Your disatisfaction with life comes from Craving

Abandon craving and ego and you will be satisfied and get out of rebirth in the wicked world.

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Our dissatisfaction with life comes from the fact that the Jews purposefully hold us back and we don't have control over our own destiny's

your mum craves me benis

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if she craves your benis, she'll surely be unsatisfied.

craving the death of your enemies is mankinds oldest past-times

sitting under a tree smoking weed is comparatively recent

Thanks hippy douche


>dude stop wanting things and you won’t be sad any more XD
buddhists need to be exterminated

weed is forbidden by the Buddha, it clouds perception.
I'm not a hippie, and like to think I'm not a douche

Buddhism always seemed very nihilistic to me. Maybe thats why all these California hippies are so attracted to it. Hinduism seems a lot more interesting

Dissatisfaction with the world comes from man's sin. Only by returning to God, only by the beatific vision can man find everlasting happiness.

>Buddhism always seemed very nihilistic to me
It's not nihilistic. I think many misconceptions come from translations. Not only the pali language, bun also language used 2500 years ago.
Look how people are twisting 2nd Amendment, and it's written in English.

>Abandon craving
This sounds like giving up on live really, which sounds nihilistic.
More appropriate would be, not clinging to outcome. But this needs more explanation than I can give at the moment.
But imagine difference between dreaming and being awake; being free from conditioning (brainwashing); a final (ultimate) liberation, etc.
It's quite the opposite of nihilistic.

Thread theme:

You can never abandon the Ego only be fooled by the Ego that you have control over it.

The idea is to let it consume you and rebirth you into a more evolved version of yourself.

That's the problem with Buddhism and the sort. Right mentality and ability, wrong outlook.

find peace with your inner shekel goyim

Nihilistic anti-life cult bullshit.

Fuck off

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lol no they're not

I completely agree with the idea that the main way to conquer suffering is to end desire, however this philosophy feels empty to me. I havent looked much into the religion but it doesnt seem to offer much of a solution to the meaning of life question. Other religions seem to offer more transcendence, while buddhism seems to only only be a philosophy around eliminating suffering. Could you please explain more?

"...desire and lust are what make people foolish and deluded... Those who harbor desire and lust cannot see the Way. When our hands disturb clear water, none who gather beside it can see their reflections. Similarly, when people are aroused by desires, their minds are so muddled they cannot see the Way. You shramanas should renounce desire. When desire and lust are purged, the Way will manifest itself... How dare one be reckless and indulge in passion and lust! Although they are as dangerous as the tiger’s jaws, people yield willingly, throwing themselves into the mire and drown. That is why they are called ordinary beings. Those who break free from this prison can transcend all defilements to become arhats.”” —Buddha, Sutra of 42 Chapters
March 27, 2018
Stop masturbating.

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Any further reading/viewing suggestions on this idea?

Stephen Batchelor helped me realize that Siddhartha Gautama's teachings were corrupted into "Buddhism" so now I follow Jordan Peterson. Thanks, Stephen.

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>Those who harbor desire and lust cannot see the Way

But what if our lust and desire was for seeing the Way?

Stoicism is for the Jews we need passion

>so now I follow Jordan Peterson
pls be joking

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>Abandon craving and ego
Okay, I'll stop breathing while I'm at it.

Same logic as militant blacks though

>so now I follow

This is not rightfully called a desire, because it is an impulse that originates from your Buddha-nature rather than your ego.

Completely serious. I was searching for a better path right around the time the interview with Cathy Newman came out, was like a godsend. Preordered the book and started reading it the day it came out. Thanks, Jow Forums. From Matthew 7:
>15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets+ who come to you in sheep’s covering,+ but inside they are ravenous wolves.+ 16 By their fruits you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they?+ 17 Likewise, every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit.+ 18 A good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit.+ 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.+ 20 Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men.+

What are the fruits of Buddhist countries? Getting wrecked until you stop being Buddhist and fighting back, as they are in Myanmar. What are the fruits of Jordan Peterson? WINNING.

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Even so there's nothing stopping it from mingling with the Ego if not just spawn directly from the Ego itself but we "crave" it to be more hence people think it's different.

Why be virgin Buddhist when you could be Chad shiva?

