Ren and Stimpy creator accused of sexually harassing various female artists and grooming 2 teenage girls, one of which he had a sexual relationship with. He began dating the girl in question when she was 15.
I thought so, too. The guy in that thumbnail image does not look like a straight guy (nor is he straight mentally).
Chase Wright
Chris Savino, Dan Schneider, John Kricfalusi
Who's next?
Caleb Green
as if your going to work at nickalodean and not take opportunity for first crack at nubile trims?? they should have a special prison just for these guys
Matthew Allen
Is Kricfalusi a jewish surname?
Christian Phillips
>Although sexual abuse allegations against Kricfalusi have never been made public before, his relationship with Byrd has been an open secret within animation — so open that “a girl he had been dating since she was fifteen years old” was referenced briefly in a book about the history of Ren & Stimpy. Tony Mora, an art director at Warner Bros., and Gabe Swarr, a producer at Warner Bros., worked alongside Byrd at Spumco. The male artists said stories of how Kricfalusi sexually harassed female artists, including teenage girls, were known through the industry. “It’s always been there,” Mora said. Moreover, Kricfalusi made his fixation on teenage girls plainly obvious in his art, even as he worked on animated projects for the likes of Cartoon Network, Fox Kids, and Adult Swim. In an interview with Howard Stern in the mid-’90s, the radio host asked him about a character in the comic book anthology the cartoonist was then promoting. Stern called Sody Pop “a hot chick with big cans and nice legs.” Kricfalusi responded with a smile: “She’s underage, too.”
Robert Cook
She tried to use him for a career He tried to use her for a fucktoy I don't see a problem with this she's only angry because she's not a hot piece of ass anymore and John K still has a legacy.
Frankly I like the guy still and she was a cutie from the pics I saw
a 13 year old girl doesnt have the emotional maturity or brain development to decide whether or not fucking her way to the top is really what she wants to do with her life. its called grooming for a reason
No shit. Have you seen the adult version of the cartoon? A harlequin baby they were babysitting ends up using rens dick as a pacifier, he gets aroused and starts to face it. They no shit aired that on spike, I saw that shit.
Nicholas Wright
Pretty sure she had parents besides girls mature faster than boys if maturation is the key to this nobody ever called John K mature. Did you see her picture at the end of the article? YOWZA! These broads act like they have the high ground when they hit the wall hard
They literally peak at 13, men at 18. Complexity takes time. Women are Shit tier humans.
Brody Wright
oh stop being such a faggot. Females are property and second class citizens for a reason.
Christian Robinson
John K looks like a lesbian.
Also I couldn't care less if he went under, he hasn't done anything good in over 20 years, he's the animation equivalent of Al Bundy.
Jack Thomas
The only reason I'm rooting for him is that I don't want these old hags to get any of his money this is all about money these busted old whores can't bank on their youth anymore so this is what they do now and it's unacceptable.
I always thought there was something off about Ren & Stimpy. It's just too bizarre. In a not funny, but just weird way.
Zachary Davis
Oh come on, that's not that bad. This stuff shouldn't be criminal. You should be teasing this guy about his life choices not punishing him criminally for them. This isn't newsworthy at all, but they's trying to prop of this twitter hashtag movement.
Call me when Powerpuff Girls creator is caught raping prepubescent children if you want to actually tarnish some of my cherished childhood memories.
Also you can use tweetdeck to easily schedule your tweets. It's very useful for spamming things like this. Use to watch to see how much your message is spreading and if you are getting censored.
Damn, good thing I never grew up with these shows.
I always knew they were a bit fucked up.
Thomas Brooks
I dunno, whatever. >man has sex with fertile young woman Wow. How could this happen? Who would do such a thing? Don't get me wrong, Hollywood and entertainment in general should be gassed, but what's the big fucking surprise?
Asher Parker
Just passing this along, I'm not the creator. But the hot tub scene was aired on tv I suppose.
it was one of the very few things i wasnt allowed to watch as a kid. parents normally didnt give much of a fuck about censoring things, but my mom thought it was incredibly gross and weird
my s/o loves it and showed it to me as an adult, though i still appreciate kids cartoons as an adult i could never really get into it. i appreciate the animation/art a lot, but there's just something weird and grimy about the show itself
Landon Young
Noice, when will we stop being bronies in denial ?
Xavier Rivera
Joshua Reyes
women behave on instinct like an animal they if not theyre ugly/ what is it about an advanced & good soul that just isnt any good sexualy
Dominic Nguyen
cool, whos next
space ghosts voice actor?
Lucas Reed
how big is this problem really? are fucking all off them pedos, I mean there are so many of (((them))). And to me it seems like people must have known all along
David Cox
a bitter guy and a sadist
Nicholas Nelson
Fuck off. You raped a child. There you've been accused too cunt.
Isaiah Ramirez
Oh, lovely. Another FUCKING pedofile. Nigger, if we were in the same room we'd be fighting for your life right now.
