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Bubschrauber weg, zwei Tweets schreiben, dass es um eine Autogrammstunder von 187Straßenbande am Altonaer Bhf. ging, kann ich aber nicht wirklich glauben, das Video auf dem pr0 sah ja doch sehr nach einer Fahndung aus.
Could be a bot, should be easy to code. Has he ever proven sentience?
John Watson
>"Die Laienrichter zeigten sich von der Familienzusammenführung des Afghanen am Gang und von der rührseligen Darstellung des Somaliers beeindruckt" Laienrichter?
Levi Mitchell
>Geboren 1966 >in Westdeutschland begann der Baby-Boom dagegen erst Mitte der 1950er und dauerte bis Mitte der 1960er Jahre.
Jayden Ross
>Could be a bot, should be easy to code. Has he ever proven sentience? Not on my watch.
To be honest; I'm somehow fascinated by this pic. How does one reach this size? What does one have to eat daily to not only be fat but look like a human Hüpfburg?
I still can't believe that the Germans weren't allowed to vote if EU law should be able to break our Grundgesetz. I'm really envious of your direct democracy.
Ryder Cox
gut feeling it's an ugly woman (mid-30's) single, that's jealous of Taytay
gosh she is sexy... maybe its also some sort of a vice article >how i harrassed a "afd board" for several weeks >wew i just got high on acid and came back from a rave here in berlin and their reactions make this trip priceless some shit like that
I can't even imagine the amount of anal pain the AfD must be causing the rest of the Bundestag right now. Even though they can't form a government the mere fact that a fairly large amount of honest-to-goodness german nationalists exist and are sitting in parliament must like a cactus lodged the rectum of leftist cuckolds and traitors. It must be a good time to be german right now.
A fair amount, the rest of the Bundestag attempt to veto and downtalk just about anything, even if they spoke in favor of mother theresa, they'd discredit them.
Anthony Peterson
Taylor Momsen looks decent. Fun fact she played the little blonde girl in the Grinch movie
>goethe and schiller are mandatory starting 7th grade >history classes also mandatory >cant see any culture here except for the one the shitskins brought with them
thats some spd level of faggotry
Landon Ortiz
They aren't even bothering hiding it at this point
"Mein Vater, mein Vater, und hörest du nicht, Was Erlenkönig mir leise verspricht?" – "Sei ruhig, bleibe ruhig, mein Kind; In dürren Blättern säuselt der Wind." –
the lack of german culture taught at german schools is ridiculous i remember music teachers talking about gospel songs back then and oh how amazing these black slaves sung back then followed by crappy shit like "die moorsoldaten" german teachers use anti war shit like youtube.com/watch?v=ixgbtOcEgXg (pls someone tell me if you heard this aswell during your time at school)
school here was actually the most effective redpill for me back then