Excuse me what? Jones's wife currently on twitter yelling about him being russian media.
Excuse me what? Jones's wife currently on twitter yelling about him being russian media
You mean his kike ex wife? Jones has been talking on-air for months about planning to visit Russia, and that's called a VISA. A visa is something you get when the country you're visiting approves of your entry.
saw this tweeted earlier and don't know what to think. I don't trust him or his wife tbqh
damn i wish i looked this good on my passport
Link? Oh ya you're full of shit!
Fake, thats even the wikipedia profile image
You mean Alex "I'm Jewish" Jones?
Calm down cupcake
I already know he's said this, I don't care. I still watch him and I still like him. Problem?
Alex should get a mastercard just in case
in case jewrussian economy collpases and he has to make pay to chechens
>I dont care if he's a kike!
t. kike
his caveboner products have six times more lead per serving than any other products on the market, what's worse is california allows for even more
you are going to have to explain your point
not all of us are Mexican Intellectuals
You know you can attach a .jpg to the visa application. The fact he has a russian visa isn't where the interest is coming from. It's the stuff his ex is talking about.
So wikimedia got the pic from his Russian passport thing? Fugg.
>every kike is behind some global conspiracy with the Rothschild
>"Why are you taking my picture, globalist?!"
>lol at same thread from this morning
>lol at this being jones wikipedia picture
>do some research Jow Forums
Ask Lizzie about why she changed her name from Saxe-gotha-coburg
>Alex Jones supports Israel
>Israel was created by the Rothschilds
>Alex Jones supports the Rothschilds
Alex Jones is a very chaotic personality. It makes sense Russia would want to support him.
He has mixed opinions over Israel
Never knew anyone who got a divorce before? It’s pretty standard for them to say unpleasant things about each other.
Stay in school kid, and think seriously before getting married.
this is just a fucking visa how does this proof he's russian?
>Rothschilds created Israel
>Israel is behind white genocide
>Israel is behind Globalism
You stupid bitch nigga as an American you have an American passport and you don't get a new one for each country you're you get it stamped for every country you visit
>Russian visas don't have photographs
>if they did, they certainly wouldn't use the photograph from his wikipedia article
It's not his ex, its fake news
Some countries require a visa. I have a US visa and mexican passport but im not required to show my passport to enter the US only the visa.
Passport photos dont include chest, shoulders
Brockgoblins are extremely antisemitic. They're alarmed not only when you oppose communism and their personal interests, but also when anyone thinks giving the Jews their own ethnostate is a good idea. They believe that Jews belong only at all of the upper echelons of Western societies.
Always oppose Brockcockgobblers.
that's a business visa
can people really watch this and not wonder why the video cuts off right there?
Old news. Despite he supports Trump so whatever.
Our paramilitary used Russian assault rifles, our best prostitutes are Russian and some of our military satellites used Russian engines to deliver payload.
You get it? So what if that clown is a Russian spy. Its what he does that matters.
>"Why do you want to visit Russia!"
>"I have a great product to sell it's called SUPER MALE VITALITY!"
Russian embassy is the epitome of mediaocracy -.
sometimes you just get a piece of paper that gets stamped and sticked into your passport nigger.
Vitality sounds like a Russian name. That really makes you activate your almonds. Russian spy confirmed. kek
That pic looks fake af. Looks like a promo shot.
Shit not that, OPs pic.
He's been exposed as a fraud, a charlatan, an actor and now a russian agent
That guy has burned every bridge imaginable. You'd have to be a total brainless retard to still listen to him unironically.
He's the WWE of so-called ""journalism""
He's not even WWE, he's a straight up TV show. He's War of Worlds radio broadcast but wayyy more phony, add shiesty and he equals a total work of fiction
A glorified snake oil salesman
You need a visa for Russia, look it up dude
I wish it showed his full DOB so we could confirm that Bill Hicks theory.
Also this was issued Jan 29, 2018.
> an American you have an American passport and you don't get a new one for each country you're you get it stamped
found the poorfag
Its literally the picture from his wikipedia article
Here's a (You) for that one.
Hello Comrade!
Obvious troll account.
>listening to an ex wife
If you paid attention you'd also see she's salty as fuck that he has custody.
You would have to be a brainless retard for even listen to him unironically EVER.
"Alex Jones is a great actor"
There is something fishy here. So far most sleeper cells were sent with respective wives and partners so they can "take care of each other" during the whole decades of operation and cover. This mean fucking each other, helping each other and of course putting a bullet in the head of each other if they questioned the programme.
That was in the 90s. USSR is gone, some spies keep working for the Kremlin others just fade away. Jones is successful so they probably contact his partner to stablish orders again. Jones didn't comply so she quitted. The Kremlin is probably having some leverage on her family now abducted, and she is just blowing everything at him for not helping her.
Which makes Jones a dissident. And thus an westernised citizen.
She’s a fucking jew who forced him to say Arabs run Hollywood. Alex Jones has actually been pretty good since he divorced her
>I still watch him and I still like him.
You must have a double digit IQ if you actually like hearing melon-head yell out Jow Forums talking points for 3 hours.
He's not a russian asset thats retarded. Idk if he's stratfor or if thats more misdirection and I don't really care. He's a shill, we all now this.
His wife was PR specialist for fucking PETA and should not be trusted. She glows brighter then he does
For fags that don't know him, this man predicted 9/11 and was the real deal. He's dead for obvious reasons.
Alex Jones is fucking hilarious and awesome. He's pro gun and pro Trump and he confronts the lefties out in the field. Fuck his ex wife that's no way that's actually her, if it is I feel sorry for the kids most of all. I'm she brainwashes them into lefty trash.
>here's this picture you upload to Jow Forums
nice argument comrade!
t. Alex Jones
>Visas and passports are the same thing
I am a Russian agent and I can assure you Jones is just another Yankee pig dog.
Are we sure it's not their mastercard? Why does visa get all the attention?
t. Infowars employee
His ex is a jew. Not even joking
what's the deal with the infowars contributor getting nabbed by the fbi? ted malloch
Is this what Frank wanted?