Other urls found in this thread:
>a fucking leaf
sage though I know you faggots will bump
Why the fuck does the image change slightly when I open it to full-size but it's the same dimensions? Who the fuck did this?
It was all in your head buddy. Outside in the real workl it's different
Too bad, Trump is more interested in appealing to New York Times editors than the people who voted for him. Can't wait for the traitorous kike cocksucker to lose midterms.
>Thinking that voting for a Republican, Capitalist, Conservative Zionist will be good for White people
>Thinking that voting changes anything.
You all are nothing but sheep doing whatever your Jewish talmudvision masters tell you to do.
>Can't wait for the traitorous kike cocksucker to lose midterms.
And be replaced with another traitorous kike cocksucker...
>1 post by this ID
Bump bc of this faggot
Fuck you
Fuck donald trump
OP is a hit and run troll...that's true.
That doesn't mean OP didn't accidentally tell the truth.
No, just a kike, or maybe a beaner. Then they can at least accelerate the destruction. I'm not going to bother voting again for someone as traitorous as DACA Don.
>No, just a kike, or maybe a beaner.
All politicians are owned by the Jews and all politicians are anti-White in one regard or another.
>Then they can at least accelerate the destruction.
They're all going to accelerate the destruction.
Especially should Trump go war with Syria and Iran like his Jewish masters want.
>I'm not going to bother voting again for someone as traitorous as DACA Don.
We shouldn't be voting at all because voting will not save Whites from the Jews.
The purpose of democracy is to prevent change.
t. JEW
Nice Fake News faggot.
>t. JEW
I'm not the cuck that worshiped satan at the wailing wall.
>Nice Fake News faggot.
Non-Whites like yourself have no right to White countries and no say in White countries.
Also...you support an anti-White Zionist.
we're having a little jewTruths here mutha fuckas, just pull up a comfy chair and enjoy
Republicans, Capitalists and Conservatives don't like it when we tell the truth about Trumpberg.
Reactionary faggot. Consider suicide.