In 2014 Facebook rolled out a new update that allowed them to passively record ambient conversations via your phone or tablet microphone. Facebook said, "Don't worry we will respect your privacy. Obviously that was not true.
>Are you a client talking with your attorney? Facebook has that conversation. >Meeting with your doctor or psychologist? Facebook has that conversation. >Discussing new technology at work? Facebook knows about it? >Raged at the keyboard about killing a politician? Facebook has it. >Planning a Communist takeover and need to know who to cull? Contact Facebook.
A few days ago Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie, appearing before a committee of Britsh MPs, said Facebook has the ability to spy on users in their homes and offices. Wylie said it was "possible" Facebook and others were collecting conversations for reasons other than speach recognition, but said that was a question for Facebook.
Last year, a "flaw" in Google Home Mini caused the device to secretly record conversations without its users knowing. Google said it has fixed the "glitch." Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Apple HomePod are all similar devices. What many of us have known for years, was that Silicon Valley was collecting: GPS tracking, phone logs and calls, searches, sites, etc... However, the general public was not aware of was the ambient noise collection.
To hell with facebook, anybody still using it is a fool/tool.
Bentley Howard
>he uses facebook >he uses a stock OS on his phone You deserve it normie scum.
Jaxson Davis
Yes but those are more overt in how they are always listening. Boiling frog.
Charles Baker
I have a house phone, No cellphone. I hate GPS tracking. Cellphones are nothing but government spy devices. I have facebook but the data they have on me is ancient and it still thinks I'm Democratic, I never use it. Google knows the most about me but all there is to know is my interest in porn is unhealthy and i like to go to youtube a bunch.
>No cellphone. That is the biggie. People really need to think about why Google/CIA want this information. New cars also have tracking, as do chipped credit cards. Old car, cash, and no phone IMO.
Brandon Price
I just laugh that people thought these were real companies to begin with. The cloud act was just passed, so none of it really matters, all information is passed out of country and back in to avoid search and seizure laws. EVERYTHING
Julian Reyes
So fucking what. Do you have something to hide? If you’re a criminal then I get it. But if you talk to people you know they’ll tell you this really isn’t a big deal.
Anthony Reed
Found the bootlicker
Hudson Young
>Let me talk to you about Facebook, cellphones, and iPads, or as I refer to them, iBads chortle chortle
They have violated so many wiretap laws involving privileged conversation, they are done. Soros is trying to sacrifice Facebook like they did Weinstein. They hope to protect the other data collectors.
Im surprised more people don't use their heads about what technology is used for these days. We have most of the population walking around with 600 dollar multi use devices that can track your location, what you type, what you search, what you click on. Its camera can see you, and its microphones can hear you. The companies manufacturing them all use the same couple of operating systems, but they would never do something without your permission right?
You have to assume that any device made within the last 20 years, and has access to the internet, can and will spy on you.
Tyler Carter
>Not assuming that any of the devices you own are recording you all of the time This has been a thing since the '90s, with cellphones. Why are you people surprised? If you don't want a conversation recorded, leave your fucking phone in another room.
Sebastian Morgan
>Anyone who has Google Home, Amazon Echo, or a HomePod is insane. Exactly this. It's like I live in crazy land. Why does anyone WANT this? It's like I'm surrounded by people beating themselves in the head for 'fun' because they 'want to.' >Do you have a phone? I sure as fuck don't and I never will. I'm reluctant to see my friends anymore or have parties in case one of them is bugged. I don't know what to do. It's bad enough that people can upload photos of you to FB for their face recognition. Now it's like I'M the crazy weirdo for wanting to tell anyone who comes over to not bring that stupid fucking Totalist's Guide to Your Private Life along with her.
>So fucking what. Do you have something to hide? Sir, this is the police. We have a warrant to stuff a camera up your asshole. What do you mean, on what grounds? Do you have something to hide? It's just the inside of your asshole, sir. And a lot of photos of your naked body. Are you doing something illegal with your body sir? Is that why you don't want us to take the photos? Mighty suspicious. We'll have to be twice as thorough now.
A smartphone is extremely useful, so it's worth the risk of me forgetting to turn off location and bluetooth. But a fucking Amazon Echo is just a shitty nigger-tech bugman toy.
Hudson Evans
>turn off location and bluetooth. That is a meme. They are still tracking. The only way to stop it is to not have one.
I sometimes have fake conversations with myself near my phone. I will use trigger words or talk about fake crimes. Bog down the fucking system with fake data. They can't use that shit against you in court even if it was true.
I also ask Alexa really sketchy shit. If I have to talk about anything real, I do it without devices nearby.
Kevin Evans
If you ever want to disappear, you'll simply need to leave your phone at home.
Evan James
Those quotes really don’t apply to half the people who really absolutely want to violently kill all jews everywhere. Pogroms in 2018. A real holocaust. Did they suggest that too? Death to all jews, especially the ashkenazi and also jordan peterson who is an honorary jew and loves jews
This is like Weinstein getting roasted for being a casting couch to whores and the sickest pedophiles and murderers never get exposed, with Facebook as Weinstein.
What would happen if it became common knowledge what Google (Alphabet) and Amazon were doing, at a brazilian percent higher rate?
Those Elsagate videos are not just put up by a few moneygrubbing cockroaches that exploit kids.
Yeahhh, just saying, it would sound sketch as fuck if someone told me not to bring my phone to their place. Are you going to rape/murder me oooorrr are you a tinfoil hat man? I like tinfoil hat man, he can be cool, and I get where you're coming from but I'm just saying... I'm so bringing my Benchmade and quite possibly my .22.
Grayson Flores
It's not just Facebook anymore. This is why the only smartphone I own is from 2012 and I only use it to listen to music while I sleep.
Kevin Morris
or you can leave it behind when you go to do the bad things. Seriously, who plots aloud and/or plots aloud around technology and/or plots without going invisible first?
Jackson Mitchell
>any top secret DoD briefing >everyone required to leave phones in a bin outside the room regardless of rank This is already kind of an open secret in the military.
Anything to get rid of those horrible hate-mongers in a world of pristine love.
All those people that stopped the extermination of the Jews.. all of them white.. all those people are the biggest idiots on earth.. theyre the same people who set the slaves free.. theyre the same people who love seeing their moms, sisters and wives impaled by aids ridden, convict nigger dick and then beated and killed.. These whites are the real enemies.. mark my word.
Camden Brooks
>not searching for things and watching videos you're uninterested in just to throw them off your trail
Smartphones really haven't made me any happier. They're too addicting and make me forget the world around me.
Leo Barnes
They can listen in on a smart phone microphone without even having the facebook app if they wanted to, ie they suspected you of terrorism because you made too many threats online :^(