Why are there so many Jews in the Alt-Right movement?

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It's called "Controlled Opposition".
Stop listening to Jews.

>ben shapiro
>alt right
he has stated many times that he is not alt right and does not like the alt right


Funny part is, molymuex is the only one out of all of them I actually watched and even him was like only 10% of his videos. Sargon of cucks once in a rare while and only 10 minutes at the most of a video because he can't shut the fuck and nick picks every fucking word. Ezra was even rarer and ever since it came out how he was Jewing his workers I went cold turkey no problem with him.

All of them are faggots.

No one hates jews more than jews.


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>stop following controlled opposition
>so here let me post a guy who's the biggest fuck up of the controlled opposition

>Why are there so many Jews in the Alt-Right movement?

pic related, there os no Alt right, but some stupid far right idiots think there is so they joined groups set up by jews in order to make the alt right look like a real racist thing that patriots can be lumped into the same sewer and be attacked and smeared by the media, also dominated by jews lol.

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this is now a nose porn Laura Loomer thread

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What? Are you retarded?

How are Mike and Anglin "Jewish-funded?"


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>votes Tory
>Caliphate forms at a slightly slower rate

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goyim NO

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i can't tell if these posts are some kike trying to ruin the alt right from the inside but is just so dumb that they don't even know what the alt right is or some 14 yr old who thinks it's funny to post retarded bait on Jow Forums

1 post



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>putting a star of remphan under ones picture makes him a jew

Wew lad.

hello, fellow american people

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>i put png of star of david next to someone name witch means thaey are bad!1!!

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All of these can be verified by sources. Simply ask and I will send you them.

where's the source on Steven Crowder being a racemixer? Usually I'd just ignore shit like this but I thought he intentionally reveals 0 personal information about his wife

This will be removed from the image for now. I am still researching his wife, her name is Hilary Korzon originally, Korzon is an interesting name and I have been researching it closely. It is predominate in the USA, Russia and Poland. She has Blonde hair and seemingly blue eyes but this is to assume that many *Jewish* women do not possess the same traits. As of now, I will remove it from the image until my research is complete.

I hate people who lie when they're already right to make themselves seem more right, it's a really bad look

I'm going to socialize with alt-right people IRL, make some real friends for the first time in years, and have a good time, and you countersignalling faggots can't stop me. You will not keep me locked away in the same goddamn box I've been living in for years, I am going out there, I am getting involved, I am going to be somebody, and you can't hold me back with fear. I won't go back to another day alone, feeling blackpilled. I am going to find my friends, get my life in order, and be who the fuck I am.

Control by despair stops new ideas, and I refuse to be controlled by despair.

also I thought you meant he was fucking a nigger or something because there's a separate category for Jewish spouse

Who are any of these people, and some of them are ostensibly not "alt-right" by anyones definition but antifa.

2/3rds of these are literal whos, half of the remainder are by no means alt-right, and including "Ryan Faulk" and "Colin Robertson" as Jewish because they're homosexual is asinine.

Also, when did Tara McCarthy race-mix? I know that she has 10% South Asian admixture, but she's rationalised that if she has children with a White male, they will be 95% White.

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fpbp, alt-right only exists because Jews backed ANTIFA and the term alt-left was born. So naturally, there needed to be an alt-right to justify ANTIFA's existence. Without Jewish funded controlled opposition, ANTIFA would of decayed rapidly. So they setup Charlottesville and bussed a bunch of folks in to show everyone nationally "look, alt-right is real, we need ANTIFA"

This. The "alt right" was invented when (((they))) realised how popular and powerful conservatism is so it can be controlled and influenced.

All of these shitty e-celebs who popped up seemingly overnight during the election are part of the control.

Non-leftist jews tend to be very redpilled.

>manufacture conflict
>sell shit to both sides

only 9 of the 36 people listed could be considered "Alt Right", and even that's being overly generous.

Why are leftists so retarded?