Grayson Collins
Did anyone read the story? After the first time she claims he touched her inappropriately (16 at the time) she decided to permanently move in with him when she was 17 years old.
I don't feel outraged about John K dating a teenage girl (in the age of consent in most states) choosing on her own violation to be his girlfriend and live with him.
>He flew her to Los Angeles to show her his studio and talk about her future. She said that on the same trip, in a room with a sliding glass door that led to his pool, he touched her genitals through her pajamas as she lay frozen on a blanket he’d placed on the floor. She was 16.
>In the summer of 1997, before her senior year of high school, he flew her to Los Angeles again, where Byrd had an internship at Spumco, Kricfalusi’s studio, and lived with him as his 16-year-old girlfriend and intern. After finishing her senior year in Tucson, the tiny, dark-haired girl moved in with Kricfalusi permanently at age 17. She told herself that Kricfalusi was helping to launch her career; in the end, she fled animation to get away from him
Owen Flores
read the article you fucking spergfest, he literally admits to it
Sebastian Carter
>15 too old
Jack Cooper
Its original and almost unsurpassed unlike anything Canadian. You need not opinionate.
Justin Stewart
I'm not a nigger those are fighting words. I could murder you faggot.
Fuck off you'd probably sperg out then get your shit pushed in. If I was in a room with an actual pedophile and you I'd kill you first then beat the pedo to death with your corpse you faggot.
Hudson Moore
It was he sadism that disturbed me but everything else was so well done
Caleb Ward
this and his cartoon was amazing
Landon Nguyen
Luke Morris
Thanks man I can't believe that cunt called me a nigger and on Jow Forums to boot
what is wrong with wanting a 15 years old girlfriend? i don't want a loose cunt 30 yo girlfriend, do you?
Gavin Richardson
Pretty much this.
I want to like Alfred Alfer too, since the woman making it is an actual white nationalist. It's just way too sadistic for me, it sounds more needlessly disturbing than it needs to be.
Michael Rivera
I can see it
Jace Miller
anyone who objects is clearly a busted roastie simple as that we're all literally in 100% agreement on this one issue
same senpai. never got to watch it and right now don't really care anymore
Hunter King
To the shock and surprise of absolutely nobody. I remember he used to have a blog way back when and he gave out a lot of really solid animation advice. He would pretty much always highlight and showcase the art of girls and constantly fawn over how amazing Katie Rice is. The timing of this does seem a little suspect though. Outside of getting work on small Adult Swim bumpers and stuff like, he's been pretty much cast out of the animation industry and generally doesn't have that many friends on the inside, and hasn't for quite some time. They could have come out with this stuff like ten years ago. Coming out with it now seems like they're trying to use it as a power play and get jobs out of it.
Evan Lopez
In the middle ages/renaissance would you also get arrested for fucking a teenage girl? Or is it only recently that the Jews have brainwashed everyone into believing it's unnatural/wrong?
like it says in the article, this was well known by people in the industry and documented in places like the book on the history of ren and stimpy. people knowingly sat on this for, what, 25 years? this was an "open secret". so what isn't? what are we not seeing?
Oliver Watson
The age of consent only exists because old roasties were tired of the competition from attractive girls. They had to cry to their kike masters to fuck up society
Liam Williams
I'm breddy sure John is a poof phamalama
Jack Rodriguez
No, it's Czech.
Kayden Smith
Downy pubes....
Robert Hill
He's not gay, he's just Polish. OP art is shooped as well. Lefty takedown?
Aiden Rivera
Fuck off with your spam post.
John Wood
Time to reheat the ((((Bella and the Bulls)))) memes and unleash them on the normies.
This disappoints me more than fooling around with a 16yo. Hope he at least got some ass out of it.
William Morgan
I like John K’s older stuff but I’m not surprised by it. He’s always been an awarkward as fuck dude. Have you watched his interviews?
Cameron Williams
Advocating a patriarchal society where young women are joined in arranged marriages at this age is entirely different than a 41 year old man grooming a child from 13 to satisfy his fetish. You pedo faggots are a disease of society and deserve a painful death.
kill yourself get off Jow Forums you boomer twitter fuckhead
Jace Russell
Jose Cruz
>my s/o loves it and showed it to me as an adult, >my s/o >s/o no one else has said anything about this shit fucking christ why is Jow Forums so fucking bad damn
Adam Rogers
i was wondering when someone would notice
Josiah Green
I think you need to gtfo Jow Forums and head back to twitter or whatever shithole you came from like reddit amybe.
Hmm. Really engages the enneagrams. It's as fucking prevalent as black man/white woman being universal for interracial couples.
Pure coincidence.
Chase Hernandez
>Also you can use tweetdeck to easily schedule your tweets. It's very useful for spamming things like this.
We've got actual sex slave cults being exposed and Hollywood pedos outed and you want to use this thread to shill some establishment twitter bullshit? Go fuck yourself.
You work inside the system and you think twitter is where wars are won. Delusional insider.