You're being drafted into the army!

Which countries would you be most happy fighting, and which would you have to refuse?

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If you refuse, they shoot you.
Gad, you think you have a choice??
Your choice is be drafted or go to prison. Once they draft you there is only do what they say or be shot.

> Mexico
kick their shit in all the way to Antarctica

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>Most happy fighting


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Id fight for any western country aslong as the war was against non whites. no more brother wars

fuck em all to death

Israel and nothing more.

Pretty much anyone other than most european countries, russia, orjapan

I'd just fucking move to a different state. That's what people did during Vietnam, or moved to Canada.

I'd never join the military. That's for faggot teenagers who can be swayed by propaganda.

this desu

Not just people using it to get college credit and jobs. No just israel puppets that's all. and the joos are behind everything. kill yourself.

>Most happy fighting

>Refuse to fight

I'd be most happy to kill muslims, but I'd happily pick up a rifle and kill any non-whites (exception: japs)

I'd rather be shot than be forced to kill my racial brethren. No more european brother wars.

>happy fighting
everyone else, as long as we're not fighting for "hearts and minds"


Most people I know went into the military after a college education didn't land them a job. So they went into them military.

Only one guy I know went in as a career move to become a cop.

>Butthurt faggy veteran

We were talking about being drafted, not the modern scum who joins the military for GIBS.

Israel, the only country responsible for attacking the mainland since Pearl Harbor.

Uhm sweaty!!

(OP) (OP)
>Which countries would you be most happy fighting
United States Citizens I don't agree with, Resident Aliens of the United States,Visa and Green Card Holders, illegal immigrants and basically anyone I don't like; I like specificity.

>which would you have to refuse
Canada? Maybe? God Save the Queen, I Guess.

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Probably wouldn’t refuse fighting anyone unless it was killing afrikaners then no thanky

Think you’ll fight in the Army? Marines maybe. Army you’ll spend most of your time getting two scoops from the DFAC dessert bar.

>Which countries would you be most happy fighting
The entire Islamic world.


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>happy fighting
>have to refuse

>The entire Islamic world.
Oh yeah I forget about them as well.
Might as well throw Israel in there as well.
I can't wait for the rise of Israel's destroyer.
The rise of the Anti-Christ will be glorious.
We must overthrow our Jewish masters.

pic semi-related

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Indonesia, as long as uncle Sam has our back because there's millions of the insects

>Indonesia, as long as uncle Sam has our back because there's millions of the insects

That would be an ugly war.

Into the US Army? Meh, I'd prefer fighting the Leftists in your own country, but if I had to choose - France, Germany or Great Britain would be my choices.

They need to be cleansed if Europe is to have a chance at survival. Sweden is a close runner up.

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Replace Israel with European Crusader states like Antioch.

The USA or Europe. We'd be guaranteed to lose in the former case, and I'd rather not kill more white people in the latter
>most happy fighting
This is a hard question, because most nonwhite countries are also inhospitable deserts that would be a complete bitch to fight in.
Maybe Mexico. Or China.

My country has conscription, I served my training with feeling of dissapointment, I want to go to serve my country more. Jaeger company training ain't enough I want to do more. Hell if the Americans would hire me and I could go easy on the basic training without listening to some corporal's bullshit i'd even be ready to serve you bastards at any war.

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Whichever one hasnt discovered modern weaponry.

No sonny, you'll be going to fight with me against ruskies. You take the FN minimi and i'll take an AK variant we'll be undefeatable combination, close quarters? No worries i'll stab the fucker! WW3 here we come fuck yeah!

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I see a tumor

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Oh you met Sweden?

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Anywhere else.


The Boers are calling

With enough payment i'll even go to south africa.

Mexico then Ireland. California would be a bonus.

>most happy

China, Best Korea, any country in the Middle East (For me it would be round 2), any country in Africa other than Rwanda, Any Country in South America other than Chile, Mexico, Turkey, and Cuba


Canada, because you gotta love your hat man


>Imports drugs into america.
>Heroin from this country is the biggest killer of our people and the biggest societal problem
>Heroin from this country is the biggest killer of white people
>nobody agknolwledges this
>people from this country rape our heroin addicted sisters
>Brings crimes, refugees from the drug war.
>Kills it's own people
>Corrupt failed state
>Right next door
>Room for expansion
>Right next door
>Good place for invasion

Did I mention it's right there next to us, ripe for the taking?

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Preferably somewhere more fun. US army sucks ass nowadays. No drinking anymore, even overseas it’s almost a garrison-type environment, you’re lucky to see combat unless you’re infantry or SF. Girls are nasty dykes unless you find an air force girl. Boring as shit.

California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois