canada lol

move to the USA...The queer wants you to move to canada

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Pick up your shit and gtfo of mommy's house and your ego and self worth will immediately return

Come live here with me and the gang.

What did he mean by this?

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look you pussy bitch faggot you know you're not going to do it and you're just going to go round and round in pointless circles feeling depressed and suicidal and then even more depressed for being depressed and suicidal and not having the balls to do it so save yourself and us some heartache and get over yourself already, be a fucking man because guess what? That's all there is bitch arse faggot, get your head down and get on with it like the rest of us

You have two missions

Make as much dough as possible (legally)
Produce as many kids as possible

Do your nation a favour and kill some muslims

This is the beginning of a fascist revolution.
Your government has truned into an anarcho-tyrranical state, your schools turned into the states' propoganda machine.
They can only try their hardest to suppress the cries of freedom for so long.
Enough is enough.
You shiuld not, nay, WILL NOT, stand idly by while the jihad wages in your homeland, raping your women and exploiting your children.
It is time. Time for Britain to rise and re-ignite the passion for a fascist state.
Rise! Rise before it is too late!

Don't throw away your life, white man. Grab the bull by the horns and ride till you die. If you can steel your heart you can conquer your reality.

>and beyond saving at this point.even thought suicide is considered cowardice even in the face of disparity.i don't have another option.Should i sit here and endure another 40 year of decadence and what not is waiting inb4 go out in the blaze of glory why should i bother the average western male/female chose this fate even thought they were deluded by (them) they are responsible and the consequences are their punishment.Hopefully the west will wake up before its too late goodbye and good luck friends.
Don't get demoralized, the dawn is always around the corner.

stick around you whiney little bitch.. war is coming.. we'll need every last man we can get

if you give up then yes its hopeless
there is a problem and you must fix it
you're in your very own spy action movie, go with it

He took the black pill

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Why don't you think constructively how you can regain your country before you die?
I think that you should invite everyone's idea with Jow Forums or SNS.
Many countries have the same problem as Britain.
Many people suffer from the same things as British people
I'm sure we will find a good way.