I hate being redpilled. I'm going to my friend's house tomorrow and smoke weed with him. I'm planning on becoming a pothead soyboy. Fuck reality, fuck you Jow Forums for making me bitter.
I hate being redpilled. I'm going to my friend's house tomorrow and smoke weed with him...
Not today, Shlomo.
See you in a few days
Not today, Shlomo
>when you discover that weed is the redpill
weed = // = soyboy
I know many masculine guys who smoke weed.
Back yet?
We miss you!
Came here to post this
But Trudeau's going to fail to legalize
>he thinks he can go back.
I tried the same thing, just go get fucked up with my old friends to try and rebluepill myself. Ended up revealing my power level and going off on the Jews.
They got redpilled.
Either you're a shill trying to make a slide thread, or you simply keep coming back. I've seen this exact thread at least twice already.
Either way you get saged.
Weed is a drug for left wing hippies and queers. I used to be a heavy pothead, and then I got redpilled, join a nationalist group and quit because instead of smoking weed and numbing myself to being ok with this fucked up world, I'd rather get into action and change the world.
Weed just makes you OK with the way things are, that's why it's so popular in the shitty world we live. Instead of smoking, how about you channel your energy into making the world and your life less shit?
Find a local nationalist network and hang out with them instead of deadbeat hippies.
When I got redpilled I started hanging out with redpilled people and have completely lost interest in hanging out with any of my old normie friends and social circles. I have tons more fun when I'm with them anyway.
uhhhhhh ok.
Just have fun and don't take anything in life too seriously.
If this isnt a slide thread, good for you, OP.
I made the conscious decision to be a stoner during college. Did everything high. I ended up hanging with bros every waking moment, always socializing, and was genuinely happy. Inb4 dopamine flood, I honestly just wanted a circle of friends who do bro shit constantly, and weed is a great centerpiece for any gathering no matter how casual. Weed wont really drown out reality for you as much as alcoholism or an addiction to video games/TV, so you prob won't achieve that aim. However, weed can definitely give you the ability to form new, stronger relationships and give the excuse to be more social.
Being 12 looks lit af
Its not gonna work.
Learn to be happy with the world you are given or be doomed to not live a single day until you die.
>tfw attractive aryan man with a square jaw
>tfw have full time job
>tfw have the money to buy all the pot i want
>tfw dabbing all day at work with my pen
>tfw friendless nerds on a Taiwanese finger painting board think i care when they call me degenerate
T. Currently smoking wax at my job
It's spreading
Just like do it and shit xd nothing matters
Let's all smoke weed lol
Thats because trud*au is a pedophile commie.
Weed is both twst blocker and estrogen booster. Look it up.
It doesnt work like that user, you cant just plug back in once you see the matrix for what it truely is. you can approach things with a sense of humor and detached irony tho. U DONT have to suffer.
none of this matters unless you have kids, soyboy
How do I find a lax job like that?
>tfw liar on the internet
>pretend I'm a cool guy with a functioning life
>I'm actually a 56% face pot smoking faggot
push through it lad,it stops hurting once you get used to it,takes a year or so
>Get black gf
>Hang out with her brothers
>End up in a gang
>Zimmer puts me down for the good of the city
Weed was a mistake
I love the memes and everything, but in reality I don't really care about Jews or LGBT issues. I'm just gonna have fun with the 80 years that I have left on this earth.
I don't blame you. Pot is comfy as fuck.
If you were really ever redpilled then smoking weed wouldn't change a thing. You'd either just look at it as a fun temporary occasional pastime, or you'd thinks it's stupid and a waste of time and never do it again. Once you've taken the redpilled you never go back to 24-7 pothead status.
Would that even be a problem if you eat healthy and lift? If you aren't doing both then you may as well embrace the estrogen.
Utter bollox.
The only reason I don't smoke weed is because I keep freaking out thinking I'll get tested at work. Otherwise I'd still smoke.
>Gay immigrant Muslim furry romance
I can't believe you fell for the lies of someone who writes "look it up" instead of providing actual sources.
>not toking up in the back of the wendys kitchen where you're the head chef making 140,000$ a year while having a 12' penis
Lmaoing at yur lyfe tbqh fampai
I smoke weed everyday. It'll only make the redpill stronger.
Yeah. I don't think I enjoy posting here anymore.
>Weed just makes you OK with the way things are, that's why it's so popular in the shitty world we live.
No, that's what weed does to you.
Not everyone is the same dipshit.
i've smoked so much weed and even done mushrooms since taking the red pill. it does nothing. if anything it's made me more of a nazi. there is no going back. you're here forever.
Wrong. Been a pothead since I was a teen, was redpilled before redpilled was even a term.
I still smoke weed everyday, at my house that I own, in my office/study that I built while laughing at memes after work
how much do you like sucking on David Brock's cock?
Can we bring back LSD, please?
This. Weed shifts your worldview and let's you see the metanarrative VERY clearly. The "whoa man" cliche exists for a reason. This is the real reason weed is mostly illegal.
>he thinks he can go back.
Kek, good shit user, see you in a few days.
He didn't say that you will not smoke pot from now until your dying breath, he said you will not be able to leave the right-wing bants for very long. Once you know the truth a false reality is only mildly amusing.
Same thing happened to me. It seems in an effort to go back to ignorance we end up awakening other people.
>End up redpilling them
Doing god's work
Checked n' kekked
then you'll just realize hitler is really space jesus and you'll also probably shit your pants.
that's all that will happen with lsd.
you're here forever. you could even kill yourself, and your dying brain would make your last few moments seem like an eternity, where you are tortured by the horrors of knowing the unpleasant truths about our reality.
there is no escape. you are here forever.
I'm ok with that as long as I can trip balls.
Lmao , you think weed is going to make you less red pilled, you have zero tolerance right ? Come back here when you're high and be surpised at the shit your willing to give creedence too.
>join a nationalist group
>Find a local nationalist network
How embarrassing...