I know in the rest of the world, they'll probably pull out their 9mm and cap someone.
Here tho (Sven obv), they're pretty useless. Been stopped by patrols before with 2 women. They threaten you with nightsticks, after that try to pull you to the ground, AFTER that call on backup, 6 cops show up and place you in the ground after 40 minutes...
Sweden got the weakest police enforment worldwide?
They don’t need much more to put down a even like you.
Christopher Sanders
True, yet it takes several of them.
Andrew Kelly
Women should not be allowed in the police force or in the army.
Julian Bennett
Cops here are pretty soft, but in Sydney I've noticed they will close your mouth for you. Lots are hot tempered there.
If they out you to the ground, that's it you better stay there if you resist you are getting handcuffed and probably back up called to sit on your back while you are on the ground.
Also the women cops here are complete useless cunts, they are all fragile, lots are like 5ft4. They all walk around with about 2-4 other males that are all 6ft.
Males literally baby sit the female cops in australia.
Eli Sanders
That's what I mean, cops here just lack... spunk! "GET DOWN.... hmm GET DOWN!!! hmm what now hmm GET DOOOOWN"
They seem like dykes or massive cunts here. Their main job is seemingly to deal with female criminals though fortunately. We send good ol boys to deal with the nignogs. However there is a growing soymale police detachment I've been noticing. They have zero chill, usually high on their power
Lucas Green
I'm a bouncer, so i get to see up close of police dealings with junkies / aggressive patrons and often help. Few weeks ago, my supervisor, and about 6 cops had to hold down a aggressive meth addict who was strong as fuck.
The females did nothing and watched from behind, they tried to hold his legs but got kicked in the face. I put his hands in the handcuffs, while the other guys restrained him.
When shit hits the fan, female cops are complete useless cunts, are too short, too weak, and just so fragile to deal with men especially if they are drunk / aggressive or high on drugs.
It bothers me to see female cops because that is not the natural order of things.
Women can do the same jobs as men, and have authority over men, IF people follow the law and societal norms, but that's not what policing is about. They interact with dangerous people who don't follow the law.
Generally useless eyecandy that only works in already fully compliant populations whose response to police authority is full cooperation at all times in every situation.
Nigga, i hope you are joking. "Strong women" are still generally weaker then your average male. When men get drunk, they get incredibly aggressive and thus can be incredibly strong. They also don't feel pain like me and you, depending on the level on toxicity.
I've seen a black guy soccer kick a cop right in the head after trying to arrest him.
Women aren't really suited for theilitarybor para-military. Not to mention the cohesion that would exist in an all male unit gets shrdded when a female is present in the force
Cameron Morgan
Yeah, 50/50 was way WAY too generous! Disagree about drunk guys getting stronger tho. They think are they the shit when they're drunk, when in fact just... wildly swinging idiots. PCP niggers tho, no one can deny! That's scary shit
Nicholas Gray
They're ok, but ineffective in the field most of the time
Lincoln Torres
>Disagree about drunk guys getting stronger tho
That's because you don't have to deal with them, i deal with drunks 5 times a week. They get very aggressive because of the alcohol, thus leading to superior strength they don't have otherwise.
Not as bad as dealing with meth addicts, but depending on size ? weight and so forth it can be very tough and challenging.
Dominic Jones
I’m in a comfy part of FL and the female cops here are fine. They have less of a complex and are much kinder if you get stopped for speeding, etc. Plus they are not afraid to bust caps in unruly niggers. When you have a gun you aren’t afraid to use, strength doesn’t matter as much. The rarer black *and* female cops are even less hesitant to accelerate natural selection by shooting young nogs straying too far from their containment neighborhoods right in nuts It’s truly a special place
Lucas Torres
Fair enough! Only dealt with 2 with drunk guys in my life who wanted to beat my ass while sober. Was literally just stepping aside while the swing... Tell em to go home. Couldn't do your job, mate. Gotta be horrible. Not getting threatened, but listen to drunks while sober is they worst-
Funny thing about this, is it was a Sven throwing a trantrum they'd jumped him. Because it's a "NewSven" they're hesitant... It's so fucking ingrained the PC here. urgh
Hudson Bailey
I think they can be cute
Hunter Gray
This is true. >You got an ID? >awww you're so cute ^_^
Nathaniel Jones
I mean why didn't fucking taser or mace him? Or just fucking shoot him? Do you cops ever kill people in your 3rd world country? You need some American cops to train you guys.
Henry Martin
>a woman in any position of serious authority not even once
What you mean? He's MULTICULTURAL! that would be RACIST!
>You need some American cops to train you guys.
Benjamin Williams
Memes aside, Anders. Does Sweden ever have "police brutality" cases like the US does? Does a Swedish cop EVER seem to overreact? Every time I watch a video the cops are complete pussies. Like trying to punch some one in a dream.
Austin Sanders
Yeah, there are cases of brutality. All for the wrong reason tho imo. A friend of mine is way into football (fighting desu). When they fight other firms and the police comes, they go ham! If they get someone on the ground, they'll beat them to shit! That's riot police tho, so I don't know if they count as "regular piggies" here. As for any media highlighted post, can't think of any.