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I'm not very fluent with Buddhism, but I will try to answer.
Buddhism has many levels of knowledge, depending on your personal developement you can follow simple rules, or you can study deeper, including transcendental meditation to achieve jhanas (states of mind).
To put this into perspective, your state of mind now (waking life) is very much like a dream. Your mind is constantly jumping from one thought to another, hard to concentrate, always thinking of future or past, or daydreaming.
Buddha taught how to "wake up". Like for real.
When you practice buddhism (follow moral rules) and meditation (training of own mind) you gradually gain awareness of your true nature, up to the point when you "wake up" (gain enlightenment).
The difference feels just like difference between dreaming and waking up. This life we live is pretty much worth only as much as last night's dream, compared to the final liberation (nirvana).

Desire for contentment brought contentment.

Desire for life continues it.

I, sir, disagree.

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Ego is the backbone of personality. Bigger and stronger it is the better. Big Ego simply means that individual can engage with life and accommodate reality without feeling threatened, So Flex your ego, make it grow wider or end up like average spineless SJW unable to stand up to life, projecting your self-oppression aka inhibitions and on others.

In Buddhism getting "rid of the ego" means getting rid of it's limitations. What causes dissatisfaction are Ego boundaries that are too narrow.

>Be literally chad level deity
>Be shiva
Hinduism > Buddhism

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Wrong. The problem is not that we have too much desire, it is that we don't have enough. We should embrace suffering as our Lord did, in the desire of greater good, truth, justice, and the glory of God. Pray not that suffering might end, but that you might be strong enough to bear it.

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>Virgin Buddhist can't handle this chad

Jesus was a chad too, but all the religions that came after were cucked.

Buddhism was founded by an Aryan, in an Aryan country, with Aryan principles of discipline, heroic asceticism, and self-conquest. It's a better religion for white countries than either Christianity or Atheism, desu.

Get in touch with your spiritual heritage white man.

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You can find interesting lectures here
Don't feel intimidated by the amount of texts, or the difficulty in understanding everything. Most of it is just for the reference, not something you need to know to practice Buddhism, or make progress.

Does Nirvana simply mean the destruction of the soul, meaning the end of the cycle of rebirth and an eternal end of your conciousness? To be honest this descent into nothingness as a means of finding peace always seemed to bother me, since I would rather keep living despite the suffering

>It's a better religion for white countries than either Christianity or Atheism
I can only agree with that. I think Christianity differs quite a lot from what Jesus was teaching.

>The followers of Vedas are called as Arya, noble person. Arya is not a dynasty, ethnicity or race. Anyone who follows the teachings of Vedas is considered Arya.
Chad Hinduism wins again

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Fuck off, retard. You don't capitalize 'atheism,' it's not a belief system.

also buddhism is atheist.

Yea that explains why India is a giant toiler full of shit

At its core Christianity is the same, it's about "surrendering to the will of God" and "dying to self" so that you can find new life in Christ. It's the ego, sin, self-will over the natural will of God as in Eden, that causes our suffering.

And that fucking snake.

Digits checked

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Three Kings of Jesus=
A Yogi
A Priest of Ptah
A Celtic Shaman

the bible never says how many magi there are, just how many gifts are brought.

Look at the history of India and you will see a larger connection to muslim invasion to the street shitters than the native indians that are still around today without much mixing.


3 gifts = 3 disciplines
Ancient Knowledge that came with power.

Their logic isn't wrong in that case.
They just have the facts wrong. Lots of things militant blacks say about white people is actually true of jews but they've been conditioned not to see the difference.

Fuck that m8, no craving = no reward/pleasure.
I'll stick to craving tiddies and then eventually being rewarded for my efforts in sucking on them, thanks.

I always considered Indians bros and thought Hinduism was very interesting. The poo-in-loo jokes are pretty funny though, despite the probable Muslim cause of all the street shitting

>he and his gods believe in the atman
>he and his gods believe things have permanent reality
>he believes Brahma created the universe
>he has to force Buddha into his mythology because his dependence on a set of sacrifice-demanding gods refuses to admit the possibility of a normal human being conquering themselves and becoming completely self-enlightened by their own efforts, but cannot ignore the monumental and catastrophic effect Buddha had on the entire edifice of Brahmanic Vedism.

