>visited an Art School
>people were nice and almost entirely white
>some qts visiting
>food wasn't outrageously priced
>had a nice discussion with one of the students
You lied to me Jow Forums, I thought you said it was some kind of ultra-liberal diverse shithole filled with landwhales
Visited an Art School
Other urls found in this thread:
Art school are full of ultra liberals that virtue signal the evils of white privilege because they project their own living condition which is not sustainable and not a reflection of anything real other than the dollar spent by their parents.
>bunch of poor people that have hobbies like music or writing as jobs
Art schools are the epitome of SJWism/communist training and learning facilities.
Well yeah it’s a visit, gotta put on a good face
Yeah let’s see how far you get if you whip out mein kampf
My local Jewseams literally have niggers running security, food service, and ticket collection while the white man explains the art.
I canceled my subscription.
Liberal Arts do not equal Fine Arts. You can just say "Art school" but realistically it's one or the other.
Wait is that why my former university no longer advertises itself as having one of the best fine arts schools in the world?
Could any of them actually draw, paint, sculpt? Or are they a bunch of modern artists?
>Hello fellow Jow Forumslacks!
Who do you think you are fooling?
You have to get turned down
Name of art school?
>You lied to me Jow Forums, I thought you said it was some kind of ultra-liberal diverse shithole filled with landwhales
School or college.
Ultra diverse SJW campuses tend to be primarily white, that's the funny thing. MSNBC is full of white people.
What kind of Arts are hip with the kids these days? Art where knowledge about the subject and discernable intent is required? Or "art" that plays out more like a incomprehensible narcisstic power fantasy as a means to "make people think"? I think writing, specifically amateur, is a great place to see which is true: archive.is
I get the sense that they're dying from within with some core adherence to the former, and a few odd fat blokes who come out the other end being a mad honker on the clarinet or whatever.
But I'll have to take to wandering those halls a bit more to find out what they're really up to these days.
go , you will love it. dont expect to get a job or make a living in your field though, and wait untill all the professors start with the liberal shit. i went to one in the early 2000s and sjw stuff hadnt become a thing yet. i possibly might rethink it now
also, ask if they include life drawing as part of the course or literally any skills. we learned fuck all and it really hindered us
also, im not sure if it wouldnt be a better use of time to learn the skill youre interested in ie printmaking for example from a skills led college not a uni
what area are you looking to get your degree in? I did sculpture, im an idiot
But like i said i wouldnt change it
Art school is a total scam.
You either have talent for art or you do not. If you do not have talent, sure you can fake it and still learn to draw/paint/sculpt well enough, but you will never be a professional artist with your generic skills.
If you want to be an artist, you do not let some professor teach you how to do art. You develop your own style. There is no university degree required to be a professional artist. It requires natural talent, passion, and becoming noticed.
The only thing that art school will help you with is if you want to be a commercial artist. Which is a career that does not pay well enough to warrant going to school for.
Imagine how many 'artists' art schools pump out each year. Do you think that there is seriously a need for that many artists in the world? Maybe the truly talented top 1-2% will make (mediocre) careers for themselves or find decent work in art while the rest only wasted their parents' money.
>There is no university degree required to be a professional artist
reeeeeeeee my profit model bad goyim
>t. plebbitor larping as hitler
If the alt-right really truly believe that politics is down stream from culture, they would sponsor more of their kids to attend art school. the world needs content, and most oc is shit tier.
Someday, after this is all over, I kinda want to make a museum about Jow Forums and the alt-right and all the crazy hijinks that have brought us this far. Heck, I've even been trying to buy stuff that could go on exhibit there someday.
alt-right doesn't exist faglord.
I would have an art minor RIGHT FUCKING 15 YEARS AGO if it hadn't required bullshit courses. So I got a different bullshit minor and took all the art classes I wanted to anyway for the lulz. These people are not our best, and I wouldn't expect them to be the progenetors of massive OC outside of a few. It's like MBA majors for even bigger retards.
faglord? I detect a zuccbook user.
the pepes and art produced on here has more depth to it than anything at the last few venice biennales
it makes modern art look ridiculous and stuck
Last exhibit I went to featured this super qt Russia wifebot setting her shit up and we wound up talking for like half an hour about all what it means and how she was doing it.
I'm an engineer and therefore a master wizard, but it was cool as fuck to learn all about it.
zucc off, shitlorder
>implying OC is about (((art school))) and not the underlying ideas