What was his name again?

What was his name again?

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Mike pence

Mike "Electric Fence" Pence


Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence

Mike "homo medicine from thomas edison" pence

Michael Richard Pence

Mike "ACDC/LGBT" Schnider

Mike “Amperes for the Queers” Pence

Mike "Israel's Condem" Pence


mike "lgbtbbq" pence

Deep State Mike

Stalking Horse Pence

Mike "Make Faggots Food For Maggots" Pence
Mike "The Cock Knocker Shocker" Pence
Mike "Gotta pay the troll toll" Pence
Mike "gas the fags" Pence
Mike "gays and dykes on a pike" Pence
Mike "Bum-driller killer" Pence
Mike "Empty My Nine At The Discotheque Line" Pence
Mike "Get a shock or put you head on the block" Pence
Mike "Fudge-packer hacker" Pence
Mike "Get that Homo into Lobo" Pence
Mike "zaps not faps" Pence
Mike 'Gay marriage aint happenin' now let me get to zappin'' Peace.
Mike "Putting fags in body bags" Pence
Mike "volties for boobies" Pence
Mike "making pederasts past tense" Pence
Mike 'Just Marry a Butch Who Loves Anal' Pence
Mike 'Don't Be Weird Just Get A Beard' Pence
Mike 'Fake It Until You Straight It' Pence
Mike "Putting the Amp in Straight Camp" Pence
Mike "No Flattery Will Stop My Battery" Pence
Mike "take it in the butt, get the watt" Pence
Mike "If you can't fool'em get the Coulomb" Pence
Mike 'Sodomite First Strike' Pence
Mike 'Homoshima and Fagasaki' Pence
Mike 'If you're gay and proud, mushroom cloud' Pence
Mike 'Nuclear Homocaust' Pence
Mike 'fuck a man in the bum, feel the heat of a thousand suns' Pence
Mike 'Nuclear ice age after anal stage' Pence
Mike 'Voltage spike for every Dyke' Pence
Mike ''Fry Away Your Inner Gay' Pence
Mike 'Electroshock your love of cock' Pence
Mike 'Today is the day we X-ray this gay away' Pence
Mike 'Hit this dyke with a lighting strike' Pence
Mike 'Crashing the gay club circuit with some real energy' Pence
Mike 'Opposites attract, fact, this charge will counteract' Pence
Mike 'If you're into wearing thongs well check out these electrons' Pence
Mike 'My daughter said she loved her, turned her into a conductor' Pence
Mike 'Wanna be a gay bitch? Check out my voltage' Pence
Mike 'They used to sing songs til I showed 'em my electrons' Pence
Mike 'They call it queer, they call it gay, I call it just a lack of Michael Faraday' Pence
Mike 'All perversion is an electrical conversion' Pence

Mike 'I keep all my electromagnetic static up in my atic' Pence
Mike 'Plutonium rods for every poz' Pence
Mike "They like dicks, put them on sticks" Pence
Mike "See a fag, put them in a bag" Pence
Mike "Kiss a man, get into the van" Pence
Mike "Two genders, no benders" Pence
Mike "Chuck a spear, get eaten by a bear." Pence
Mike "No wife? Have a knife." Pence
Mike "Pencey agains the nancy" Pence
Mike "Limp Wrists Burnt to a Crisp" Pence
Mike "the fag has HIV? Shocking!" Pence
Mike "If Other Men Get You Erected, We'll Make You Corrected" Pence
Mike "You like the edge, you end in a fence" Pence
Mike 'grab my jewels, get some joules' Pence
Mike 'blasting gays with Tesla rays' Pence
Mike 'thows grenades at pride parades' Pence
Mike 'turning fruits into vegetables' Pence
Mike 'sucked a chode? here's an electrode' Pence
Mike 'Feminine penis no match for Tesla's genius' Pence
Mike 'dump a mag into every fag' Pence
Mike 'if you like cock, prepare for a shock' Pence
Mike 'Command and Conqueer' Pence
Mike ' Dykes on spikes' Pence
Mike 'if you suck with aplomb, get ready for bomb' Pence
Mike 'beta males get beta rays' Pence
Mike 'fly the rainbow, feel nuclear glow' Pence
Mike 'Gayger Counter' Pence
Mike 'Gayvy Crockett' Pence
Mike 'took part in the gay sensation? Have some radiation' Pence

Mike "the leftist sniper contingency" Pence

>book of revelations is the anti-christ
>therefore ifsofacto pence is da anti-christ

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Mike "Mandate against man dates" Pence

Mike "teaching Ohm's law to the homos" Pence



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mike "by the power of thor be gay no more" pence

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Mike "Deus Volt" Pence

Attached: volt.jpg (465x361, 28K)

Mike "hook up the clamps and turn up the amps" Pence.

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