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>Does Nirvana simply mean the destruction of the soul
No, this cannot be explained, because there are no words to describe Nirvana. It's better to compare it to waking up from a dream.
You gain freedom from the cycle of birth and death, and from karma (causation). You don't lose consciousness, I think it could be compared more to gaining it.
You don't have cravings and urges, and it is impossible for them to arise, once you are in Nirvana. It is said, that you can choose to be born, however, if you wish but it makes little sense.
Nirvana is a state of mind, to (over)simplify.

But with that attitude, when they are gone you will be sad.
Would it not be better to enjoy them while they are there and peacefully part from them when they are not? To not crave them while they are gone, nor to despise them when they are there, but to accept each moment as it comes with equanimity, repose, and simple joy?

>if I die, I win.

Plus there is no soul to be destroyed. Realizing that is part of what Nirvana is.

>It is said, that you can choose to be born, however, if you wish but it makes little sense

Bodhisattvas will continue to be reborn in order to save and enlighten more beings.
(t. mahayanist)

How does it differ from the Christian conception of heaven?

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From what I understand too that India had like 20,000 temples destroyed and they still have a shit ton left over. I think the connection to ancient technology may be in detail somewhere in an Indian temple.

>Buddhism = 500 BC creation
>Hinduism = 3000 BC record
Buddha literally thought conflict in dicussing Gods brought conflict therefore didn't discuss them. Therefore you cuck yourself with your response, while I remain on my own path.
Get rekt.

oh ok then, I'll stop trying to make money & go live in the street like a bum, thanks for the good advice, you fucking moron.

Both are a unity with and realization of perfect truth, but in Christianity that truth is a personal diety and in Buddhism it is a non-personal 'state'. They are both indescribable with human language, however. They're both experiences you need to have.

(I'm not the person you were responding to I just have a lot to say about my faith)

He said that engaging in debate about the existence or non existence of dieties was not, for some, fruitful to the path, so don't focus on it. There are plenty of sutras where he goes in depth about the Gods, so it's not a forbidden subject, it's just one that needs to be kept in its proper, subordinate place.

Just like your Gods themselves.

You act like that isn't tattooed on me.

Thanks for your response, it was very helpful. Could you please recommend a good place to start studying Buddhism

>I'll stick to craving tiddies and then eventually being rewarded for my efforts in sucking on them, thanks.
Sensual pleasures are pityful compared even to the bliss you can achieve practicing moral principles and transcendental meditation (which is merely "side effect"). Imagine having that feeling of orgasm lasts for entire time of your meditation (without of course physical discharge) and much stronger and pleasant. Are you still up for your flawed , deteriorating with age, weak senses?
Nirvana is uncomparably "better".

>Bodhisattvas will continue to be reborn in order to save and enlighten more beings.
Bless them for that.

Shiva accepts human sacrifice. Shiva is the Horned God of the Wild, also known to modern people as "The Devil" or "Satan".

Rudra Shiva misunderstood emptiness to mean complete Amorality and had to be put down by a Wrathful Buddha.

The Subjugation of Rudra is a central theme of Chad Tantric Buddhism.

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If you're up for reading a book, "Essential Buddhism" by Jack MacGuire is a really accessible introduction. If you want something shorter, maybe would be a good spot.

Once you have a grasp of the basics, do some basic research into the three main denominations:
1) Theravada (mainly South Asian, analogous to protestantism)
2) Mahayana (mainly East Asian, analogous to catholicism)
3) Vajrayana (mainly Tibetan, analogous to eastern orthodoxy)

Then, most importantly, find a temple and a teacher. Buddhism is passed down by living teachers through oral transmission. If you want to be a Buddhist you need to find a temple and learn from a teacher. If you're lucky you can pick a temple in your area from the 3 denominations, if not, it's better to take what you have than become attached to a school you can't truly join.

>wicked literally will be killed / sacrificed
seperate the wheat from the tares
Shiva is more jesus than Satan

Anyone want to give it up for my mother?

Om tare tuttare ture soha!

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Buddhism is apathetic to the belief in God or Gods, its considered irrelevant to cessation of dukkha

I find it misleading studying Buddhism outside of it's proper context which is Hinduism. Buddha is avatar of Vishnu. Hinduism is not a static religion, as weird as it sounds it is progressive. With every Avatar Vishnu takes down something of old order and brings reformed order which is more suitable for the society at the time. Buddha did the same, it's another reform of old religious order because it became outdated and did not serve people's spiritual needs. So people who did not find fulfillment in old traditions had alternative way to go. Religion is supposed to serve people - not other way around.

