Okay so I may have found some somewhat interesting info.... I was going through Stacey Lippel's twitter, and last year in September she posted this picture of her and the principal of Stoneman Douglas HS wearing shirts reading "Et Tu, Brute".
Info on Parkland Teacher Who Recounted Shooter with "Metal Garb"
Other urls found in this thread:
We already know who fucking did it. The 2 Miramar SWAT officers who got suspended.
What's your point?
Read # 17 and you will see "The contagious germ passed between mimetic subjects can also be called a 'meme.'"
Kind of interesting but not the point
A while back user posted some info having to do with a series of tweets revealing corruption behind the scenes in regards to the school receiving funding for overlooking trouble/criminal behavior.
Could someone post that, or whatever happened with that info?
OP apparently believes the masterminds behind this whole thing would photograph themselves with shirts that essentially say "I did it" and publish it on the internet for the entire world to see.
Just because.
Thanks for the link, anyone think this has any merit? Seems like one of the easier things to feed a normie, considering the police department has already publicly made an ass of itself and people want something to be angry about.
Google it. The boomer conservative sites have all picked it up.
Shit I'm such a lazy nigger I figured it would be too obscure and buried to reliably google, thanks white man.
Girard. Nice.
All you need to know user
That looks like Australia
I’m more surprised shirt came in normie and landwhale sizes.
Why'd you post it upside down?
That's right near Fort Lauderdale airport
If the full metal garb dont fit, you must acquit.
Nigga this ain't the SAS lmao like just stop making conspiracy theories lmao haha.