Are these legal in your country without registration?
Are these legal in your country without registration?
yes but not in my state
These are banned in countries that have too much pub brawls like Ireland, this is less than lethal, I use this often on gypsies.
oh shit i thought it was a 22
Is this a shekel dispenser?
Those bullets doesnt looks deadly at all....
.22LR are usual here because of biathlon, everyone I know owns one, this is 4mm flobert
we shoot these in our flats and gardens.
yeah no gun powder there, but it still hurts as fuck
lethal in close distances tho.
Shitty 22LR revolver
>4mm flobert
no theyre super illegal
I don't really care about the law anymore
it's not even .22 its 4mm flobert (less than lethal)
you can kill spiders with these:)
>4mm flobert
Possession of on of them would likely result in jail for 10 years
what am I looking at here? 4mm rimfire rubber bullets?
Jewy gun laws are for cucks.
what about electric full auto floberts?
What a neat name
Gun regulations are all lip service. If you're not caught wielding it like the town's retard in public or stealing like a brown-skinned individual, then you have no trouble owning weapons without a license.
If you enter a public building they won't allow you in but not a big fuss
10 years? without poison on it?
No but you can get a handgun with any caliber and semi-guns.
If you have some good contacts you could also get on of the 20.000 AKs that got missing after the disvolvement of the NVA
i bought a full auto uzi out from a guy in the parking lot outside a gunshow recently
i think 15 years is the max sentence for an unlicensed handgun but first time you would likely only get 5 year in prison
> I use this often on gypsies
I need stories
I have never seen a gun IRL. Thanks, gommunism ;(
Hide your dogs
Flobert is a french dude who invented those bullets.
We usually don't use them in lethal way but sometimes mafia use those with poison.
I use mine in case of too much too drunk gypsies.
God bless America
try .45 magnum. the barrel will explode in your face. you need a permit to buy weapons grade steel
same here if you wanna full auto
What is the appropriate level of drunkenness for a gyppo? Do you blow test them before you shoot them in the knees?
Firearms have to be registered, but I can order any kind of sword, dagger or crossbow online.
How do you like it so far?
>Firearms have to be registered, but I can order any kind of sword, dagger or crossbow online.
How do you deal with poachers?
My country is best.
There are no poachers, aboriginals are too lazy and whites aren't allowed to hunt except on private land 99% of land is not private property
What do they let you order on the Internet?
nothing too interesting, just shooting at shoes, they are sometimes too drunk and extremely agresive.
Yeah, it's called just garden gun
i dont know, probably not much, gun laws are strict here
you can order firearms that are not above then 7.5j
here or gas guns that are not 15j
or anything that matches your gun pass here.
Nah... what is your gun ownership opinion
dude, in my country even full auto airsoft guns are banned, no joke...
cram cotton and glass shards in the barrel and aim for the face
Yes they are quite legal
>4mm flobert
Is this a European/non-American thing? Because in America we just shoot people with real bullets.
there is actually pragmatic reason, gun is actually drill but long distance drill
You go around capping gypos with a 22?
Fucking basted.
i would say freedom dispenser, but not even
did you print that?
those are apparently 4mm flobert rounds... not .22s
Well you guys don't need special permission for owning bullets and carry gun, my county is full is safe but of mafia we use kid calibers but with poison when we need.
fucking liar
No 4mm, .22 is lethal
he's full of shit.
no it was called kid gun before WW2, bullets were
invented by french dude named Flobert, and before ww2 it was handed to young boys
Are they even effective though?
Absolutely legal. As a bonus it’s semi auto, so it’s extra triggering
it hurts like hell (my own experience to biceps).
into eye it's lethal so no those bullets have no gun powder so no they are not effective.
Salute for your country dude I need to be in biathlon team to have .22 and hunting organisation to have shot gun and 30-30 rifle here
(idk how do you call it)
interesting, thank you.
Actually my grandfather gave me my first, it used to be his when he was 15. fucking long ago he is 91