That being said, Buddhism is Hinduism stripped off it's rich mythology sterilized and simplified and that makes it boring and uninspiring.

Hinduism allows for the idea that men may become gods, which is likely a more accurate depiction of reality. Ancient men of science using true principles to attain godlike status and closely guarded these secrets.

I always viewed Buddhism as being a stripped down version of Hinduism

>Buddha is avatar of Vishnu

Buddha was getting popular enough that the Bhraman caste had to coopt him in order to keep their monopoly on religious piety.

>Buddha did the same, it's another reform of old religious order because it became outdated and did not serve people's spiritual needs

It didn't do that because it was wrong. Reforming it's fundamental views on the soul, causality, rebirth, and the goal of spiritual discipline into views in line with 'reality' would not be a reform, it would be a new religion - Buddhism.

>Buddhism is Hinduism stripped off it's rich mythology sterilized and simplified and that makes it boring and uninspiring

This is pure hogwash. A wealth of mythological tales of the Buddha's past rebirths, a pantheon of trantric and bodhisattva dieties, a library of stories about them, hundreds of thousands of pages of dense philosophical thought barely tangentially connected to Hinduism, all of it makes the religion much much more than a sterilized version of Hinduism.

It sounds like you've fallen victim to the "Buddhism is a philosophy not a religion" myth of desacralized "eastern wisdom" (tm).

I agree except for the secret part. It's not secret, everything is in scriptures in public domain. Not only that men can become gods, in hinduism every being moves both up and down the divine hierarchy, men can go up just as gods can go down. Every being has it's own dharma, Trimurti and Tridevi included.

Is this "Buddhism is a philosophy bot a religion" meme largely spread by the California liberal Buddhists and is tradition eastern (ex. Tibetan) Buddhism strongly opposed to this idea? This is something I have been beginning to notice




the natural state of everything is antagonistic

you have to compete for limited resources in order to survive

if you lose too much, you die and your genes don't get passed on, so there's a serious incentive to win

ergo, being selfish and aggressive is synonymous with winning

if you reject this truth and choose to take the buddhist approach of submission, then your genes won't get passed on even though you are being enlightened and trying to transcend the animinalistic and the primitive

in addition to all this, you have to think about what kind of universal creator -- if there is such a thing -- would design a system that is a complete zero-sum game where the most successful players are the ones who hurt others with their animalistic tendenies and lower the net trust among groups

it boggles the fucking mind that natural law is predicated on a universal framework where taking is more beneficial than giving, but taking on a grand scale invariably results in total annihilation of that framework

if there is god, then what kind of sadistic and unfathomable deity is it that would craft such a painful system

if you try to go the enlightened route via Buddhism or cultural Christianity, then you get steamrolled by the world and drift into a nihilism spiral of self-defeating altruism

if you do the opposite and get back to the basics by trying to be as selfish and cutthroat as possible, then you amass great power at the expense of others and make the world great for you, but shittier for everyone else, and you don't give a fuck because there is no reason to give a fuck

both options are shit

what is the third way

That's basically accurate. It was started by Protestants who thought they found allies in southeast Theravada Buddhism, and to be fair, southeast Theravada Buddhism is probably the least religious religion in the world. And then California Liberals thought they found a source of compassionate wisdom they could change to fit their desires and support their left wing politics.

But it's not true. Every branch, even Theravada but especially Tibetan Buddhism, has gods, prayers, a priestly hierarchy, rituals, devotions, belief in rebirth and nirvana, belief in heavens/hells, and so on.

Start a fast for good Friday tomorrow.

Secret is a bad way to put it. I guess its subtle as in not understood, keeping many from the path.

I don't confuse Tantra with Buddhism. Tantra predates even Vedas and is not invention of Buddhism. My reply was strictly about Buddhism and what it offered as a genuine additional practice on top of what was previously established.

btw was practicing Buddhist for many years and imho Buddhism is stripped of version of Hinduism, i find Hinduism much more inspiring. That was not meant as a slur against Buddhism

How limited is sunlight?
Asking for a friend.

depends on how much hydrogen is left in the sun

Do you think hydrogen scarcity in the sun is on the scale of human extinction or transcendence?