Canada's economy is non-existant. Canada is nothing but a hewer of wood and a drawer of water. All you do is sell your raw, unrefined resources mainly to the USA at substantial discounts to market prices because you're too stupid to build pipelines to the sea so you don't have to rely on your sole customer the USA. You also don't have enough refining capacity to process all your domestic production, so you have to pipe it to the Koch brothers in Texas who refine it to you then charge you the crackspread. Any skilled White worker IMMEDIATELY leaves Canada and goes to work in the USA or abroad. You literally pay kindergarten teachers with degrees in feminist literage $120,000 and high school 80 IQ cops $150,000 a year while Nuclear Engineers make $100,000 only and computer programmers live off food banks.
I'll give you an example. Someone I know went to Waterloo for a B.Math CS&CO double major, as you know Waterloo CS is up there with MIT/Harvard/Stanford and a top feeder school for Silicon Valley. Something like 10% of Microsoft/Google/etc is Waterloo CS grads. Google was founded by a Waterloo grad. Bill Gates personally visited Waterloo (a fucking farm town in the middle of nowhere) to compete with other firms for its 300/year graduates. Now this person did 6 (paid, market rates) internships primarily in the USA and Europe at top firms. This guy pulls $300K+ USD easily, yet he showed me some job postings from Canada
>McAfee Waterloo >Senior Programmer >Assembly, Algorithms, Low-level Assembly >Pay: $42,000/year CAD ($32K USD) >1 week vacation >60+ hours a week, no overtime. That's $13.70/hour before taxes. Ontario's minimum wage is now $14 I believe, going up to $15. So a Flip working Tim Hortons cash register would be earning more.
LITERALLY less than 10% of what you'd make in the valley.
Canada needs to fuck off and die. The GDP print came in today too: expected 2.8% YoY, came in at -0.1%. Canada's economy is fucking collapsing
>Canada needs to fuck off and die Canada's so called elected representatives need to fuck off and die. BOTH SIDES! There is no hope, and none for the future of Canada with the way politics and government is run in this de-facto government.
Canada doesn't make it's own Lasagna. It's imported from China where they use ratmeat or god knows what else, freeze it then shit it over.
In Canada, to put "Product of Canada" on a product, all you have to do is spend >50% of total input costs in Canada, this includes advertising, wrapping, employee expenses, operating expenses, etc. The actual product itself can be from anywhere in the world.
They do this with the fish sticks. It says "Product of Canada" but the fish actually comes from polluted Vietnam.
I worked with 2 Waterloo grads at a start-up; they're both making $17hr.
Teachers make 100k, Firefighter Captain makes 100k, RCMP and Military make 50k starting salary (don't forget, we pay 40-50% after everything)
Jackson Torres
Why is she so perfect? Her cock is as nice as her ass, body, face..
Blake Morris
Minimum wage is 14 good luck getting 40 hours flipping burgers.
Caleb Miller
>she >cock
words have meanings. shocking.
Aiden Brooks
what a meme, Canada is still rated one of the best places to work the wages here are still much higher than most places in europe and even some places in the US. We have a huge demand for engineers and stem and it's growing a lot. As soon as the pipeline gets built to the east it's go time we're oil kings baby. Now if only they'd keep mining that uranium
Xavier Harris
And knowing is half the battle.
Angel Walker
the syrup and apples are all us tho desu
Nathan Wilson
most Candians were oil kings before they immigrated to this weird-ass shithole
Benjamin Mitchell thank me later.
Carter Taylor
It's OK.. live off the grid.
Snare rabbits for stew. A better life awaits.
Grayson Walker
Gavin Lee
They were oily... not kings though. Far from it.
Aaron Wright
softcore shit
Jeremiah Moore
>muh syrup
Wyatt Martin
>move to america fucking how am I supposed to do that legally, getting a green card is near impossible for a whitey
Aussie here we can't even get work and wage growth is below inflation Quit whining and enjoy your multicultural hellhole I mean Utopia
Cameron Peterson
the economy needs more cultural diversity to grow user.
David Diaz
Jack Walker
Everything worth a shit in Cgaynada has m.s.g. in it.
Zachary Baker
thats not gay
Samuel Mitchell
oh cool
Jacob Perry
My dick is about to pop, who the fuck is that slag?
Grayson Bailey
live in Canada 20 years and then decide which is the shithole.
Caleb Wilson
Gee thanks Trudeau..guess the budget really balances itself and all the immigrants really are helping the economy!
Duh, the real goal is to financially strain the white populations, while creating brown goyim population masses in the cities and Shlomo Feinkiken can shekel his way into a Ferrari.
The propaganda is slowly shifting as well ladies and gentlemen. "Anti-gun" rallies.
I think there's a misunderstanding here. Unpaid internships are illegal in canada so that wage for someone with no experience or only a year of experience is very high compared to the US. Obviously your wage goes up over time.
I did my degree in chem and worked doing shitty repetitive analytical work for near minimum wage for a year, got bumped up after that, now I've left that company and my wage has more than doubled and I'll be elligble for my P. Chem soon. I've never had an unpaid internship or unpaid co-op position in my entire life. I'm 28 now and have no debt either
Landon Gray
So you got a degree in Chem, slaved away for $15K USD? In the US you could gotten a job at a chem company and started at $50-60K USD with a low cost of living, minimal taxes and living costs half of Canada
Gabriel Adams
I'd suck his/her dick
Evan Kelly
This, sad but true.
Dominic Campbell
week vacation
lying sack of shit detected
Levi Adams
Min wage in canada is like $30k and no i started at $33k for 3 months, then $37k for 9 and my new job I'm at $43/hr. During my degree I had summer jobs every time, usually $17-$22/hr
Nicholas Jenkins
>McAfee Waterloo >Senior Programmer >Assembly, Algorithms, Low-level Assembly >Pay: $42,000/year CAD ($32K USD) >1 week vacation >60+ hours a week, no overtime. Source? Where the fuck are you finding this?
Looks like you lucked out. You should look into becoming a RE agent lol
Real estate agents and salespersons (NOC 6232-B) 28,752 45,037 123,595
Easton Hughes
Sales is shit unless you're extroverted and i am not lol
I didn't luck out that much. Chemists are often 2 year technical degrees. I did my B.Sc. and the field I work in now is chemical related but I do no lab work. Just need to know the theories and the language. Ultimately it is still my plan to start my own business though
A chemical technologist would likely work in analytical labs for eternity. In Canada analytical labs are an oligopoly between maxxam, exova, and als. A comparable situation is rogers, bell, and telus for cell companies. Canada loves pseudo-monopolies
John Butler
Remember.. the rise and fall of counties is independent of who is in charge. The cycle just repeats itself. The funny part is that Canada is actually going to do it faster than the states..
Adrian Taylor
Adam Sullivan
This is sad, but true.
Michael Flores
Yeah I'm wondering if the good parts of you guys are gonna end up a new state of ours in 15 years.