When did you stop watching TV?

When did you stop watching TV?

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I didn't.

It's important to stay up to date on normies and propaganda


I don't see any reason to pay for cable when I have the internet.

I can just download television shows, and not have any gay ass commercials.


Still watch it.

I only watch hunting shows

they changed the system to another frequency or something, so i needed a new tv or some decoder, so i just said fuck it

Around 2009-ish when I moved out of my parents' house. It's really funny how much more you start to realize about tv when you stop watching it. Particularly you notice how much it affects people. So many people act out like characters in a drama in real life, and they don't even realize it.

2014 or so

OP here, duh. I myself stopped watching only in 2016 when I realized what kind of cancerous bullshit is airing on TV and that literally nothing is worth watching. It's not even about liberal propaganda for me, although that's also a factor to consider.

Why should I care what A, B, C or D tier celebrities are doing?
Why should I watch these awful, idiotic scripted reality "documentaries"?
Why the fuck should I watch a film only to get interrupted by commercials every 30 minutes?

Yes, quality program does exist (live events, actual documentaries, shows/films) but in my opinion AND experience you're better off not watching TV.

I simply realized it's a huge waste of precious time. My actual hobbies are more important.

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many many years ago

2013. Actually disgusted to watch it now when visiting others

When I became an Internet addict. 2005.

I barely watched tv even when I lived with my parents and that was 5 years ago
I have never paid a cent for tv in my life

I watch it critically now as opposed to just consuming media

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A computer monitor is a type of TV, no?


2012. I just lost interest in it and I've not missed it at all. Pop culture is nothing but cancer anyway.

I need to get my moniesworth out of me TV license, so i still watch a lot

When I was 13?

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Sorry, nope. I only watch raws of anime made for 7-10 year old girls, these days. Mainly because they do not get subs in the first place because they aren't popular enough, but the fact remains. Netflix is still the same jewshit as regular US TV, same with hulu; youtube is fucked, pornhub is 3DPD and who the fuck wants that, TPB is worthless unless you watch movies which I don't, and I don't even know what the fuck crackle is. All twitch is good for is feeding the egos of retards who think being good at videogames is an accomplishment.

Literally this. Most other people my age(I’m 24) think I have no life and I live in a cave like a hermit. I’m fine with this. I tried watching tv recently after a five year break and couldn’t understand it. The commercials have become aggressive and loud, the shows have become shorter but they are all the same show just with different actors. I tried listening to public radio recently and it was fucking anxiety attack. I’ve been gone for five years away from tv and I don’t understand anything on it anymore, like I’ve been away for a lifetime

at least a decade

About 2 years ago. I have enough with the internet

2008 Id say, currently binging on star trek tho. Otherwise is docs and late night 80s Tv. Remember the show Monsters?
I had almost completly forgoton about that.
Fun show.

1999 or 2000 i think


About 10 minutes ago.

Summer of 2008, I notice it was on in the background of my room, and that I wasn't watching it and just had it to keep me company. Reno 911 was on.

Regularly? 2012. I still eat lunch and dinner watching it for a couple minutes, mainly just the news.


>raws of anime made for 7-10 year old girls, these days. Mainly because they do not get subs in the first place because they aren't popular enough, but the fact remains
Do you know Japanese? Is it hard to learn? Which anime are you talking about?

About 2009, I didn't have cable in my apartment, flash forward 10 years and I've maybe watch 4-5 series here and there since then. I worked for a media company and I realized how many millions of people watch tv every single day, there's even more watching on their phones. I never looked back

If you haven't seen them in a while, commercials are terribly stupid.
When I'm at my folks house, the TV is always on Fox or Hallmark. I usually end those visits just a little bit dumber.

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Technically I still watch commercial free shows that aired on television, but it has been more than 13 years since I have had cable/antenna. I still end up watching occasionally at bars or friends houses.
>no it isn’t
>there are better ways

I only watch the news now and it sickens me.
The sheer amount of propaganda they play on CBC for the normies worries me.

I was never a big tv watcher. Documentaries or my country's cartoons few foreign ones, like a asterix and obelix, also was a big fan of SOV kids shows like nu bagadi. I was more outside than inside playing football, we had awesome 20-30 people airsoft battles around old Soviet time collective farms or hospitals, schools. Still remember how I helped my father paint the house and bought a metal shotgun. Finished completely when I was 14 and had a first summer job, bought my first pic with this money

About the same time I dropped out of society.


bought my first pc with the money*

Actually, some time in the late 80's.
It's amazing how many times I had to turn down people trying to give me a TV.
After I got married, we had cable for about 4 months. One night I turned to my wife and said "why are we bringing this shit into our house", and that was that.

When even the kid's programming and "educational" programming became constant fucking brainwashing with no breaks.

When Breaking Bad ended

About two years ago because of Alex Jones.

what do you mean? Example?

Written, no, but spoken is actually very easy, particularly in shows that are literally designed for children and thus use no complicated words. It's not really worth learning how to read it anyway unless you just real want to import games.
multiple, mainly idolshit, some of which get subs, some of which don't, and some of which get subs years later so it's not worth waiting. Mainly, aikatsu, pretty rhythm and pripara, but also cocotama and fairilu.

About 2 years ago. I smoked weed everyday and drank a lot too.

9pm last night, why?

I know that feeling, bro.

I haven't watched television in years, just been on the good ol' internet, downloading movies and any shows I feel like watching, but last Thanksgiving I visited family and watched television.

It felt weird. There was immediately a commercial for a children's hospital, that was all sad and shit. I was like, "Why am I watching this? I don't wanna see this sad shit." then I realized had. I couldn't skip commercials.

Fuck cable. Just hook me up to the internet and I'm happy.

I haven't seen it since it aired when I was a kid, but I still remember the one about the rats

When all the good writers jumped ship from traditional networks to Netflix and Youtube

threw it out around 2007 unplugged a few years before


I stopped watching cable TV in 2004 but I stopped watching almost anything at all ~2 years ago.
I will occasionally watch animu or nature documentaries but any Western TV shows or movies are too pozzed for me now. My entertainment consists almost solely of listening to racist podcasts and this place.

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i have not had a tv loicense for 10 years

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Like those retards in high school that LARP like Naruto characters, instead medical drama or some faggoty progressive show like modern family.
And then go on bragging to others how they can "relate so much to this character because xyz" when in reality they just really really want to be like the TV character because they know they themselves are boring sacks of fermenting meat fat and shit with the personality of a cum biscuit.

kek approves of your eternal vigilance

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Haven't had a TV set since 1989.

The last time I remember watching TV regularly was when the history channel had quality documentaries on. really early 2000s i believe.

Yeah the smart killer rats?
That stop motion, good stuff.
How about the one with the author that has an alien monster bed that he feeds woman to, and he meets a woman with the same kind of alien but its in her fridge?
That show was great.
Its on Amazon prime. Good nostalgia

I didn't. Well I don't watch much but when I do its the occasional show with parents to get together. The idiotbox is pretty much the boomers internet. I feel disgusted by how much tv boomers watch but I'm pretty sure when I'm an old fuck if I have kids they'll have internal disgust in my internet addictions.

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boomer kike

2013 or something like that.


I only watch T.V. for sports if I'm at a bar. Other than that I don't watch anything.

>>thinking the internet will be around in the next decade

What will be the new internet for our children or grandchildren? VR is my guess.

Stopped watching regularly about 20 years ago.