When Jesus says love thy neighbor, what if Jews are not my neighbor

I was looking at pictures of Kosher slaughter and find it inhumane. They torture the animals before death and slaughter them in ways unimaginable. Then, Jewish interest groups support PETA and other causes that protest butchers who efficiently, humanely, and quickly slaughter the animals. Personally, I wouldn't want jews a neighbor. Do I have to love them?

Attached: itsokitskosher.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Two things:

1.When Jesus speaks of love in this context, he does not speak of the passion but rather a principle.

2. Jesus, broadens and deepens the commandment to love thy neighbor, when he tells us to love even our enemies, making it clear that Christians are bound to act in the principle of love to all men.

3. The principle of love, does not only demand acts of charity but also of justice, to chastise the Jews for their wickedness would be a fulfillment of the commandment.

So no you don't have to like Jews.

Also, from my understanding, Kosher is intended to be a sacrifice to God not just some random thing Jews do for no reason.

Three things:*

>what if Jews are not my neighbor
Become a wahabist.

Poor cowwo...
Think he’ll be ok?

The cow is fine.

and what about when he says love your enemy?

Then you obviously live in the shithole district of town.

>supporting animal slaughter in any form

I can't understand what you're trying to say over the sound of your limp wristed hand slapping on your forearm.

>Personally, I wouldn't want jews a neighbor. Do I have to love them?
Jesus might want you to, but he was nailed to a cross and Thor carries a hammer.

Attached: BloodLibel.jpg (700x658, 52K)

Jesus was sacrificed on the cross for the sake of mankind and Thor is a comic book character.

Jesus was a faggot and so are you.

Best post

Thor was made into a comic book character because no one would pay money for a comic book starring a pussy like Jesus.

Most factory farming is inhumane.

Pussies and Faggots don't sacrifice themselves for the salvation of man.

Real men fight back.

Real men die for their friends.

In battle, not as a martyr. Fuck your mother, kike-worshipper.

Attached: Jesus H Christ.jpg (800x564, 73K)

>implying jesus didn't die in the most important battle of mankind.


Physical battle pales in comparison to the battle against sin and death. But I wouldn't expect a benighted infidel to understand that.

Bump never eat kosher

>When Jesus says love thy neighbor,

he was telling us to stereotype and differentiate between people. Otherwise, he wouldn't have limited his commandment to "neighbors" rather than everyone. He was saying to love and to protect that people that are like you- of the same race, same nation, etc.

I was a christian until the age of 26. Turns out there are better ways to live your life.

>response is "lol ur gay hehe now i don't have to give any thought to anything"

>Turns out there are better ways to live your life.

Apparently this involves worshiping comic book characters.

Am I supposed to be impressed by your apostasy?

I never said I worhipped Thor in any form, just that he was more appealing than Jesus. Anyway I'm done here. Have fun with your life.