Jonny Daniels, an Israeli national and friend of Trump currently residing in Poland, told that Auschwitz-Birkenau, as well as other places of Jewish cult in Poland, should become exterritorial, owned by Israel and guarded by Israeli soldiers.
this is rational and the Poorlacks are doormats so it shouldn't be a big deal
Matthew Wood
How is it rational? We don't want to be Palestinians in our own country.
Mason Stewart
Adam Perry
Jews own all the concentration camps because they were gassed there they were cremated there they were turned into soap and lampshades there
Mason Gonzalez
Poland should just bulldoze them. Those relics are going to be milked by kikes for the next thousand years.
Henry Miller
So they can establish copies 1:1 in Israel instead.
Kevin Baker
Im actually going to a camp for a college project. How should I deface it?
Connor Lopez
This kike also wants to annex an airport and the Warsaw Ghetto and highways, so Israeli tourists could fly in, drive down and visit auswitchz and other places without having to visit modern poland.
They are trying to turn it into a pilgrimage place. Seriously, just destroy the place.
Daniel Bell
>this bulldoze all of it.
Eli James
There really is no denying it. Trump is a jew and Obama a Muslim. I feel America is very progressive in the multiculture arena.
I don't believe any other country have had both a jew and a muslim as president.
Kevin Ortiz
Fifth partition of Poland.
Christopher Morales
You mean they are planning on re-opening them and gassing their own people again? Are they running low on sheklers?
Lincoln Roberts
No. They want to have a full freedom in changing exposition to present Poles not as victims in the nazi camps but as nazis instead, and make Jews the only victims, while erasing all non-Jewish ones. We have the same nowadays in the "Polin" museum that we built few years ago for half billion dollar - it is the most expensive Jewish museum in the world. Jews made expositions about "Polish antisemitism" in it and spit in our face in the object that we gave to them. That's typical for Jews.
Ayden Ramirez
Fifty-nine U.S. senators have called on the Polish prime minister to support legislation that would allow Holocaust victims and their heirs to receive compensation for property that was seized by the Germans during World War II and later nationalized by the Communists.
In a letter signed by more than half of the Senate and released Monday, the lawmakers expressed concern about a restitution bill under discussion in Poland that, in its current form, would require that claimants be Polish citizens and limit compensation to spouses, children or grandchildren.
OK, it stopped being funny. JUDE RAUS! Hands off of Poland!
Sebastian Carter
You already have that in the form of International Auschwitz Council over which the polish government has no control
I suppose Polin museum is similar
Like that American said - sorry, Poles are indeed doormats. If you didn't build a commercial empire of your own, then you will be tricked endlessly by those more powerful and richer. This is the sad truth
Chase Barnes
It is MIGA, dumb goy.
Nolan Thompson
Fucking disgusting.
These self-rightious kikes need to be purged without mercy or remourse.
William Long
>jews start blaming poland for holocaust >suddenly they want all the camps for themselves Do they fear an investigation or something?
Daniel Morales
yeah because asking for your property back is a shit move
>yeah because asking for your property back is a shit move
They don't have any property here. 90% of Poland was destroyed in war. Everything was rebuilt by Poles, not by Jews.
Liam Sanders
actually I am good with that answer, agreed
Jaxson Sanchez
>yeah because asking for your property back is a shit move
They should ask Russia and Germany for the lost property, because these two countries take responsibility for WW2 and destruction of Poland. Meanwhile USA should give away half of its cities to Indians.
Joshua Baker
What the fuck? >be occupied by nazis >be occupied by communists >some kikes demand restitution for shit that happened 73 years ago
Aaron Kelly
>actually I am good with that answer, agreed
If a Jew can prove that his family lived in Poland and owned property, and he is a direct relative, then he can take this property back. Polish courts gave a lot of property to rightful Jewish owners. The problem is that these demands for the massive property restitution are made by organisations that have no right to obtain them. They basically want us to give them OUR property because they are Jewish, without even proving that they or their relatives ever lived in Poland and owned here something. They also want to steal from us everything we built after war on lands that belonged to Jews 100 years ago. So if a Pole built a house year ago on the land that supposedly belonged to a Jew 100 years ago, it means that this house is a property of Jews. That's fucking insane. If Indians demanded something like this from the USA, you would have to give them back a lot of your cities.
Tyler Hall
is that not the same thing that palestinians are demanding now?
Dylan Wilson
Kurwa mac jebane zydy.
They got more then enough. My grandmother told me that after the war all these fucking kikes rolled in to Krakow and started kicking people out of their homes because "Oy vey! That was my grandfathers house before he got turned into smoke in Auschwitz so it's mine now. Move out Polish scum!" Backstabbing leeches. I'm thinking we should probably renovate the camps and put them to good use. No point in them just standing around. We could have a soap industry booming.