
> Nutrish
> TripAdvisor
> Wayfair
> Expedia
> Hulu
> Nestle

Oops. Guess the free market doesn't like the fuckin nazis

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She fucked Keith Oberman so I guess toll = paid

So what? She took his money just the same.

Maybe if you're gonna shill for Jew money, don't be so fuckin overt about being a Nazi?

are you mad at keith because he is far more successful and accomplished than you?

I’m mad at your mom because she gave me crabs

All the companies removing their ads are JEWISH ISRAELI RUN COMPANIES.

Hogg is a Zogbot.

The florida shooting was a Mossad operation and OP is a faggot.

Place your bets on next to go.

Allstate? AT&T? Bayer?

She's gonna be Glenn Beck tier by Christmas haha

>being this Jewish with facts

i'll take your sidestep of the question as a tacit admission of your guilt for keith.

thou shall not covet

You can point your fingers and scream about "teh joos" all you want, but she's still gonna be dropped by the end of next week, if not sooner.

FOX is the biggest "Joo" of them all. They need to keep grifting those idiot rednecks and keep shilling fast food and investment banks for plebs. Dr Laura threatens to disrupt that.

Dumb bitch should have been more mature in her Twitter posts

You’ll take my nuts on your tonsils

Advertisers don't like controversy, they tend to stay neutral for good reason.

Just another reason this Jew capitalist system needs to be destroyed.

>Dumb bitch should have been more mature in her Twitter posts
How about you kill yourself faggot? If Hogg wants to be the face of a movement he better be able to take punches.

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If Twitter bans her account like they did Milo I'm gonna laugh so hard. Shit that's a good idea. I should go post it on Reddit!

Meme flag.

>Just another reason this Jew capitalist system needs to be destroyed.
It's not even because of capitalism. The Jews have botnets on all social media to shape perceptions and push agendas as they see fit. Companies either bow to the fake pressure of the bots or they're in on it from the start.

you must be at least 18 to ride this ride, bro

some dude named goodstein was just talking about giving guns to the gov. and when u want to use them for sport at the range, you can pick them up at the gov, and use them, and before u leave you give them back to the gov....

i am not even making this shit up.. it was just on national television on tucker carlson...
20 minute mark

It's actually the "based" Dr Laura who's learning the cold hard truth of "talk shit get hit"

I literally forgot Oberman existed until I scrolled this thread.

Last I heard, he went crazy after Drumpf won and got fired again.

> The Jews have botnets

But the Russians definitely don't. NO COLLUSION!

Israel colluded with Hillary and hacked the election.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel
propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

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Cool story bro you should submit it to the Dr Laura show oh shit wait she's about to get fired

>I should go post it on Reddit!

Too obvious.


i was going to castigate you for pointing out the firing, but in honesty, it is really about 50/50 between firing/quitting in his tumultuous latter career.

i like his attitude and delivery, much more than the actual man.

kinda like y'all and drumpf

She poked fun at him not getting into colleges. HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS MAKE HER A NAZI? Are you retarded?

It doesn't matter. Someone called her one and that's all that matters now.