Rape/robbing/stabbing (no killing), you'll get off with parole here.
Oh, just remembered many years ago, trio of guys here robbed a bank, executed 2 cops following them cold blank. 1 of them escaped recently a year ago, gave up peacefully, but they beat him to hell.
Easton Brooks
A female cop is as useful as a male wet nurse.
Carter Morales
I've nothing against it, as long as there are no affirmative action and adjusted standards. Guns have changed the game, and a trained and armed woman is more than capable of putting an animal down. But then there's the UK, you know. I'm not about to let the retardation of individual nations affect my view, though. Plus it's a fetish of mine.
>Female cops. Opinions? >I know in the rest of the world, they'll probably pull out their 9mm and cap someone.
Pretty much.
>Here tho (Sven obv), they're pretty useless. Been stopped by patrols before with 2 women. They threaten you with nightsticks, after that try to pull you to the ground, AFTER that call on backup, 6 cops show up and place you in the ground after 40 minutes... >Sweden got the weakest police enforment worldwide?
Only after Germany. God even France is more badass.
youtu.be/esUeZOZkqrQ like this....even in norway it's fucked. I hate police but ffs i pay taxes so they kill niggers and addicts, as long as i am being white they act right. Nordics need to get their heads straight.
There are two sheriffs in my family. They say female deputies made searching female perps so much easier. But the female deputies couldn't go on calls alone so they were a burden in that sense. They also tended to be better at dispatch
Gavin Brooks
*blocks your path*
Jayden Rogers
is this supposed to be attractive? it looks gross, very masculine shapes.
She looks fine with clothes on though, because you cant tell they are covering up a masculine body.
Joshua Ramirez
You could use the same rationale for female combat troops, and I just don't think the vast majority of women are as mentally capable for fighting as the average man.
Jack Harris
Oh shit, didn't see that one! Disregard!
Julian Ramirez
Fellow Sven knows
Sebastian Morris
I can indeed, and I do. Whether or not they are mentally capable will be determined through screening, like it is done with men. I'd agree with you that the majority would be unfit, though, but hey, they can complain to nature, biology or God about that. All that matters is that there is a universal set of standards for a particular job. The problems we see in progressive societies started when retards began to "argue" that it's somehow immortal to hold everyone up to the same standard, demanding affirmative action and quotas. This is not a complicated issue.
>Niggers = best cops Haha, I love seeing that drunken slut taking one to the dicksucker.
Jeremiah Lewis
I don't mind female police officers as long as they can bench 100kg but right now the strength requirements are so fucking low they don't even need to be physically capable of firing a gun
i wanna fuck those 2 and take a shit on their chest i'm no creep or anything just wanna do it for the power trip
Luis Howard
they should be able to buy uniforms at sex shops but actually not be allowed to serve in the army or police force
Jack James
I've gone through psychological military evaluation myself when I was 19, and I failed. Trust me, it's detailed enough. And it does somewhat bother me in the sense that I feel women are to be protected while it's a man's job to defend the tribe, but I think women should be allowed to volunteer if they want and if they are fit for service. But like I said, as long as you enforce those standards, it's never gonna be a real issue, and due to their biological limitations, wiminz will remain a slim minority, especially on the frontline. Pic related is a woman who pretended to be a man so she could serve in WWI, where she performed very well. There were also some 700,000 women that went through the Red Army during WWII.
Female cops are VERY useful, dealing with domestic disturbances, interviewing women suspects/victims, caring for the loose children that fucked up suspects have, deescalating shit with macho men who would fight or confront a male officer.
Community policing is a very important and underestimated part of LEO work. Good work there can reduce the amount of violent shit you have to do. It can't fix the fucking ghetto of course.
Quite a few female officers feel they need to go maximum turbobitch to get people to respect their authority as officers.
One of the effects of the increased number of female officers is an increase in police shootings. The female officers just don't have the physical options, so they're justified to go to their guns earlier, and they do so.
Consider that black female cops have extra job security points, extra protection against BLM protests, extra points with the juries. Have you ever heard of a BLM case that started from a black female shooter?
Nolan Davis
>blocks your path >ahem sir you are a leaf state your reason for being in America >leaf mentions trudeau accidently >ANTIGUN COMMIE LEAF GET YOUR ASS ON THE GROUND YOUR BEING DETAINED AND DEPORTED TRY TO TALK ABOUT ANY SHITPOSTS AND WE WILL SHOOT
I'm sure some refugees will love one tenderly one day if it already hasn't happened and been covered up.
Brandon Foster
There is NO fucking way it hasn't already happened. I'm surprised it hasn't happened on video yet.
Justin Long
I mostly have a problem with women being frontline troops. I don't like it and I would probably forbid it if it was up to me.
Brandon Bennett
The only good things about female cops are that they can frisk women and they can give me fantasies. Other than that they should be doing office work at best.